Thursday, May 29, 2014

Jorge Ramos: Reporters ‘Cozy with Power,’ Act Like They’re in a Club

You turn on the TV, and you see very bland interviews. Journalists in the United States are very cozy with power, very close to those in power. They laugh with them. They go to the [White House] correspondents’ dinner with them. They have lunch together. They marry each other. They’re way too close to each other. I think as journalists we have to keep our distance from power.”

“I’m not seeing tough questions asked on American television,” he added later. “I’m not seeing those correspondents that would question those in power. It’s like a club. We are not asking the tough questions.”

Jorge Ramos Ávalos is a Mexican American journalist and author based in Miami, Florida.


Trooper York said...

Maybe we can get some Mexicans to do the job that Americans just don't want to do?

AllenS said...

Just wait, Jorge, if Republicans ever gain the power back, it will be a different media that you'll see.

Dust Bunny Queen said...

Cozy with power.

I think the term he is searching for is: incestuous.

Rabel said...

"short, thin, blue-eyed and silver-haired, he is often called the “Mexican Anderson Cooper”"

I don't think so.

Jorge's squeeze.

The Dude said...

Is he a Mexican or is he an American?

AllenS said...

Is that right, Rabel? If so, that's a lot of stuff to squeeze.

ricpic said...

America is imploding economically, last quarter revised to MINUS 1%, because...wait for it...we had a bad winter! Just heard that on CBS "News." The chutzpah of these suckups to the commie in chief is HUGH!

Eric the Fruit Bat said...

For me, having sex with Jorge's squeeze would be worth the risk of crying afterwards.

Rabel said...

"Is that right, Rabel?"

Right it is. "Dating" since 2011.

Rabel said...

Chiquinquirá is stiffening my support for illegal immigration. Or maybe my opposition. I'm finding it hard to think clearly.

Rabel said...

Just doing my part to bolster Lem's page views.

Unknown said...

ya think?

It's not only a club, it's a back-scratching money laundering narrative pimping daisy chain.

The Dude said...

Jorge Ramos Ávalos must translate to Chris-Craft in English.

Unknown said...
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Aridog said...

And teh thread winner is....

April Apple with:

It's not only a club, it's a back-scratching money laundering narrative pimping daisy chain.

Why can't I write good stuff like that?

Aridog said...

And Rabel gets the sustaining sponsor award for the lovely Chiquinquirá. Oh, yeah...

Aridog said...
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Rabel said...

Following up on my theme, and guided by a sense of fairness, here's a little journolist T&A for our friends Ritmo, PHX and ARM. It may also be of interest to Titus, I'm not quite sure how those things work.

The boys have gotten a little quite since the VA dealio.

Unknown said...

lol- Ari, Are you kidding me? I stink as a writer. Even though Ritmo is a red herring straw man burning squirrel - he has better prose.

But thanks. Means a lot and made my day.

Unknown said...

Of course -- A tough question means - asking the republican why he/she won't adopt amnesty.

Even though a majority of Americans understand that amnesty is unfair and that it undermines our immigration laws and will end up killing more jobs for American citizens.


Lem Vibe Banditory said...

White Hispanic is having trouble fitting in, feeling left out.

The white Hispanic does it better that the guys the girls/ratings go for... or something.

William said...

I think his observation is correct when it it comes to Democrats and journalists,and the fact that he doesn't specify Democrats indicates that he's part of the problem......This isn't a new phenomenon, but it does seem to be getting worse.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

An Althouse like tag would be Jorge Ramos is like Elliot Rodgers

Trooper York said...

If he is the Anderson Cooper of Mexico does that mean he likes a taco in his burrito hole?

ricpic said...

Hey Rabel, you blinded me with that last one. Not nice!

edutcher said...

I saw an ad for this guy's channel and was skeptical about him, but, if he really goes after everybody, good for him.

We need more like him.

Rabel said...

ricpic, you should see the ones I didn't link. A fish was involved.

I'm Full of Soup said...

How do you say "No shit Sherlock" in Spanish?