Wednesday, July 31, 2024
Hey Teddy,
You're gonna hate me
Well, there's another element in the Brandon mess that surpasses Doubleaughtwhatshisface. Looks like Solo and Kuryakin are going to need some special guest agents.
The Body Double Affair seems to be getting some substantiation. More people, it appears, are notcing the many heights of the lying dogfaced pony soldier. More to the point, you almost never see him close up. Fake News is kept way back.
So we have an issue here. Is there a President (other than Trump, of course)? If Brandon is non compos mentis or even non compos living, who's running the show? Chlamydia talks that way on occasion, but that could be resolved by the 25th Amendment. And, no, it ain't Zippy. He couldn't put together a simple declarative English sentence without an idiot card.
We really are going to need some special guest agents on this one.
It just keeps getting better - or worserer
I've been sitting on a few items for the last few days waiting to see where they led
As Alice would say, "Straight down the bunny hole".
First, let's think about this, one of the people wounded (not injured, that's if you fall off a roof) sent Gateway this vid. It shows the shooter moving on the roof. How, O how, did they miss that, you ask? Possibly because they're not interested. An email from one of the counter snipers at Butler was deleted by the Secret Service because it warned another attempt on Trump's life was likely due to poor leadership. They've also rejected FOIA requests on the assassination from Judicial Watch.
Now we get to the fun part. I'm assuming Trump knows something more than the usual here. He publicly has asked the head of the FIB, "What did he know and when did he know it?" For those my age, although even a stripling like Troop might remember, that was the question continually asked by the Watergate Commission. And this is where I think Trump knows something. The FIB has been dirty for a long time, but they seem to be reaching, as our brothers would say, a new high in low.
Who woke him up?
Begun, the meme wars have
We are not a serious nation. If a faux-blaq air-headed fellatrix can even be considered for the role of chief executive then we are a fallen nation. As horrible as Mark Fydrych's fate was, we are on course to becoming entangled in God's own PTO.
Tuesday, July 30, 2024
On Weird & Weirder
Weird's the word I've been using here to describe the strangeness tangled up in the assassination attempt that took place two days before the RNC, the peculiar excuses offered for lack of SS coverage and action in Butler, a shooter that all but wore a T-shirt with an arrow and the words "Shoot me before I shoot Trump", the mysterious health event/semi-emergency in Las Vegas that led to a divert from a hospital and a fast plane ride home, followed by 6 days in isolation and a sudden death drop out of the election (after hearing from the Almighty?) only to resurrect and reappear again as the Big Guy with odd wrinkles, long legs and the energy to take on the Big stairs after a bout with Covid. And that's just a start, without even broaching the brat worthy weirdness of Big K!
Weirder still, a whole army of free thinkers all suddenly deciding to bring out the weird word at the same time, like someone was passing out free cans of spray paint for tagging.
Weird's the word! Calling to mind the frenetic energy and repetition in a song from 1963 by the Trashman, called Surfin Bird, better known as Bird's the Word. It was big in Michigan in the 70's when Mark The Bird Fidrych played 5 seasons as a pitcher for the Detroit Tigers.
Sunday, July 28, 2024
Been wondering when this would pop up
OK, kids, something we've all discussed before and wondered in the last couple of weeks.
The CIA has officially denied the Trump shooter was an MK Ultra plant. OK, all well and good. MK Ultra's been dead (officially, at least) for 50 years.
But, now that the genie (and we're not talking Barbara Eden) is out of the bottle, consider this. How many of us have been toying with the speculation that, as with so many of these mass shooters, particularly Vegas, similar techniques have been used by the FIB? Especially on the Dark Web.
Remember how wrong their vaunted profilers were about the Beltway Sniper? How their go-to is always the lone Right-wing (never Lefty, never Moslem crazy, never gender hysteric) Fundamentalist gun nut?
Surprising how little material there is, given how many comments I've seen over the years.
Almost like they've been scrubbed clean.
