Friday, July 26, 2024

Black my ass:


I'll see your two and raise you three

This one speaks for itself

Interesting that confirmation is hard to find, but try this on for size. Things are starting to add up.

I'm guessing Brandon is either dead or so incapacitated by a stroke (my girl Laura), that they've had to do a Prisoner of Zenda. So why not invoke the 25th?

I think they want to peddle the zing of the First Woman PUS, the First Black Woman PUS, the First  Indian Woman PUS, the First Irish Woman PUS (one ancestor was an Irish slaveholder), the First Fellatrix PUS.

Or something.

And, yeah, the dumb kid, as always, was the fall guy.

Thursday, July 25, 2024

 Our new body double preznit is much taller than the old demented one:

These are just two photos that I found - there are others floating around. 

On One Big Mess & Blunder Woman


Wednesday, July 24, 2024

You make the call

I wanted to see how Brandon looked and sounded in his swan song. Well, I got my money's worth.

Take a look at this. Go in a few minutes until he starts to move and speak. Look carefully. The mouth, the eyes, the head, the hands. Is something out of sync? I won't be offended if anybody says I'm loopy.

Does it look like CGI? Maybe from one of those old sword and sandal imports from the 60s?

It just seems there's something off. Maybe the effects of a stroke. Maybe something else.

Maybe it's the blood thinners. I can't be sure.

A little something different

OK, batfans, riddle me this.

Over on YouTube, there's a striking number of young(er) black guys making content about how Chlamydia isn't black, all the abuses she committed in CA, how they don't want a black woman in the top spot, she dindu nuffin the last 4 years, getting mad over the race card, etc.

The Demos are rerunning the if you vote Trump, you ain't black thing again and it appears to be hitting a brick wall.

I've said here before that young blacks seemed to sour on Zippy around '14 in the aftermath of the Ferguson thing, calling him halfa cracka, etc. The way the Demos tried to railroad Trump really resonated with them, much as the lynch mob at Brother Bret's confirmation did. The way he comported himself at the shooting, likewise.

Van Jones once observed if the Democrat party lost 10% of the black vote, they were finished. If you buy the polls (wait till Labor Day when everybody's back from vaca), the Demos may lost 20%.

It's easy to be cynical and just as easy to be optimistic, but we're hearing the same from the Hisdpanics over the illegals. Given so many groups were already moving Right, and now we have a Hamas girl running for the top spot, actively snubbing Benjamin Netanyahu as he addressed Congress, it appears even the Jewish vote is leaving.

Is this one of those moments like the election of Abraham Lincoln or Franklin Roosevelt? Granted it was 70 years between those guys and 90 from '32, but something seismic seems to be happening (not unlike all the gyrations the Demos have gone through the last 5 years or so). In this context, it's almost like the war of the angels in Paradise Lost.

First, of course, we have to win and any help we can get is welcome.

The deeper we go, the thicker the mud

For those who can't believe the Feds would never abet a crime, try this one on for size. Apparently, the the shooter's home was scrubbed clean like a “Medical Lab” with no silverware or trash found in the home

And it gets better. The sack of slime that heads the FIB (mister, we could use a man like J Edgar again) admits they're not looking into why Trump was allowed on stage after the shooter was spotted.

And it just keeps getting better. He says the last thing the shooter looked up was the Kennedy assassination. According to the NY Post, the shooter's last online search was for porn, this on the word of a "senior LEO".

FIB got a lot of 'splainin' to do

It didn't take long for the FIB to come out with their stock Lone Shooter rap.

Well, the head of the PA state fuzz (shouldn't put it like that; they're nowhere near as bad as other states) told the Congressional committee there were 3 other suspicious people IDed that day.

Remember the reports of forensic evidence of 3 or 4 shooters? Well, looks like those guys in their PJs have struckt agin. And FIB's a lot bigger target than Dan Blather.

OT, but interesting. This story has been floating around the Interwebz for about a month.

From what I've read, there are another 7 states, but this makes the point.

Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Whut in the wide, wide world o' sports is a-goin' on here?

This is so cute.

2 weeks ago, my girl, Laura Loomer claimed Brandon had some kind of emergency on Air Force One. Stuff and nonsense, they said. Stuffed with nonsense, I thought. They're hiding something.

Then comes the big withdrawl and everybody notices where's the Big Guy? Well, the plot thickens.

Now we get a report from a Vegas TV station Brandon had to be flown back to the East Coast. So fast, it's said, the plane actually shook. Corroboration from Tucker Carlson at the 3:00 mark.

If Brandon is dead or incapacitated, that kicks the 25th Amendment, which makes Chlamydia PUS. That would force her to go in front of the cameras and actually talk. You can bet that's the last thing the fathers of the Democrat party would want.

Supposedly, Brandon will descend on DC come Tuesday (like today?). If so, where are he?

I can't help but wonder if God is reading The Prisoner Of Zenda.

UPDATE: Somebody looking like him showed up today. There's a school of thought there's a body double when he actually has to talk. Not quite the catatonic he was on Juneteenth, but not much improvement. What I loved was, after he did his wussy little salute, it looked like he was trying to bless the crowd as a real Pope (not the Commie) would do.

The next few days could be interesting. Like how soon he goes back to Rehoboth.

UPDATE: According to The Blonde, a person could have a stroke and still remain marginally functional. It depends on the damage and to what part of the brain.

So, is this merely to keep the 25th Amendment from being invoked?

Just as the mask fell during the debate, I have a feeling the truth is going to come out about this.

And the hits just keep on comin'

OK, ladies and germs, we've been treated to a non-stop parade of goofs and anomalies over what happened when the gunfire went down, but here are some nuggets that make the single bullet theory look like child's play.

1 Remember those encrypted accounts? That was just the beginning. Turns out the shooter had someone visit him who also visited a building in Washington, DC located in Gallery Place.This is in the same vicinity of an FBI  office on June 26, 2023. 

2 Photos of the scene show minimal blood. According to an MD with 20 years of ER experience, there should be massive amounts of blood. As The Blonde has told me innumerable times, any head would will bleed profusely.

3 This is from a whistleblower, so take with some caution. There was somebody assigned to that roof that was too sloped, but abandoned his post due to the heat.

Shades of Ford's Theater.

And let us all give thanks to Dr Tim Berners-Lee. Withou the Internet, we would be at the mercy of the 3 networks.

Monday, July 22, 2024

Where the Hell is Mycroft Holmes when we need him?

This is just too cute.

They haul the misDirectress of the Secret Service up before a Congressional committee. Somebody asks her how many shell casings on the roof. She says (are you ready?) she's knows, but won't tell. She's also asked if the shooter acted alone. She refers them to the FIB.

Contempt of Congress, anyone?

UPDATE The misDirectress of the Secret Service just resigned. Start the pool now.

Latest coup coverup:

 Biden mortuus est, dum vivo praesidens gallus potator.

Shades of James Earl Ray

More swell news.

And, again, off a maverick R Congressman who figures Americans deserve to know the truth.

Turns out our shooter had a couple of cell phones to go with those 3 encryped accounts. So, yeah, he was communicating with somebody about this.

A few Congressmen are trying to get to the truth and the FIB is stonewalling them.

In the immortal words of Stephen Stills:

There's something happening hereBut what it is ain't exactly clearThere's a man with a gun over thereTelling me I got to beware
There's battle lines being drawnNobody's right if everybody's wrongYoung people speaking their mindsGetting so much resistance from behind
What a field day for the heat (Ooh ooh ooh)A thousand people in the street (Ooh ooh ooh)Singing songs and they carrying signs (Ooh ooh ooh)Mostly say, "Hooray for our side" (Ooh ooh ooh)
Paranoia strikes deepInto your life it will creepIt starts when you're always afraidStep out of line, the man come and take you away

I think it's time we stopChildren, what's that sound?Everybody look, what's going down?