Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Could there possibly exist a worst first pitch than President Obama's? (Update)

You be the judge... Here is Obama's first pitch at a Nationals Home Opener.

Our own ChipA, recalling his own throwing pains, called it "... truly embarrassing"

And finally, here is 50 Cents first pitch at City Field, New York City.

As Bob Uecker would say... Just a bit outside.


chickelit said...

Both lefties....both wildly off-base.

Sinister subversion of sports.

AllenS said...

From what I understand is that nobody, and I mean nobody can hit a pitch that Obama throws. So, there's that.

Chip Ahoy said...

My embarrassment was personal, this is embarrassment on a national scale.

And the thing is, they don't even know it. They imagine themselves ace at athletics and say so. Otherwise they wouldn't be caught dead on the pitcher's mound.

Gee, it's farther than I thought.

I saw girls pitching, and they really burn them straight in. Underhanded, but, eh.

Are girl's arms made differently or what?

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

I tried to help out 50 Cent by moving the video to the left of the screen, making his pitch appear closer to the strike zone than it actually was.

An illusion effect.

Eric the Fruit Bat said...

Any chance the Canadian Prime Minister drops the first puck?

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

From what I understand is that nobody, and I mean nobody can hit a pitch that Obama throws.

Oh, I think that soldier sitting in a Mexican prison would find a way to hit it, if given the chance.

Chip Ahoy said...

I've heard that British are the masters of understatement. Not so. Compare:

"J-u-u-u-ust a bit outside."

ricpic said...

I keep forgetting that the boy king can do no wrong and then he goes and reminds me by showing no shame whatsoever after that pop fly "pitch."

Icepick said...

AllenS, my understanding is that Obama is more of a catcher than a pitcher.

Icepick said...

Okay, so Barry Soetero can't throw a baseball with any credibility. All right, fine. I couldn't either these days, though it's more because of bad disks in my neck.

What bothered me was the nightmare of Barry S shooting freethrows. Maybe he never played baseball - I didn't either so I get that. But he plays basketball all the fucking time. There's no excuse for him to play b-ball all the time and be that bad. Hell, I'm the least athletic guy I know and I still shot 50% on my bad days when I played all the time. (On my good days I shot 60%. Don't laugh, I was as good as Shaq.)

edutcher said...

He's even tentative winding up.

Like Ice, my throwing days are behind me, but there was a time I could actually throw to somebody.

Barry looks like he never even touched a soccer ball.

Eric the Fruit Bat said...

Any chance the Canadian Prime Minister drops the first puck?

Harper, at least, does his job well.

Dad Bones said...

Both of them look like they've never thrown so much as a rock before.

Aridog said...

He simply isn't worth a fuck.

Rumor is that is what his dad said when he left ... not worth the fuck.

Aridog said...

Ka-Blam! My favorite masculine pose by teh POTUS. ;)

Methadras said...

fiddy will never live this down. ever.

Aridog said...

'Nuther rumor sez teh POTUS was the performance model for this VW Advertisement

chickelit said...

Aridog's 6:47 along with this scream swish.

Baseball just isn't Der Furor's sport.

Trooper York said...

I personally think they should have Obama pitch the first hissy fit of the season.

I bet he can handle that.

Fr Martin Fox said...

I'm not a fan of the President, but I want to be fair.

I recall a story about Bush; he practiced his throw, because the bulletproof vest he was wearing made it really hard to throw right.

And I want to disassociate myself with the nasty comments. I didn't vote for him; he's making war on my faith; but I won't lower myself and speak demeaningly of the president.

Aridog said...

Fr Fox...I certainly understand you reasons for civility.

However, I will make up for you by saying flat out the last four Presidents have been putzes, one way or another, likable or otherwise, and deserve what "demeaning" criticism they get.

I will respect the office once again when it is filled with someone, man or woman, gay or straight, white, black, brown, red or yellow, who will take the various departments by the throat and cut their senior levels by 75% (not to mention returning FEMA to a little collection of bookkeepers).

Until that day, no one in the office of POTUS means diddley squat. Hubris alone makes them think they do.

chickelit said...

What Aridog said

The Dude said...

Ari stated it much better than I could have.

Aridog said...

It occurs to me that most people do not know that all of the SES and higher grades of government employees are APPOINTEES. Unlike General Schedule Civil Servant Grades 1-15, who are allegedly protected from political intrigue (not always and I can prove it). Appointees are at will employees and can be discharged promptly. What saves ones like Lois Lerner et al is that they have of list of skeletons for the other SES'rs. It is, in essence, a club...but not a government structured system like civil service....the protection is effectively you rat me I'll rat you and so on...

Fr Martin Fox said...


That was a criticism of the President (i.e., the last four) that I can respect.

It was some pretty ugly comments that offended me.

Aridog said...

Thanks, Father...but let there be no doubt, I can be very "ugly" myself. I was regularly "written up" for it while a military "Fed." You have to space the "rages" out over 2 years or you can be fired. Truth is when I said nothing but acted directly, and silently otherwise, with players who could really effect changes that I had the most impact (think Congress)...and to this day no one but trusted confidants know what was done by who. "Whistle-Blower?" Yes, I guess so, but actually I merely did my job to the best of my ability and made damn sure (God-Damn sure!) that I kept the public trust in the stewardship I was sworn to uphold, both of money and virtue. I was a trouble maker who kept it well under wraps until the final episode, when due to circumstance not under my control, I could not hide...and in the end it was the reason I retired early. I do not regret a moment of it all.

And I am still consulting to one or two players who have time left to make a difference. I even go to the trouble of using Adobe Acrobat to remove my name from everything in "Properties" so some schmuck doesn't go all Anti-Deficiency Act on those I still work with periodically.

The Dude said...

Being offended is a choice.