On Nuts & Nut Shells
Saturday, July 27, 2024
Friday, July 26, 2024
I'll see your two and raise you three
This one speaks for itself
Interesting that confirmation is hard to find, but try this on for size. Things are starting to add up.
I'm guessing Brandon is either dead or so incapacitated by a stroke (my girl Laura), that they've had to do a Prisoner of Zenda. So why not invoke the 25th?
I think they want to peddle the zing of the First Woman PUS, the First Black Woman PUS, the First Indian Woman PUS, the First Irish Woman PUS (one ancestor was an Irish slaveholder), the First Fellatrix PUS.
Or something.
And, yeah, the dumb kid, as always, was the fall guy.
Wednesday, July 24, 2024
You make the call
I wanted to see how Brandon looked and sounded in his swan song. Well, I got my money's worth.
Take a look at this. Go in a few minutes until he starts to move and speak. Look carefully. The mouth, the eyes, the head, the hands. Is something out of sync? I won't be offended if anybody says I'm loopy.
Does it look like CGI? Maybe from one of those old sword and sandal imports from the 60s?
It just seems there's something off. Maybe the effects of a stroke. Maybe something else.
Maybe it's the blood thinners. I can't be sure.
A little something different
OK, batfans, riddle me this.
Over on YouTube, there's a striking number of young(er) black guys making content about how Chlamydia isn't black, all the abuses she committed in CA, how they don't want a black woman in the top spot, she dindu nuffin the last 4 years, getting mad over the race card, etc.
The Demos are rerunning the if you vote Trump, you ain't black thing again and it appears to be hitting a brick wall.
I've said here before that young blacks seemed to sour on Zippy around '14 in the aftermath of the Ferguson thing, calling him halfa cracka, etc. The way the Demos tried to railroad Trump really resonated with them, much as the lynch mob at Brother Bret's confirmation did. The way he comported himself at the shooting, likewise.
Van Jones once observed if the Democrat party lost 10% of the black vote, they were finished. If you buy the polls (wait till Labor Day when everybody's back from vaca), the Demos may lost 20%.
It's easy to be cynical and just as easy to be optimistic, but we're hearing the same from the Hisdpanics over the illegals. Given so many groups were already moving Right, and now we have a Hamas girl running for the top spot, actively snubbing Benjamin Netanyahu as he addressed Congress, it appears even the Jewish vote is leaving.
Is this one of those moments like the election of Abraham Lincoln or Franklin Roosevelt? Granted it was 70 years between those guys and 90 from '32, but something seismic seems to be happening (not unlike all the gyrations the Demos have gone through the last 5 years or so). In this context, it's almost like the war of the angels in Paradise Lost.
First, of course, we have to win and any help we can get is welcome.
The deeper we go, the thicker the mud
For those who can't believe the Feds would never abet a crime, try this one on for size. Apparently, the the shooter's home was scrubbed clean like a “Medical Lab” with no silverware or trash found in the home
And it gets better. The sack of slime that heads the FIB (mister, we could use a man like J Edgar again) admits they're not looking into why Trump was allowed on stage after the shooter was spotted.
And it just keeps getting better. He says the last thing the shooter looked up was the Kennedy assassination. According to the NY Post, the shooter's last online search was for porn, this on the word of a "senior LEO".
FIB got a lot of 'splainin' to do
It didn't take long for the FIB to come out with their stock Lone Shooter rap.
Well, the head of the PA state fuzz (shouldn't put it like that; they're nowhere near as bad as other states) told the Congressional committee there were 3 other suspicious people IDed that day.
Remember the reports of forensic evidence of 3 or 4 shooters? Well, looks like those guys in their PJs have struckt agin. And FIB's a lot bigger target than Dan Blather.
OT, but interesting. This story has been floating around the Interwebz for about a month.
From what I've read, there are another 7 states, but this makes the point.
Tuesday, July 23, 2024
Whut in the wide, wide world o' sports is a-goin' on here?
This is so cute.
2 weeks ago, my girl, Laura Loomer claimed Brandon had some kind of emergency on Air Force One. Stuff and nonsense, they said. Stuffed with nonsense, I thought. They're hiding something.
