Tuesday, August 19, 2014

CNN: Caller says she has the officer's side of the Ferguson shooting (Update*)


"The officer who killed Brown says the teenager rushed at him full speed in the moments before the shooting, according to an account phoned in to a St. Louis radio station and confirmed by a source with detailed knowledge of the investigation."
According to the version on KFTK, phoned in by a woman who identified herself as "Josie," the altercation on August 9 began after Officer Darren Wilson rolled down his window to tell Brown and a friend to stop walking in the street.

When Wilson tried to get out of his cruiser, Brown first tried to push the officer back into the car, then punched him in the face and grabbed for his gun before breaking free after the gun went off once, the caller said.

Wilson pursued Brown and his friend, ordering them to freeze, according to the account. When they turned around, Brown began taunting Wilson, saying he would not arrest them, then ran at the officer at full speed, the caller said.

Wilson then began shooting. The final shot was to Brown's forehead, and the teenager fell two or three feet in front of Wilson, said the caller, who identified herself as the officer's friend.

A source with detailed knowledge of the investigation later told CNN the caller's account is "accurate," in that it matches what Wilson has told investigators.
Update*: Local St. Louis sources said Wilson suffered an “orbital blowout fracture to the eye socket.” This comes from a source within the District Attorney’s office and confirmed by the St. Louis County Police.


Lem Vibe Banditory said...

When they turned around, Brown began taunting Wilson, saying he would not arrest them...

That officer Wilson would behave just as the convenience store owner had behaved, just a short time before.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

BTW... this account squares very closely with the Facebook post account MH posted Sunday night.

Calypso Facto said...

Because DOJ gave the lies about the incident a 10-day head start, this will go down as another Trayvon case, where the facts won't impact the collective imagery or memory.

Shouting Thomas said...

You mean, the cop is allowed to have his side?

Shouting Thomas said...

How many alleged "freebie" felonies does a gentle giant of a black person get before they count toward the record?

The Dude said...

Idiot got what he wanted and what he deserved.

Some people need killin'.

bagoh20 said...

~I've seen the lies and the damage done.

A little part of it in everyone
But every thug's
Like a settin' sun~

As I said at the beginning, remember who lied, and the damage they do year after year. Racism is a problem for Blacks in this country, but it's overwhelmingly a problem only they can solve. I think a lot of people are addicted to that problem, and like any damaging addiction, the people around them also pay the price.

Shouting Thomas said...

And he was on the way to grandma's house!

edutcher said...

I posted a version of this from Gateway Pundit over the weekend, but this is more detailed.

If this is the cop's story, not just hearsay, and it holds up, Trayvon II is toast.

edutcher said...

FWIW, off Drudge, cops say there are a dozen witnesses to back up the account.

Rabel said...

The only thing I'm fairly sure of right now is that the officer made a very poor procedural decision when he stopped his vehicle and attempted to exit while close enough to the perp to allow him to contact the door while the officer was was attempting to exit the vehicle and vulnerable to attack.

William said...

It's certainly a credible story. The story that Wilson's friend told seems far fetched. I saw an interview with the friend on CNN. The reporter didn't ask a single skeptical question.....The bias of the media is palpable. They're in Ferguson to report on police brutality. So far, by my count, there have been five shootings at the protests. None were by the police. Protester on protester violence. The media has not reported on their names and the circumstances of their shootings. The two reporters who got arrested at McDonald's have received far more coverage than, say, that store owner whose business has been looted and who lives in fear of his life because he had a surveillance camera.

William said...

Also, another witness, Piaget Crenshaw, said that Wilson tried to pull Brown through the window of his car, that Brown broke free, and ran away. Wilson got out of his car, shot at Brown, "grazing" him in his arm. Brown then turned around and surrendered. That's when Wilson unloaded his revolver......Can anyone besides myself notice a few discrepancies in this story. Well, the reporter didn't. Again, not a single probing question......Can someone explain what combination of economic deprivation and racism forced Brown to steal those cigars and bully the store clerk. In point of fact, those looters are the one who are appropriately honoring Brown's legacy.

Dust Bunny Queen said...

