Wednesday, May 21, 2014

President Obama Sends U.S. Forces Into Chad

Approximately 80 U.S. Armed Forces personnel have deployed to Chad as part of the U.S. efforts to locate and support the safe return of over 200 schoolgirls who are reported to have been kidnapped in Nigeria,” said the letter from Obama submitted to House Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio) and Senate President Pro Tempore Pat Leahy (D-Vt.).

“These personnel will support the operation of intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance aircraft for missions over northern Nigeria and the surrounding area,” Obama continued. “The force will remain in Chad until its support in resolving the kidnapping situation is no longer required.” (read more)


Aridog said...

Shocking! You mean Boko Haram is a terrorist organization that we are now, finally, aiming our intelligence apparatus at? Really? I love the use of the word "Troops" for basically unarmed drone operations personnel. But, hey, most anything from our darling prince is better than nothing. I mean given he learned of all this on the evening news ....

rcocean said...

Soccer Mom Foreign Policy

rcocean said...

We can't sit here and do nothing!

What about the Children?!

Young African women being kidnapped and possibly raped - World wide crisis.

Average Africans getting killed on a daily basis - ho hum.

The Dude said...

Hundreds of African Americans being killed in Chicago every year - PROFIT!

chickelit said...

This seems like a perfect opportunity for a "shock and awe" demonstration of drone warfare. I hope it works.

Icepick said...

Great, another foreign policy misadventure in another one of the world's shit holes.

Icepick said...

Chick, you mean find the camp where ther girls are being held and then wipe it off the face of the Earth?

chickelit said...

Is there a term of venery for drones?

A swarm?

chickelit said...

Icepick said...
Chick, you mean find the camp where ther girls are being held and then wipe it off the face of the Earth?

Well, not quite. Maybe find them and deliver an personal explosive device up the ass of each perp, while leaving the girls untouched. Of course it won't be that easy.

But the perps may be defenseless against this sort of warfare. Like the Iraqis were unprepared for DU-armored Abrams tanks in the First Gulf War.

chickelit said...

If they do fight back effectively, it will be a neccessary early test and maybe our enemies will tip their hands.

chickelit said...

President Obama Sends U.S. Forces Into Chad

I hope they're not left hanging...

(I know, politics & bad taste jokes)

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

Icepick said...
Great, another foreign policy misadventure in another one of the world's shit holes.

This is my basic view, amplified by the fact that it is once again a mission directed at muslims, all 1.6 billion of whom seem to take these things personally. The world's policeman role has gotten old.

Nigeria seems to be either muslim majority or very close to muslim majority, so once again we are stepping into a religious war with no obvious economic benefits for us.

edutcher said...

Leading from his behind again.

This is my basic view, amplified by the fact that it is once again a mission directed at muslims, all 1.6 billion of whom seem to take these things personally. The world's policeman role has gotten old.

Nigeria seems to be either muslim majority or very close to muslim majority, so once again we are stepping into a religious war with no obvious economic benefits for us.

Bet he didn't say that about Labia or the Choom Gang's surge in A-stan.

PS There are 1.2 billion Catholics in the world and the Lefties have no problem with getting on their nerves.

Maybe because Catholics are civilized people.

Leland said...

So wasn't it yesterday that a story came out about Nigerian tribes men defending their families and killing 200 Boko Harem attackers (I think the defenders lost 300). Obama is sending in 80 troops? I guess that's a bit more force than #BringBackOurGirls, but I'm not finding the gesture to be anymore serious.

sakredkow said...

I'm good with this. You can't fix the entire world but you may as well make an effort to make some of it a little better.

If it goes south, sh*t happens.

Trooper York said...

Why is it our problem?

XRay said...

Political theater, I mean something had to back up MO's hashtag, right.

You made me look up "venery". Depending on the source, several different interpretations of that word.

sakredkow said...

I don't think it is our problem. We're making it our problem.