Then comes the big withdrawl and everybody notices where's the Big Guy? Well, the plot thickens.
Now we get a report from a Vegas TV station Brandon had to be flown back to the East Coast. So fast, it's said, the plane actually shook. Corroboration from Tucker Carlson at the 3:00 mark.
If Brandon is dead or incapacitated, that kicks the 25th Amendment, which makes Chlamydia PUS. That would force her to go in front of the cameras and actually talk. You can bet that's the last thing the fathers of the Democrat party would want.
Supposedly, Brandon will descend on DC come Tuesday (like today?). If so, where are he?
I can't help but wonder if God is reading The Prisoner Of Zenda.
UPDATE: Somebody looking like him showed up today. There's a school of thought there's a body double when he actually has to talk. Not quite the catatonic he was on Juneteenth, but not much improvement. What I loved was, after he did his wussy little salute, it looked like he was trying to bless the crowd as a real Pope (not the Commie) would do.
The next few days could be interesting. Like how soon he goes back to Rehoboth.
UPDATE: According to The Blonde, a person could have a stroke and still remain marginally functional. It depends on the damage and to what part of the brain.
So, is this merely to keep the 25th Amendment from being invoked?
Just as the mask fell during the debate, I have a feeling the truth is going to come out about this.
And the hits just keep on comin'
OK, ladies and germs, we've been treated to a non-stop parade of goofs and anomalies over what happened when the gunfire went down, but here are some nuggets that make the single bullet theory look like child's play.
1 Remember those encrypted accounts? That was just the beginning. Turns out the shooter had someone visit him who also visited a building in Washington, DC located in Gallery Place.This is in the same vicinity of an FBI office on June 26, 2023.
2 Photos of the scene show minimal blood. According to an MD with 20 years of ER experience, there should be massive amounts of blood. As The Blonde has told me innumerable times, any head would will bleed profusely.
3 This is from a whistleblower, so take with some caution. There was somebody assigned to that roof that was too sloped, but abandoned his post due to the heat.
Shades of Ford's Theater.
And let us all give thanks to Dr Tim Berners-Lee. Withou the Internet, we would be at the mercy of the 3 networks.
Monday, July 22, 2024
Where the Hell is Mycroft Holmes when we need him?
This is just too cute.
They haul the misDirectress of the Secret Service up before a Congressional committee. Somebody asks her how many shell casings on the roof. She says (are you ready?) she's knows, but won't tell. She's also asked if the shooter acted alone. She refers them to the FIB.
Contempt of Congress, anyone?
UPDATE The misDirectress of the Secret Service just resigned. Start the pool now.
Shades of James Earl Ray
More swell news.
And, again, off a maverick R Congressman who figures Americans deserve to know the truth.
Turns out our shooter had a couple of cell phones to go with those 3 encryped accounts. So, yeah, he was communicating with somebody about this.
A few Congressmen are trying to get to the truth and the FIB is stonewalling them.
In the immortal words of Stephen Stills:
But what it is ain't exactly clear
There's a man with a gun over there
Telling me I got to beware
Nobody's right if everybody's wrong
Young people speaking their minds
Getting so much resistance from behind
A thousand people in the street (Ooh ooh ooh)
Singing songs and they carrying signs (Ooh ooh ooh)
Mostly say, "Hooray for our side" (Ooh ooh ooh)
Into your life it will creep
It starts when you're always afraid
Step out of line, the man come and take you away
I think it's time we stop
Children, what's that sound?
Everybody look, what's going down?
Sunday, July 21, 2024
Down goes Frazier!
Will we ever learn how much money changed hands and what promises were made to get "Dr." Jill to relinquish power?
We sure will - just as soon as the JFK files, the Vegas shooting details, the Nashville tranny shooter's diary, Crooks' ties to Blackrock, and the details of how Hillary avoided arrest are all made public.
As FJB would say, "Anyway..."
I resisted doing this,
but now I have to.
You may have heard about people on the 'Net claiming there was more than one shooter at Butler. (some have said 3 or 4) and claim to have forensic evidence to back it up.
