Monday, September 3, 2018

A listing of participants

This is the name of a page on a website called the Markets Work run by Jeff Carlson, and it is awesome. The whole site is awesome.

I was linked to another page on the site that discusses the role of Nelly Ohr who was working for Fusion through the period of the FBI and DOJ attempt to discredit Donald Trump that is still going on through the Mueller investigation. Then I went to the home page that lists other pages, and each one is a great read. The whole place is deeply impressive.

Man, some people sure are smart.

As I read the page titled "A listing of Participants" I realized, wow, the swamp really is being drained.

The categories of people is amazing: Resignations/Firings -DOJ (non-FBI), Resignations/Firings FBI, FBI -- Assignments Away from FBI Headquarters, Other Notable Retirements, Intelligence Officials -- US, Intelligence Officials -- Britain, Intelligence Officials --Australia, Obama Officials, Clinton Campaign/DNC, and so on for 20 more categories.

Then the names: John Carlin -- Assistant Attorney General -- Head of DOJ's National Security Division -- resigned, Sally Yates -- Deputy Attorney General, Acting Attorney General -- fired, Mary McCord -- Acting Assistant Attorney General -- Acting Head of DOJ's National Security Division  (replacing John Carlin -- resigned, and so on for an impossibly long list. I counted to 100 and got about 1/3 of the page down. A lot of the people are still around. They've been discredited, but in their world that doesn't matter so long as they're still useful to it in some way, like John Kerry and John Brennan, Sidney Blumenthal, Terry McAuliffe, and many others. The list is useful to us for describing their roles and in comprehending the vastness of this very real conspiracy against United States voters.

Going through the pages is like looking at the files that form the armature of an author's future book. Jeff Carlson (or anyone, actually) has only to draw upon these files to write a magnificent sweeping exposé of government corruption.

And when we see these same people on t.v., if anyone is still watching that thing, we can think to ourselves, "another barking dog soon to be run over by the bus it is chasing," and know solidly why we know that about them.


edutcher said...

Facts are murder to those people.

deborah said...

Mind-blowing list, phenomenal resource.