Saturday, February 12, 2022

On IDing the Source

 An diverse offering from the Department of Poop Emojis,

with sample set collected by ampersand. 

Note from Dept. of D.E.I.: Blue Moon Ice Cream was left off the list.


MamaM said...

Do you know how many bottle of red food coloring the original Waldorf Astoria Cake recipe called for? My mom used to make it. It was two large bottles, and that was before they found it to be carcinogenic and changed the forumula so it's now more of a purply brown shade of red than it was before.

The Blue Moon Ice Cream was a surprise my kids discovered. Fruity Pebbles does a number on the color too.

NorthOfTheOneOhOne said...

So, if I'm reading this right, the Baby colored one means you ate a baby?

Ewwwww! What kind of blog are you people running here?

NorthOfTheOneOhOne said...

Definitely needs a "Last Night's Mexican Dinner" entry.

MamaM said...

Last Nights Mexican Dinner would have run all over the border and tainted the rest of the sample set with too much back splash.

NorthOfThe101--It's a blog visited primarily by men, some of whom, despite their devotion to the female breast, may be unaware that poop of that color is what babies who receive their sole nourishment from breast milk produce. Given the recent exposure of a fixation on milk fed veal, though, it's hard to know who's consuming what, so babes and babies aren't completely off the table.

MamaM said...

Correction, the fixation was on the glory and wonder of milk-fed bat girls, not veal.

ampersand said...

My father panicked one morning and wanted to be taken to the emergency room. His stool was very red and feared it was blood. Turns out he had, for the first time, some red velvet cake the night before. Surprise!

Someone claimed the cake was originally made from beet juice and were trying to recreate the recipe.

MamaM said...

It was the Red Velvet Cake Surprise that started me laughing, ampersand. Same with MrM when I read the selections to him. I wondered if it was your compilation. Then when I couldn't find anything similar with a Google search, I believed it was, given the whiff of creativity emanating from it. The Last Night's Mexican dinner thought gave me pause as well.