As you might imagine. I was a little skeptical of some amateur CSI (although look who broke Dan Blather's Fake But Accurate). So it was with some surprise I saw this clip of Sen Johnson saying he has seen evidence there was more than 1 shooter. OK, looks like there may be some fire to all this smoke. Then you may want to consider this. Go to 8:03 and what does that look like? Looks awfully like somebody on top of that water tower. Little big for a bird and I don't think a bear could get up there.
There are a few more pieces in the mix, like an attempt to short Trump's stock the day before, a connection between the shooter and Black Rock, the Lefty capital management firm, and the fact the shooter had 3 encrypted overseas accounts - maybe financial, maybe social media, or something else - as always, the Feds aren't talking.
This smells of Dallas. It smells of James Earl Ray. It smells of Vegas.
Saturday, July 20, 2024
If you ever wondered what happened to Pat from SNL:
Sharyl Attkisson 🕵️♂️💼🥋 on X: "Watching the ladies at work here." / X
The fumbling Fumbelinas.
Itty bitty Glock and a FUPA,
Itty bitty Glock and a FUPA.
Nessum Dorma
An operatic aria was sung at the RNC. Picked, we're told, by the God Emperor of the Cherry Blossom Throne hisself. On the surface, big whoop, right?
Well, turns out this aria is played at the end of The Sum Of All Fears, a political thriller based on a Tom Clancy novel. An attempt is made on the US President. It fails and the good guys have to find out who is behind it, which they do and see to it all are executed.
As the screen fades to black, what music is played? Pavarotti's rendition of Nessum Dorma.
And that has people who have heard about the connection wondering.
As we've said here before, never pick a fight with a man whose favorite author is Sun Tzu.
Friday, July 19, 2024
On Balloons & Obliteration
In looking up images of obliteration, I came on the above photo of the Obliteration Room part of the Yayoi Kusama: Look Now, See Forever exhibit held in Brisbane, from Nov 2011 to Mar 2012.
It was a visual that immediately connected me to the balloon drop I saw happening last night at the close of the RNC convention, viewed on my part with a grateful heart and held thoughts regarding of the extent of the obliteration almost realized.
With obliteration (and now the power of a dot) in mind I wanted to post these two together here as follow up to the comment below, written in response to edutcher's notice in the Dropped Ball post, of more than one:
"Truly. Hence the plural in the title, which I hesitated over, as the cartoon only showed one, when there were a number of them dropped. Some deliberately, some carelessly perhaps, but all of them still bouncing and rolling around like the loose marbles of those who opened the door and left it open for the assassin to enter.
The timing. Hoo Boy. That's what continues to rattle me, even more than the disgust I feel over the obvious bungling and unanswered questions as to how it happened and who may been aiding and abetting.
What CHAOS had the planned hit reached the mark! The SHOCK and TRAUMA of the resulting visual, viewed live by millions. The ANGER that would have roared to the surface. The UTTER DISRUPTION realized in national and world order. The TURMOIL and LOSS of DIRECTION within the party, with the convention but two days away, UNDOING all the plans/material/speakers that had been arranged. COMPLETE DISARRAY.
An UNIMAGINABLE mess. Yet the possibility of such an outcome being a consideration, is not so hard for me to picture in part, knowing how depravity operates."
In place of the chaos and devastation planned, order and celebration came to pass instead.
I would have loved to have seen the balloon drop live and been able to give one of those huge balls a bump to send it up again along with my immense gratitude for what was missed and what came to be.
Thursday, July 18, 2024
Smells like month old oysters in a hot oven
The further down the road we go, the worse this looks.
1. Turns out the shooter's parents called police hours before the attempt.
2.It gets better; the Secret Service knew he was on that roof 20 minutes before the shooting.
I'm sorry, but Trump would have been safer with James T West and Artemus Gordon, replete with all their 1874 technology.
Worse, it's looking as if this was a setup. Either that or Trump needs to clean house - really!!! - and clear out all the Federal security agencies (FIB, ATF, DHS) to the point of disbanding them, if necessary.