It's a gamble and I think it's a good one, a lot of potential winners, esp. some school girls and their families. Next the US gets a little looooove from some of the better people in the world.

XRay said...

"sh*t happens." is usually dead soldiers/Marines/jet jockeys/squids/ambassadors of foreign countries. We shouldn't just accept that as normal. It's not. Value in return should be in magnitudes.

sakredkow said...

"sh*t happens." is usually dead soldiers/Marines/jet jockeys/squids/ambassadors of foreign countries. We shouldn't just accept that as normal. It's not. Value in return should be in magnitudes.

What we shouldn't accept as normal is people kidnapping hundreds of school children and doing what they want with them.

I agree there are risks but I think the return value is potentially in magnitudes.

I think even al Qaeda's rooting for us against these a$$holes.

Trooper York said...

What are you stoned? Nobody is going to cheer us. They hate us and always will. We shouldn't lose one American life over this. It is not our problem.

XRay said...

I think you didn't really think through what I said.

"I think even al Qaeda's rooting for us..."


Trooper York said...

We won't mobilize our troops to save our ambassador and our own people but we should ride to the rescue of people who have nothing to do with us? Fuck that noise

Trooper York said...

Send the troops to Chicago to save the children who are getting murdered there why don't you?

We'll we know why. Never mind.

chickelit said...

Troop, I think this is more a deployment of technology than troops.

XRay said...

" It is not our problem."

I don't disagree with this, at all.

But you know what, in a legitimate world, where facts mean more than emotions, it should be our problem.

But then we become 'Empire'. Which we have, and hopefully will in future, always distain.

It is complicated, how to be a beacon, yet subtle in such.

chickelit said...

They will deploy enough boots to protect what's being deployed. They're not even in the same country as the perps.

Trooper York said...

Not one robot should be lost over this nonsense. It is not our problem. How much money is this gonna cost?

I repeat it is not our problem.

Trooper York said...

If all the do-gooders are so worried let them pay for it.

Let Oprah pay for it. Don't stick us with the bill to massage Obamas ego.

sakredkow said...

You gotta be the good guys now and then, or there's no difference between you and China or Russia.

Can you imagine those guys doing this? Nope, and it's not because they're smart.

It's because they don't have a sense of morality in their foreign policy. And a lot of people in the world do. Even though some people Americans seem to think everyone in the world hates us, that's not exactly true.

sakredkow said...

I repeat it is not our problem.

That's a Xian response for ya.

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

phx said...
What we shouldn't accept as normal is people kidnapping hundreds of school children and doing what they want with them.

This is true, the problem is that these things always have deeper dynamics that we typically step in rather than resolve.

If you look over the last 60 years it is rare that US involvement resulted in less loss of life than would have occurred with no involvement at all. Even if the triggering issue appears to have some moral clarity, as in the current example, US involvement usually ends up being ambiguous morally, because of the unintended consequences our involvement produces.

I supported the 'surge' in Afghanistan because it was the base for the worst attack on the US in a very long time and their had to be some effective reprisal. I supported the very modest involvement in Libya because major NATO allies were insistent on removing Gaddafi, who they perceived as a regional threat, and he was an unambiguous sponsor of terrorism against the US.

edutcher said...

Trooper York said...

Why is it our problem?


phx said...

You gotta be the good guys now and then, or there's no difference between you and China or Russia.

Bet he wasn't saying that in '03 when we went to Iraq.

If you look over the last 60 years it is rare that US involvement resulted in less loss of life than would have occurred with no involvement at all. Even if the triggering issue appears to have some moral clarity, as in the current example, US involvement usually ends up being ambiguous morally, because of the unintended consequences our involvement produces.

The same can be said for WWII.

Of course, that was the War To Save Communism.

Wasn't it?

sakredkow said...

I'm not disagreeing with you ARM - I only see what they let me see.

On its face it appears to be a reasonable and good play for us. But I only read the papers, I don't have my own fp advisors. So if someone knows that there's more to this story that needs to be told before we go in, then peace be with them, may their tribe increase. And don't listen to me.

sakredkow said...

