Wednesday, July 19, 2023

Letters to the Network

This little rant (or gloat, take your pick) was inspired by a little piece lifted from Your Tango. Given we're seeing what looks like another piece of the 50 year itch, I though it might be worth cogitating the possibilities.

Consider how fed up the grandchildren of the 60s (actually late 60s) are getting with what the Lefty Boomers have given them. A lot of women worked inside the home and loved it. Thanks to the feminuts, they feel obliged to get a job.

And they hate it.

Paradise isn't what it's cracked up to be, as the Blexit crowd has also learned. 50 years on and things are worse, instead of better. The best President of their lives has been Donald Trump and inner city crime and corruption has become unbearable under exclusive Democrat rule (as opposed to governance), not to mention inflation and unemployment.

For women, the rise of the gender crowd, elbowing them out of women's sports with the enthusiastic encouragement of the Lefty establishment, seems to have become the last straw. Add to that, Red flight from Blue states, near universal rejection of the latest fronts in the culture war (Bud Light, anyone?), and the complete "So What?" in reaction to the writers/actors strike and we may be looking at a real turning point.

As the old bumper sticker said, Give Her All The Equality She Demands - Until She Screams For Mercy.

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