The Swamp must be scared to death of Trump. He must really have some earth-shattering plans.
After this, no wonder.
This just keeps getting better.
3. The shooter had the rifle hidden in advance. Did these guys even search the area?
4 Whistleblower says most of Trump's security detail weren't Secret Service. OK we have to see how true it is, but it explains a few things.
Tuesday, July 16, 2024
Here we go
OK might or might not agree wit this piece, but I raise it just as context. We all know the FIB's record.
But now here comes something to really chew on, first a former paratrooper and JSOC security guy and second, a a record- setting sniper from Canada.
If these guys smell a rat, bet there's good reason.
PS Without the Internet, we'd never know any of this stuff. If you're old enough to remember Dallas, you know it was all behind a screen.
Monday, July 15, 2024
Sunday, July 14, 2024
Gonna love this one
I'll keep it short (entire Internet heaves a sigh of relief). Turns out we can blame Brandon for yesterday.
Trump's security was cut so as to give Dr Jill more seasoned security people and second (or third) stringers were brought in to fill out his detail on the grounds (get this) he is a "former" President and is deserving of less security.
A little fun.
OK I know things have been pretty heavy the last day or so, but I want to introduce a little levity.
Everybody knows I'm as big a John Ford fan as Troop and I saw an old silent movie going back to 1924 (happy centenary), The Iron Horse. It's on YouTube, so, if you want to see a real Western, knock yourself out.
Now I'd seen it before and I remembered how the North Brothers' battalion of Pawnee scouts and an infantry detachment on flatcars saved the end of track from massacre, but what I didn't remember, now in my dotage, was the best part. Since the infantry detachment at the main camp was relatively small and the tarriers weren't going because they hadn't been paid in a while, there weren't enough men volunteering to go. So who saves the day?
No Hell On Wheels was complete without some lusty ladies willing to risk hide and hair to give the Micks a little relaxation after a hard day on the ties (at reasonable rates, of course), so, when enough men weren't willing, the ladies of the line, led by their madam (who is the girlfriend of our hero), picked up rifles and climbed on the flatcars.
The movie is done very well for its time (what he could have done with Technicolor and surround sound) and a lot more realistic than anything made in the last 50 years, Ford being a consummate student of the West, but it got me thinking about Ford's take on Western women, of which I have written before. He views The Girls They Left Behind (commissioned and enlisted) with tenderness and affection, and no small amount of pride, but it's the ladies of the line for whom he has a real soft spot.
Just as Fort Apache tells the story of the Army wives, so does Stagecoach tell the story of the soiled doves through the eyes of Dallas. Ringo thinks he knows her from somewhere, but she can't imagine where. She'd love to get out of the business (her brief glimpse of her being orphaned tells how she got started), but she's sure it's a forlorn hope. Many of her compadres left the farm out of boredom or seeing Ma dead at 40 from overwork. Some had no skills. A few were widows or divorcees who missed that roll in the hay or laundresses with kids who needed the odd spare buck.
As I noted earlier, the ones who found a man, usually a regular, were the lucky ones. Death came all too soon to the rest, as Ford doubtless knew. Some did find redemption in such situations as Indian attacks or epidemics. Some madams led their girls to church every Sunday. A little like the Civil War with its Rebs and Yanks exchanging canned goods or playing baseball, the West made its own respectability as it went along.
I can see Ford's Irish heart going out to them.
Define irony.
This piece goes back 5 years. Donald Trump asked the FIB and social media to develop tools to catch mass shooters. Luckily for him, he's still waiting.
According to Fake News, the FIB knows about these people, but does nothing. Time and again we've heard this story.
And there are people who claim it's the Feds motivating these people on social media.
So here's a question: if the FIB knows about these people, why can't something be done. Isn't there a phrase "clear and present danger" in the law? Some Lefty on a comment board said it isn't their job to prevent shootings.
Well, what the Hell else are they good for? They have a vid on how to spot one. Does that mean they expect us to take action? This is the crowd that wants firearms confiscated.