The police and National Guard should just 'stand down' and let the protestors and rioters have at the town. Protest and riot to their little heart's content. Build a cordon around the town to keep everyone out and let the normal people escape from this shithole if they want to. Air drop in some food and water. It might be nice to keep the media trapped in this hell hole where they are purposely stirring the pot. Let actions take their natural course. Turn Ferguson into a steaming pile of rubble. How do you like your town now? Whose fault is it?

No confrontations from the police. No protecting people who don't appreciate it or don't want you to be there, evidently. They, the police and guard, can't do anything to please anyone. There is nothing they can do that will make anyone happy or to improve the situation. So they should just do nothing. Leave it all alone and come back in about 6 months.

Sorry for all the normal, law abiding people in the town. BUT.....where were you before. Where are you NOW?

Unknown said...

Imagine attempting to reach for a cop's gun. That alone is some serious sh*t.

edutcher said...

FWIW, Wilson's injuries included anorbital blowout fracture to his eye socket.

The guy was fighting for his life.

Tank said...

The interesting (to me) thing about the Brown Robbery video is how calm it all is. He and his friend saunter into the local convenience store, locate what they want, take it, and start to leave. They do not run. They do not hurry in any way. Just another day. When the store owner or manager tries to stop them, Brown swats him away like a fly. La la la. Then they walk out. The store employees are too scared (rightly so) to call the police.

What is the likelihood that this is the first time Brown did this?

Revenant said...

If this is the best story the police have been able to come up with after a week, it doesn't look good.

Trooper York said...

I like DBQ's solution. Quarantine the area. Treat it like Ebola or something.

Trooper York said...

The shooting is totally different then what is happening now.

Aridog said...

William said...

It's certainly a credible story. The story that Wilson's friend told seems far fetched.

I think you meant Brown's friend, not Wilson's.

It was Brown's friend who gave us the shot in the back stuff and / or the shot while hands up surrendering. The very term "grazed" is suspect...that's a Hollywood word.

Trooper York said...

Criminals be they protestors or cops should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. No exceptions.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Now, I'm hearing from Rush that this call... posted by CNN... may be fraudulent too.

Unknown said...

I know whenever I get pulled over for speeding, or after I rob a convenience store, I always attempt to grab the cop's gun. Then I taunt the officer and verbally abuse him and then I physically charge at him. I'm not 300 lbs, so we all have a good laugh. Good times.

I'm currently working on adding 180 lbs to my weight so that I can keep up with the media approved trends.

Trooper York said...

But in the meantime build a fire wall and let it burn out by its own accord.

Let them vent. What could go wrong? It's not like they are worthless savages after all. Right?

Aridog said...

Revenant said...

If this is the best story the police have been able to come up with after a week, it doesn't look good.

Please elaborate.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

It's dejavu all over again...

St. Louis City police shoot, kill knife-wielding suspect..

The Dude said...

I just read that the store that large dusky gentleman was "visiting" is a known front for Hamas money laundering.

Might explain why ISIS is so popular with the crowd.

Michael Haz said...

When they turned around, Brown began taunting Wilson, saying he would not arrest them..

Taunting him while Wilson was probably still reeling from having one eye socket bashed, probably not able to see out of one eye, still juiced on adrenalin after Brown nearly killed him with his own gun, then Brown turns back and charges him at full run, as if to finish the job.

Who wouldn't empty a clip in fear for one's life?

ndspinelli said...

I had a blowout fracture of my orbital bone[right eye] my jr. year in high school. It takes a strong blow. I was kicked in the face[through my face mask]. I was out on my feet for 3 plays. I didn't come to until taken out of the game. I had a concussion and saw double for 6 months.

Meade said...

"I had a blowout fracture of my orbital bone[right eye] my jr. year in high school."

Poor baby. Let's make this all about you.

The Dude said...

Over at Insty (the ever-faithful FoA) today:

Blondie writes: Ezra speaks of Obama's 2008 "Race Speech" as the sort of speech that his opponents long for, but go back and read it. It's studded with lines like "The profound mistake of Reverend Wright's sermons," and "Reverend Wright's comments were not only wrong but divisive, divisive at a time when we need unity...." We may remember that speech as extremely powerful, but ...

What? WE may remember it as extremely powerful? What a total ditz Althouse is. She voted for this abortion of a president, and the diseased mind that drove her to do it is still very much in evidence.


