Friday, January 24, 2014


Shouting Thomas said...

Does that mean that the rat population is constantly refreshed by the cannibalism?

They never die out? New rats born out of eating old rats?

Is this a metaphor for Crack's blog?

Aridog said... come the UK U-Boats perhaps :)

Oh, ST ... of course you are correct, rats are just like Democrats who manage to multiply while eating their own.

I was once a Democrat until I was told by other Democrats I was traitorous and ill informed...although we all had the same information.

I left before I could be consumed.

Eric the Fruit Bat said...

I don't think the concern should be that the rats have had to resort to cannibalism to survive.

The concern should be . . . what if they haven't?

Lem Vibe Banditory said...
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Unknown said...

Who said it's Ok to tow a ship out to sea an let her go?

What an odd thing. I'll call it the bad ship Holder.

Unknown said...

Speaking of rats...

“This office and the FBI take a zero tolerance approach to corruption of the electoral process,” riiiiiight.

Unless it's democrats committing election fraud. They are waved through, and patted on the back.

edutcher said...

I'm with Ari, one fish square amidships.

PS Good one, April, on both points.

deborah said...

" fish square amidships."


Michael Haz said...

Just send out a cannibal cat ghost ship to intercept it. Problem solved.


I paid $1.82 per gallon for propane the last time I filled my 500 gallon tank. The tank is running low and more bitterly cold weather is coming. Called my supplier. IF they can get any propane, they can deliver not more than 100 gallons to my tank. And the price is $4.99 per gallon.

But hey, we've got windmills and solar panels and so forth.

ricpic said...

Who said it's Ok to tow a ship out to sea an let her go?

This is what I don't get. There has to be an easily identifiable owner and a huge fine, at the very least, for abandoning a liner at sea.

Leland said...

Polar Vortex finally pushed through Texas. Not much snow, but Ice Day! Except here, we have natural gas hookups straight to pipelines because Big Oil!

Unknown said...

Why not send Bieber, Lindsey Lohan and the Kardashians out on a reality show rescue mission?

deborah said...

Stay warm, Leland. How cold did it get?

Leland said...

It dropped to 26. It's only moved up to 28. To be honest, I expected it be thawing by now.

I just worked out a route home from college with my daughters. We have a celebration planned. Fortunately, we found a route that will get them within 20 minutes to the house before encountering a bridge.

deborah said...

Enjoy :)

KCFleming said...

A directionless, bankrupt and drifting ship full of rats feeding on each other?

It's the USS Obamanation!

Chip Ahoy said...

The company owned Canada quarter million in taxes so Canada was towing the ship to S.A. for scrap (value one million) tow line broke.

The rats are conjecture based on what a crew member mentioned a few years ago, the story developed from that.

The story expands to similar cases of strange things happening at sea, and you realize, wow, that really is the wild wild west out there, bigger than everything, you really are totally on your own at the mercy of merciless pitiless unforgiving Nature, and Man's very worst with Man's very best if you are lucky. And you wonder why you don't hear more stores like this one. Filed under environment.

And Canada is the original cannibal here, by my lights. What did Canada do that was constructive except lend its so-called legitimacy, and who knows, probably attractive tax rates.

Rabel said...

Cannibal rats? Utter nonsense.

What sort of low-brow, wal-mart-shopping, big-mac-gobbling hick eats canned rat.

This is how it's done in better circles.

Eric the Fruit Bat said...

You know what would be cool?

What if the S.S. Rat Ship drifted all the way over to the coast of Ethiopia and got boarded by pirates?

Tell me that wouldn't be poetic justice times eleventy.