And here's another question: if Zuck and the rest are making so much money off our personal information, can't they spot these nuts? Or is creating these incidents part of the oft-discussed goal of putting the country under martial law?
There is an extant theory that says the Feds and social media are conspiring to instigate these incidents. Another conspiracy theory? Like mRNA?
If I seem a bit disjointed, I'm just a little wound over all of this.
Midgets belong in a sideshow, not on security details
This picture makes a point that Trooper has hammered for years - that tiny chick SS agent is a foot shorter than Trump and provides zero coverage above the line of his navel. Security should be large Irish dudes with an attitude, not midgets.
But the important part is that Mayokas is complicit in this, and all future attempts on Trump's life. Never forget who the enemy is, what they are, where they are from, and who they work for.
Thomas Matthew Crooks
Calls up a talent agency, says he want's to be famous.
Talent agency says "We need a headshot".
Thomas Matthew Crooks says "Can do!"
Talent agency says "You are wearing shorts! Unacceptable!" in their most Althousian way.
Saturday, July 13, 2024
You! Da! Man!
A big black guy led the crowd as they cheered Donald Trump after a very near brush with death. Fake News, as always is trying to minimize it, but how do you minimize, as Dr Leonard McCoy would say, "Another few centimeters to the left..."? God was watching out for him, no doubt.
What impressed people was Trump's refusal to just lay on the ground. As he tried to shake off the security, he struggled to his feet, shook his fist, and shouted his defiance. Not since an attempt was made on Teddy Roosevelt, who insisted on finishing his 50 page speech before being taken to the hospital, has this country seen that kind of bravery from a politician
Chuckie Schumer and the lying dogfaced pony soldier did their required, "O! How could this happen in our fair land?", but the demonization of the opposition in the past 2 years says exactly how it happened.
I don't intend to go on a rant here, but just to ask people to remember that vote you have is more important than you may know. Don't just sit there.
UPDATE This off Gateway. If you scroll down, you will see the shooter in plain sight. There is no question this was a hit and the Feds were supposed to leap into action the second Trump's head exploded. The Secret Service ignored calls to do something about the man on the roof. Now the FIB is telling the world they'e got this.
Just like Dallas. Just like Vegas.
I hope all the Undocumented Democrats who let themselves be bought off 4 years ago realize if Trump's expendable, so are they.
Be cool and refuse to take anything at face value. The Demos and whomever it is that's behind them (and don't tell me it's Zippy) have screwed up mightily. Fake News is so distressed that MAGA(!) is pointing fingers at them. After November, I have a feeling it's going to be warrants.
Hey it's time to talk about your health!
As you may already know, I have been on a journey to better health. I have been trying to eliminate toxins in my everyday life and developing a healthy regime of vitamins and supplements.
My wife has been taking Shaklee Vitamins for many years, and has introduced them to me, or more correctly forced me to take them. Of course, she was right because once I started taking them, I immediately felt the positive effects and I feel much better. People are always asking me about what I am cooking since I have to take into account our specialized diet. We have a gluten-free lifestyle and we try to protect ourselves from the many attacks on our system from the toxins in food. Bioengineered food does not live here! Corn oil, canola oil, seed oils and other crap is not to be found in my cupboard. Many companies hide behind deceptive labeling laws using terms like “Natural Flavors” to cover up the use of many toxic ingredients that are dumped into their overly processed food products. For example, you can find MSG labeled as “Natural Flavors” so when you order your Low Mein tell them, “No Natural Flavors.”
We decided to take this one step further and became Ambassadors for Shaklee products. This way we can use the knowledge we have accumulated to help others also live a clean healthy life. Put down that Windex bottle and let me help you save money and keep a healthy household all at the same time.
Foods, personal care products, and cleaning supplies can be riddled with harmful toxins and ingredients that can build up in your body to destroy your health. Why would you buy a product that contained these toxins when you can purchase a clean alternative? Heavy metals, harmful preservatives, pesticides, and other suspect ingredients require constant vigilance in everyday purchases.