Bet he wasn't saying that in '03 when we went to Iraq.

You lose. I supported that invasion, up until the point I didn't anyway.

chickelit said...

I think so far you'll find broad support for the strategy: confront the perps rather than ignore them...and wildly different opinions on tactics of which we know very little.

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

edutcher said...
Bet he wasn't saying that in '03 when we went to Iraq.

Damn right I didn't. Dumbest war ever. I was implacably opposed to it, up to and including attending the only protest marches I have ever participated in. Fight the power!

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

"I hope they're not left hanging..."

Dude, that was like 13 years ago.

edutcher said...

phx said...

Bet he wasn't saying that in '03 when we went to Iraq.

You lose. I supported that invasion, up until the point I didn't anyway.

He was for it before he was agin it.

Damn right I didn't. Dumbest war ever. I was implacably opposed to it, up to and including attending the only protest marches I have ever participated in. Fight the power!

Of course. If the Demos had told him he was supposed to be fer it, that would have been entirely different.

XRay said...

I have yet to read anything about strategy, long term. And wonder about tactics, given as how the troops in the field will likely have little say on that matter. Much as I didn't in my war. As it should be, to the regret of those who died.

sakredkow said...

He was for it before he was agin it.

That's exactly right. I didn't have the foresight of those who were against it from the beginning.

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

phx said...
I'm not disagreeing with you ARM - I only see what they let me see.

I think for even the possibility of a good outcome the US has to have some unambiguous self-interest. Otherwise we behave like easily distracted toddlers.

Rabel said...

It's the least he could do and still say he's doing something. A recon predator unit and a small security group protecting them. I'd be more comfortable with stronger security but I suppose we have the Chadian military covering our back. Right?

I'm surprised a little that there's anything significant to be gained from the predator that justifies even the small risk involved. Maybe there's not and it's all show.

Another downside is that Boko Haram may take a net gain from being seen as at war with the Great Satan.

William said...

The point of the Waco operation was to save the children. We had to burn the children alive in order to save them. Thank God it happened under a Democratic president, or there would have been a lot of negative publicity about the charred children. Janet Reno was praised for her courage in taking responsibility for such a hard decision........I hope the girls get rescued,and I hope we play a role. A lot of things could go terribly wrong. Obama is the ideal man to sign off on the mission. Not because he's especially competent or fearless but because, even if things go south, he will never, ever be blamed for anything. That gives him more room to maneuver than Bush.

edutcher said...

phx said...

He was for it before he was agin it.

That's exactly right. I didn't have the foresight of those who were against it from the beginning.

"those who were against it from the beginning" were Democrat apparatchiks who were following orders.

The Left was worried that 90% approval would stick with Dubya and they couldn't have that, so they cooked up a sudden distaste for waterboarding and lied their faces off about the WMDs (which, as has been proven, were there).

chickelit said...

William said...
The point of the Waco operation was to save the children.

I guess I never realized that. I always thought the point was to humiliate the Branch Davidians and other armed Christian sects. Now that i think of it, Reno's other big failure centered around a child.

chickelit said...

Lem said...

Dude, that was like 13 years ago.

People are still fighting that war at Talking Points Memo.

Fight the Glower!

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Knowing next to nothing about this, it sounds a hell of a lot less risky and interventionist than what Reagan was doing all up and down Central and South America thirty years ago.

Lydia said...

So, most of you here are like "meh" as far as the war on terror is concerned, it seems. Instead of doing anything to check the growth and power of these groups, we should do it in the Clinton way and wait for another 9/11. Is that your plan?

Boko Haram is growing in its reach and is probably affiliated with Al-Qaeda, and many security analysts believe Africa is fast becoming the new hub of global terrorism.

And Nigeria is not just another "shit hole." It's the most populous country in Africa, and has a larger economy than South Africa.

Icepick said...

