Tuesday, February 22, 2022

They will never learn


They are beating the drums for war just like they always do.

The New York Post is full of editorials demanding that we stop Russia and what they are doing in the Ukraine. They wail and cry that this is just the first step in Russia taking back the rest of Eastern Europe and somehow it is our problem, so we have to send troops or impose sanctions or some other shit.

As Tucker Carlson has so ably pointed out we should be worried about our border not Ukraine's as it is really not any of our business. The Ukraine has long been a part of Russia and we really should not dip our beak into that mess. Most of the inhabitants of the two disputed provinces are ethnic Russians and would welcome the control by Moscow. So let them take back their country and lets not be the policeman of the world.

We have enough problems with our own policeman who are enforcing illegal and immoral mask mandates and arresting people who protest. We need to clean up our own house.

America first. Let the European weenies worry about their problems. We aren't responsible for them anymore. They hate us and only want to take our money and let us expend our blood and treasure defending them. It's time to come home. 

America first. 


windbag said...

A couple of observations about this non-issue. Russia "invaded" Ukraine overnight, according the the US gubmint. Funny, but the markets didn't react to that. An acquaintance is from Ukraine, with family still living there. They are unconcerned. They aren't begging the acquaintance for assistance in getting a visa or green card to flee. They acknowledge that there are skirmishes outside the city (they live in Kiev), but that's been going on for years and they don't pay any attention to it.

You're right. We've stuck our nose into too many other people's fights, only to end up bloodied ourselves. America first.

edutcher said...

OTOH this is how the Big One started. We tried America First and had war thrust upon us.

Poot wants to reconstitute the Soviet Union, but he's using what Georgie Patton called the rock soup method. Pushing 70, he's only going to get so far. It would be nice if we had a real government that was credible, but you go to war with what you've got, as someone once observed. What makes all this dangerous is that our current mess, and the world situation with which he's expected to deal, could give ol' Vlad ideas and we all know how that goes.

Maybe, if the truck convoy does strangle DC, they'll start demanding reinstatement. I think people are beginning to realize it's our only way out of this.