I trust Shaklee products because they are clean and devoid of all these problems. They have been in business for more than sixty years and devote a large amount of their resources to the science behind their products. Real science, not Fauci science. They are the direct opposite of Big Pharma as their focus is on the health of their clients and not solely on money making. Sure. they make money but they also are concerned with your well-being. The recent experiences we have all had with the bogus COVID vaccines should lead us to focus on companies that use clean ingredients instead of chemicals.
For example, Shaklee cleaning products are plant-based and do not rely on the petrochemical additives that can be found in so many other commercial brands. Their personal care products are also clean and devoid of harmful additives. Their vitamins are naturally based and have the unique status of using live enzymes instead of the “dead” chemically formulated vitamins you grab off of the shelf at CVS. This aids in their adsorption and the interaction with your body which will lead to you noticing the difference in how you feel almost immediately. They always go above and beyond industry standards to ensure that their products are of the highest quality possible. They even have gummies for those of you who don’t have any teeth (you know who you are buddy).
If you are interested in getting some great vitamins and non-toxic personal care and cleaning products, then simply follow this link: Shaklee Lisa Dolan
You can also find the link on our website Look for the Shaklee link in the navigation bar. Or contact me directly and I will be happy to talk to you about it.
Friday, July 12, 2024
A little something to chew on
In her answer to my last post, Mama mentioned the incident of the black woman passed over.
For those interested, I pass along this vid which gives voice to what blacks have been seeing for years. Your opinions are invited.
Thursday, July 11, 2024
On Strokes & Sudden Death
Cartoonist Steve Kelley has been hitting them out of the park recently. Tackling the Lost Ball in High Weeds and the Unplayable Lies with humor, insight and perspective, using seemingly ordinary/benign figures and colors I appreciate.
Just for the halibut
I'm putting up a lengthy post from Gateway about the perils of the Demos dumping Brandon for educational purposes. Feel free to read as much or as little as you wish. The wrangling over this in the next month or two may be easier to understand.
Wednesday, July 10, 2024
Tuesday, July 9, 2024
So now we know...
and it's not much of a surprise.
Brandon doesn't have Parkinson's; he has late stage dementia. From the Alzheimers Assn., here are the symptoms.
Losers study tactics
Winners, they say, study logistics.
With that in mind, consider a few facts. In his latest disaster, Brandon shouted, "Challenge me at the convention". The Democrat convention is August 19 - 22. A nasty floor fight would leave the party battered (and possibly broken) with only 2 months left before November.
The 25th Amendment says the VP and a majority of Cabinet secretaries can inform the President Pro Tem of the Senate the President is unable to execute his duties. That will take time to implement and makes makes Chlamydia PUS - with a few already broaching the subject openly of how to dump her. Again, 4 months to November.
Chlamydia, as I have noted, is half black and a woman. Given the Left's penchant for bean counting and tokenism over the decades, it's hard to see this going down well with the Karens or the race merchants, especially since the Sharptons of the party have already complained of their waning influence.
Donald Trump has been uncharacteristically quiescent since the debate. Why not? The Demos are making his case for him.
Party bigs like Chuckie, the Ice Cream Queen, and others have yet to come down one way or the other and the little fish are worried about how this works down ballot, rightfully so.
This would possibly be the second ticket selected, rather than voted on. Great talking point for the Rs about how devoted to democracy the Demos really are.
Time and tide, as they say.
Latest in the series.
Sunday, July 7, 2024
The girl who cried wolf
I swear politics hasn't been this much fun since Walter Mondale tried to impress us.
And, on that happy note, I present this little tale that may go down in history along side Wrong Way Corrigan.
Once upon a time, the state capitol in Harrisburg, PA got a note from those nasty people from Hamas, saying they'd blow the place up. As you might imagine, people were concerned. So far, nothing has happened.
Later a similar note was received at the state capitol in Lansing MI. Howsomever, the people there were made of sterner stuff. They merely assumed it was just another false flag by the looney governor and the FIB, possibly to make her look better after her faux pas with attempting to wangle first place in the rush to replace Brandon.
