Monday, September 3, 2018


This .gif seen on Ace overnight thread by Misanthropic Humanitarian reminded me of something similar. At Ace it is a link titled "ouch."

Wish I knew what the guy threw his firecracker into.

A long time ago most likely in my mid 20's or possibly early 30's I went through a metaphysical phase that lasted a long time. I read all of the books in that category at the bookstore nearest my work. No idle brag. I read all of the books on the shelves in that section. That's what led to Urantia. The big fat book of thin pages with type from from margin to margin and no relief with photos, with content the size of the Bible except more difficult of comprehension.  It was the last book to read in the section. The one I kept putting off. Some of the books had meditation exercises, others had exercises for lowering your brainwaves to induce psychic events, for creating out-of-body experiences, and others for simple prayer. It included weird books by celebrities, and alien abductions.

One time during that book-reading and psychic exercise doing period I had a very good friend who over time had become a major asshole. 

And I mean major.

I knew what his problems were. He told me. But he also had problems that he didn't tell. He had personal problems that he didn't fully understand himself. He is a complex personality. I must say, an incredibly strong personality. Magnetic, actually. Positively so, I watched this in amazement more than just a few times. He exudes power and that's a magnetically attractive trait. It radiates from himself invisibly such that people are actually physically attracted to him, and within minutes people gather around him. You can see this by his simple entry into a room filled with people. Not particularly attractive, and with no power-walk, no stomping in, nothing noticeable behaviorally, he nonetheless attracts people to himself. Over and over I've seen people gravitate to him. They want his success to rub onto themselves, without even knowing what that success might be. They want his approval. The whole thing operates on a subliminal psychic level. It's amazing to behold.

And then, he's become  a giant impossible asshole.

One night, in a different house, in a different part of town, I was laying on my back on my bed and opened a psychic line to channel positive energy his way. It went along the lines of "here's some positive energy to help you stop being such a gigantic asshole." Mentally, I lobbed the energy as a soft serve and it instantly rebounded back as hard return, powerfully rejected, as a tennis ball, so hard it literally, physically knocked me so that I rolled sideways on the bed. Pow, right in my physical body.

The guy gives psychic events no credence whatsoever. To him dreams are all bogus crap, and intuition doesn't exist, he is fully materially-focused. He would deny all that I'm saying, yet I marveled at his invisible psychic defenses. His psychic wall is impenetrable. 

And that forced me to recall in one of the books that you cannot pray for someone who doesn't want or doesn't accept your prayer. You must have their permission first. People must want our psychic energy for it to be accepted, or else it just flat doesn't work. Not ever. My whole approach was wrong. His psyche rejected my psyche's premise, that he needs help. He didn't want my psychic help BLAM! There's your psychic assistance returned harshly and with tremendous impatience. Even though in real life he denies that psychic barrier even exists.

Then, years later I'm in hospital intensive care, and it doesn't look good. All kinds of people are coming into my room. St. Joseph's, a Catholic hospital. Religious stuff all over the place. A group of men and women entered my room. They introduced themselves as a prayer group and they asked me if I would care to accept a group prayer for my healing. 

This is like 7th Day Adventists appearing at your door.

I'm laying there as prisoner with tubes into both arms, electric wires all over, even a tube in my dick to a bag, I must lay there in torture without moving, I cannot turn to a side, as I do, and miserably, I'm rocking a hemorrhoid the size of Montana, this was the worst moments of my life, so I'm thinking, what the heck, "Sure." 

They were so sweet.

Going room to room like that. Hanging out at the hospital, entering the rooms of the worst cases. Doing the thing that they do. 

And just like the books said, they asked my permission. 

It was easy to see how they might enter a room of a person who actually wants to die. And what kind of group prayer would that be? 

Then, that night, the singularly most impressive event occurred that superseded everything else that occurred during that previous period of study and daily exercises, and since. It was awe-inspiring. It was life-changing. The direction of my physical health came to a Y and changed directions sharply. That night, spirits surrounded me in great numbers, I could see them collecting, crowding around me, piling up in all directions outward such they could not possibly fit in the room. It was a class headed by a master and I am the subject of demonstration. The master is infusing me with healing information in amounts too great for me to assimilate, I don't understand what he is communicating, too much, too fast, too intensely for me to take in, I cannot follow instructions, I cannot keep up. I despair. 

"I can not follow you! I'll forget all of this. I cannot comprehend it all." 

"You don't have to. Relax. We're talking to your body directly. We're communicating with your organs. Your mind needn't be concerned. We're instructing your cells how to heal." 


The observers appeared merely to watch this. It's their area of interest. The ones most intensely interested organized automatically to be nearest the master. They assisted this cellular instruction. The rest, packed by the thousands merely watched, a vast concourse of celestial intelligences watching this being done to me. It was an event. A spiritual concert. 

Through the long night they collected, they came and went at the edges, finally they began to dissipate, peeling off from the outer edges. Suddenly only the master and a few remained. Then the master is gone. Then only a few remnant hanging on spirits.  "Why are you guys even here?" 

