Monday, August 10, 2015

DPRK News Service claims another victim

This is the parody North Korea Twitter account run by one of the Pope Hat contributors that tweets amusing statements presumably from official NK government source but obviously too ridiculous to be true. It's amusing because NK releases really do sound like that, but this takes things just a bit too far. One recent topic is Trump. Now that is funny right there, North Korea chiming in about Trump when the only thing they could say in real life would already be ridiculous so the aim now is to out-ridiculous the ridiculous North Koreans. A few samples:

Hilarious. It's impish. This is a lawyer goofing around. Doing this instead of real work, for fun, to jack with people, he loves it when people are tripped up and that becomes a new story. It reminds me of crossword constructor Dave Tuller, once you understand his type of trickster efforts then his puzzles become solvable, otherwise he is too outrageous to follow.  I'm glad I found this photo because these three constructors at the top are outstanding puzzle constructors, top of their field, and respected among other constructors. They all sit at the cool kid's table at tournament, one that looks a bit nerdy.

Morning Joe chomped on the Trump entry like a hungry fish. You would have to watch the show to notice Mark Halperin begin a discussion by citing this parody account. 

Mediate has the story. So do a lot of other sites.

Back at DPRK News Service:

Now you know, if you don't already Mark Halperin is too eager to ingest, too gluttonous, too rapacious for goodies of political nature he'll take anything in that tastes good. Scoop it in. Even from North Korea. His enthusiasm is over the top. Psychologically unhealthy. He must be mocked and mercilessly. Ridicule is his only brake.


bagoh20 said...

This is what happens when you try to substitute quoting or linking something on the internet in place of reason, logic, or facts. Take note Ritmo.

Most of us have keyboards. What do you expect to happen? There is much more bullshit out there in written form than there is reliable fact.

bagoh20 said...

This may be an example of what I'm saying, but it is fascinating:

Methadras said...

Oh, I thought this was one of Ritmo's twitter accounts. Phew, crisis averted.

William said...

North Korea is one of the few Communist countries you can openly mock. It's to Communist countries what Bill Cosby is to black celebrities. Don't direct this type of humor at Castro or Cuba......,,You can look it up. Many of our wisest intellectuals could find no functional difference between the authoritarian regime of South Korea and the Communists in North Korea. Several Black Panthers sought asylum in North Korea and praised that country to the skies. I think some of those Panthers now hold tenured university positions.