Too Old To Work
Althouse says that she voted for him in 2008 because he was bland and she didn't want a demagogue.

Not a demagogue? The "lightworker". Not a demagogue?

Is Althouse really that naive?

Of course it's probably "vaguely racist" that Americans like bland.

How does a person as stupid as Althouse get to be a law professor?

Please warn us in the future if you're linking to her blog. I really need to stay away because my IQ drops every time I read her drivel.

How does a person as stupid as Althouse get to be a law professor?

Well, look at the university where she works.

Althouse isn't naive; she's a clown.

Titus said...

St. Louis is another one of those dead midwest towns.

Lost a huge amount of their population and the place is a hellhole....like Detroit, Milwaukee and Cleavey.

The midwest is gross and their blacks aren't even hot.


Michael Haz said...

Sixty - than kew.

The Dude said...

Barrel fishin', my brother...

rcocean said...

"The police and National Guard should just 'stand down' and let the protestors and rioters have at the town."

The problem is the protesters are either out-of-towners or section 8 apartment dwellers. Once they've burnt it to the ground, they'll just go on to another place. Of course, if you wish to make the town a life sentence. I'm all for that.

Aridog said...

What scares me, seriously, is that I am becoming cynical enough to agree with rcocean at 10:33 PM...I was never this close to just saying f'it all before.

poppa india said...

Reading ndspinelli's comment brought back memories of my senior year in high school, when I tried to grab a squirt gun out of the hand of a guy who was squirting me. He was 6'+, about 250#, I was 6', 145#. The next thing I knew I was standing in another room with a chipped tooth, bloody lip, and a squirt gun in my hand, with no idea what had happened. They said I bounced off a wall and walked up to the guy, grabbed the gun and walked out of the room. The point of all this is perhaps Wilson was "out on his feet" and reverted to training to both pursue and to defend himself. If he was acting under the influence of a concussion from an attack on him, it could be a defense against the "execution" charges.

Aridog said...

Well howdy Poppa India, it's good to see you are still with us ;)

When you get a chance let me know by email how your son is doing with Ft Bragg and Special Ops.

Anyway...I need to talk to an "old vet", sooner than later, about some issues currently with DOD Criminal Investigative Services that relate to my recent employment, but do not indict me....just disgust me. Don't know how people swear an oath and break it so easily. I feel to vomit.

I've had one too many cognacs now so I've already said to f'ing much.


Aridog said...

PS: I should mention that Poppa India and I went to high school together in a fantastic north woods boondocks school, subsequently went to Vietnam, etc etc....we only reacquainted ourselves a couple or more years ago by talking on line elsewhere (TOP I think) and he recognized our similar backgrounds.

All y'all need to get him to speak up more here, he is the real deal and thoughtful...e.g., no nonsense.

Aridog said...

Shit...I should also say that Poppa India's right about being out on your feet and still functioning...it has happened to me a few times when I was literally shocked by concussion or direct blow.

One concussive explosion in a hootch with a tile roof that I was too close to(a piece of which knocked me silly) that blew out my left eye socket, including the orbital floor, cheek bone, broken nose, broken upper jaw left side, eyeball hanging down to my lips, etc...somehow I managed to return to my squad and to our base. Army Evac Hospital folks healed me better than God could have (please excuse my sacrilege), bless their hearts...10 days and I was back with my squad, double vision left within 2 months.

So yeah, you can be knocked stupid and still react as trained. For days at times before you "fall out." Been there, done that....just like 2.5 million in my day and another million or so in our current day. Nothing special...it just is what it is...and it is why until I see evidence otherwise, I support Officer Wilson.

Aridog said...

Now I gotta STFU ;)

Aridog said...

Like the "One more thing" segment on Fox's "The Five"....Hey Meade, you sniveling pussy, do you really want to talk about blow out fractures of orbital floors as some kid of silly personal thing? You ever had one?

Didn't think so. Or maybe you have? Tell us, its so special....

It's really fun when you can lick your eyeball with your tongue because it is hanging out so low. Really cool when you wake up in your fart sack and see it first time in the mirror you shave with...very confusing. Then you go to the nearest dispensary. It's even prettier when you see it after surgery and it is all blood red (shot) due to the vacuum device used to protect it.

WHY do you visit here? Really?