"We're here because you invited us." 

"I did?" 

"Yes, you did. When you said 'yes' to the prayer group. They called for us." 

Now there's only a few with me. 

Now they're all gone.

I hear someone approaching. I cannot see them but I hear them enter the room.

"You're a human, aren't you." 

*laughs* "Yes, I am a human. How did you figure that out?" 

"Because you're the only one around here who has footsteps." 

That ridiculous remark caused the nurse to take to me. I amused her. I'm interesting to her. I'm different. We hit it off very well. The best of all the nurses to date.

I told her what had just happened that was so incredibly mind-blowing to me, that so reaffirmed spiritual reality for me.

"There really was a doctor here last night. A surgeon. And he really did have a team of assistants. The room really was filled with people. And you were a difficult case."


"Your lung biopsy was scheduled for tomorrow, but since you were taken to ICU they decided to go ahead and do it last night. You wouldn't shut up. You talked the whole way through. The surgeon told us he's never had anyone talk so much as you under anesthesia. He told you to be quiet multiple times but you just kept right on talking. He had to give up putting the equipment through your mouth and go through your nasal passage instead." 



"I had the most extraordinary psychic experience that proves to me firsthand spiritual reality, and you medical guys dismiss it because it overlaps so precisely what occurred in this thick heavy slow physical reality. My intense brilliant experience dismissed poof just like that. Now, no one will believe me. It's purely personal."

"Well, you know, the actual physical reality that occurred last night is intense and brilliant itself." 

"I know that. Brilliant as all that medical advancement is, the clunky thick hardness of it is still the shadow of the super-real spiritual reality that talks directly to my physical cells. And in this world, all that greater more real than physical reality is dismissed as effects of anesthesia. Typical. It's why scientific-minded never have satisfactory proof of spiritual reality."

She gave me a book that she bought herself. One that helped her understand things like this. A book intended to express we're on the same plane here. It is a Catholic hospital after all.

I read the book in five minutes. Disappointed. It was so far below the level of what had just happened. Yet as token of understanding, it meant the world to me. I've struck it up with a lot of nurses, and she's the only nurse who's ever done anything like that. 


edutcher said...

Hey, y'all, watch this!

ricpic said...

I think it's true that there is something immaterial. Something that sustains us. Through the worst. I don't know that I would use the word spirits, but that's a minor quibble. To me what rang true about your experience was that the spirits told you to relax (and let them do their work). I had a parallel experience not that long ago.

MamaM said...

Powerful experience and story ChipA. Well told, inviting me to receive what was sent out as believable and not lob it back as unacceptable or incompatible with my field of understanding.

Unusual too that the nurse with the token of understanding was the one who was present with you during your awakened return to slower, thicker, heavier physical reality.

Dad Bones said...

A great story. Who - or what - should get the most credit? At any rate I think it was your power that attracted all that physical and ethereal healing energy. How it all works and why it sometimes doesn't work can be mysterious.

Your asshole friend was actually quite helpful in showing you something about healing energy. Years ago a coworker was diagnosed with ovarian cancer. She was in her late 30's and beautiful and I wanted her to beat it. I'd heard about sending healing energy and thought I'd give it a try even though I didn't know how to go about it, so I just did it. For two or three days full tilt. It knocked the hell outta me and I was a week recovering from it. Apparently I don't have what it takes for that line of work but she did rally for a short while before the cancer took her.

Amartel said...

Dude in the video throws like a girl. The universe threw it back at him, but not like a girl. Ouch, indeed.

Very affecting vision that you had. Definitely not the doctors. Some beings riding shotgun on their earthly works. I like the story about the Asshole-American who could not receive prayers, inadvertently blocked them absolutely by not being receptive. I guess the lesson is to keep an open mind on these matters.

XRay said...

Crikes, Dad Bones, sad story yourself.

I think we make our own spirits, with our own energy, only seeing them as well and as much as we are strong, or weak enough, to see. When strong we don't see them as we don't need them. When ill and more in need we find our spirits in the labyrinth of our mind. Which, when you're walking around in there, real 'is' just a state of mind subject to universal permutations.

"Urantia". Yeah, I've flipped the pages a few times on that work, years ago. I thought about reading it but just couldn't see taking the chance that it was gibberish through and through and I'd be wasting my time. I would've needed a Cliff Notes version... with the point of the book laid out in black heavy bold... so I could see if it was worth it.

chickelit said...

The kid probably lost an eye in that video. Pretty sick injury porn.

deborah said...

Thanks for a great post, Chip. Impressive reading feat. Did you ever come across Henry Corbin? I think he's at the very edge of how far I went on youtube. You know, as you look at stuff on youtube it keeps taking you a little closer to the fringe. Corbin, and I can't really remember what he was about, angels and stuff, was okay, I think, but I didn't look closely. After that it wanted to take me to Reptilian-like stuff. Well, maybe not that far.

What a coincidence that the best nurse you ever had was on duty for your experience.

Amartel said...

This video should have "Jumpin' Jack Flash" playing on the soundtrack. Born in a crossfire hurricane. Man.