Monday, September 3, 2018

Labor Day


deborah said...

Happy Labor Day, all. Raise your hand if you did absolutely no celebrating. *raises hand* Ahhhhh.

deborah said...


edutcher said...

Labor Day only counts if you're in a union and must vote Democrat or the goons come for you.

Amartel said...

The best.

ampersand said...

My summers are passing too quickly.

MamaM said...

I experience Labor Day as the marked end of summer and I celebrated by setting up the new At-A-Glance 16 month paper calendar I'd ordered for 2018-2019. The weather was wet, muggy and overcast so it was a good day to do that while the Mmen attended to minor projects of the type one does when wanting to enjoy a day off without getting too involved or sweaty tackling something more extensive.

I read ChipA's story and comments to them as they were sitting around waiting for the ribs and baked beans to come out of the oven, and we had a good time laughing (it's a good read-aloud)and talking about it before sharing a dinner that began with a short, sincere and heartfelt prayer of thankfulness for the food, meaningful work, and times of rest and refreshment.

As Labor Days go, it was a good one.

AllenS said...

The uniform of the day. A long time ago.