May we all raise hosannas and a hearty, "Go, you Wolverines" to the voters of the Wolverine State who prove they are made of the same stuff that Armstrong Custer found in the men of the Michigan Cavalry Brigade at Hanover, which destroyed JEB Stuart's legion and may well have tipped the battle of Gettysburg in the North's favor.
Saturday, July 6, 2024
On Caught in Time & Woke Between the Sheets
Hard to pick a favorite in Powerline's Pic of the week: Orange Revolution Selection. While the similarities and differences between Florida Orange, Mandarin Orange, and Obstinate Orange had me laughing, it was this pair of eyes and the truth underneath (now being exposed for all to see) that went beyond the laughter.
Friday, July 5, 2024
Maybe she can get a gig in show biz
Looks like everybody's favorite female Democrat governor may have found her place under the bus.
In one of many pieces flying around the Net, there's a list of possible VPs for Chlamydia. Conspicuous for its absence is the name of the Obersturmbannfuhrerin from the Wolverine State. She dared try pull a Hillary and maneuver herself into position as first choice to replace Brandon. I think that's a violation of the Omerta, since no one makes a move unless the party bigs (or whomever is paying them off) approve.
And her autobiography hasn't even hit the bookstores yet.
Are the Demos afraid of an all-woman ticket? I realize the Chinese character for trouble is 2 women under the same roof, but doesn't that reek of sexism?
The names on the list are also interesting. All governors, all white males. Do the Demos think Chlamydia can't hack it as an administrator? She's had 4 years as border czar. Also no blacks. What about Spartacus? Is the DNC afraid of an all "black" ticket? What would George Floyd and Trayvon Martin say?
The Joe Must Go movement seems to have opened up several cans of worms and the wokified Democrat party is going to have fun screaming about any new ticket. Especially if Barry gets his (presumed) way and there's an open convention.
As yet another example of the silliness surrounding this mess (what a way to celebrate Independece Day), we have Hollyweird wailing how they've been lied to the last 4 years. Fake News has been trying manfully (or as close to cis-male as they dare get) to appear shocked, shocked, I say, that the lying dogfaced pony soldier doesn't have it all together, even though he claimed to be proud to be the first black woman to serve under a black female President.*
As commentators are starting to notice, we haven't heard a peep out of the God Emperor of the Cherry Blossom Throne since the debate. If he could hand them a shovel, I presume he would. He's a generous guy.
* As a black woman, he commanded the 1st American Regiment at the Battle of the Crater, where he rescued the Vulcan Division from almost certain annihilation at the hands of Orson Welles' men from Mars.
On Consequence and Strength
As part of an art project I am working on, I was going through some of my old notebooks and papers today, looking for phrases and drawings that catch my eye and attention. In doing so, I came across a small page with my father's writing on it, something from one of the little notebooks he used to keep. Born in 1914 (d.1994) my dad had no dealings with the internet, and wasn't much of a typist, but would take the time needed to handwrite in tiny script with his gold Cross pen (always that pen with blue ink) the quotes, poems, and info that mattered to him and seemed worth saving. All of that came to me to sort through after he died which means I've probably been holding that saved page with the following for the last 30 years. Looking it up, I found the quote he'd copied had been written in the 1950's, by Virginia Satir.
Wednesday, July 3, 2024
This may become a regular feature
In the interest of enlightenment, I create this post so that all those ignorant Lefties may see the light of reason (fat chance) and tolerance.
Here's an article on the immunity thing. Please note the date.
In its 1867 decision Mississippi v. Johnson, the Supreme Court established that the President is largely beyond the reach of the judiciary by holding that it could not direct President Andrew Johnson in how he exercised his purely executive and political powers.1 The Court stated, it had no jurisdiction . . . to enjoin the President in the performance of his official duties.2
See? 1867? Like a hundred years ago. Right after Brandon freed all the slaves with his Magan Carta, written by the two Tommies, Roe and James.
For those who need to shut somebody up, please feel free to use.
Lest you resort to violence.