Excuse me, Nigeria is the biggest shit hole in Africa (population-wise), and has a bunch of oil. In that case let's send a couple of armored divisions.

edutcher said...

Rhythm and Balls said...

Knowing next to nothing about this, it sounds a hell of a lot less risky and interventionist than what Reagan was doing all up and down Central and South America thirty years ago.

Yeah, too bad that worked.

This, of course, won't.

Icepick said...

most of you here are like "meh" as far as the war on terror is concerned

You seem to have missed it, Lydia. We killed a guy who was helping us on the sly so that we could destabilize two countries (Libya and Mali) and make them training grounds for terrorists.

We're on the same side as al Qaeda in Syria because, well, because, that's why.

And in Egypt we helped overthrow an allied government in order to support the Muslim Brotherhood, which is more or less the father of modern towel-head extremism and butchery.

And now you want me to worry about a bunch of towel-headed sub-Saharan Africans in a country where they can't even definitively say who was kidnapped, from where, how, how many, or anything else that might be helpful.

Meanwhile, back in the USA, we have a government that fists grandmothers in the ass and fondles infants at airports because they (a) can't bring themselves to state that towel-heads are the big problem (as opposed to little old ladies and babies) and/or (b) because they have more interest in cowing their own people into submission than in confronting terrorists out to slaughter American citizens.

The terrorists won, and they're running the country.

Stay out of shit holes where we have no interest other than in helping the First Lady win her Twitter war.

Icepick said...

And no surprise that Ritmo, communist toady that he is, forgets to mention that in the 1980s we (a) had the same historic interests in Latin America that we had had for 200+ years and (b) were confronted by an enemy (the communists that Ritmo so loves) who had vowed to destroy us and were intent on doing so by swallowing one country after another.

Whereas in Nigeria, we need to help the First Lady (who wasn't proud of her country until she got to be queen) win a fucking Twitter war.

So TOTALLY the same thing....

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Yeah, too bad that worked.

This, of course, won't.

Oh. You mean, because they're black, right?

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

And no surprise that (Icepick), (rapist) toady that he is, forgets to mention that the U.S. has no moral interest in promoting rape.

But then, this is coming from Icepick's mouth, so it's entirely possible that he sees a personal interest in allowing rape.

But using his own stupid words against him is too easy. The real issue here is that fascist toads like him confuse moral and strategic interests. The same Reagan he defended had a lot of trouble doing much about apartheid, and the rape-lover Icepick naturally has trouble thinking there should be consequences for rape. So his refusal (not to approve the case, but) to at least see a moral issue here that a nation with moral credibility could have a stake in, just results from his natural comfort with rape and other atrocities.

Our involvement is contrary to his pro-rape interests.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Good night Icepick.

And if you feel misunderstood regarding the personal, er, "interests" you feel are at stake by saving kids from being raped, you might want to ask Meade for help. He's been stalking the other threads recently and offering plenty of advice on women. Give him a shout-out for me in case he drops by to lend you a hand.

Trooper York said...

To this very day we have done nothing to the terrorists who killed our ambassador.

Why should it matter what terrorists do now?

Look they can kidnap, rape, cook and eat them. It is still none of our business.

Nothing new to see here. It happens all the time.

It's Chinatown.y


edutcher said...

Rhythm and Balls said...

Yeah, too bad that worked.

This, of course, won't.

Oh. You mean, because they're black, right?

Because it's the Choom Gang doing it.

Aridog said...

Phx ...a small but important point. Our State Department uses "weasel words" (highlighted) to make a distinction, that isn't one, vis a vis Al Qaeda and Boko Haram.

"U.S. State Department spokeswoman Jen Psaki said Tuesday while Washington does not regard Boko Haram as being part of core al Qaeda, 'we have long had ... indications of some limited assistance to Boko Haram from al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb including funds and training.'" Link

This has been the habit of both State and DoD since 1959...a total failure to understand how asymmetrical operations are run and coordinated. Diverse elements linked by threads of cooperation that over time are strengthened as any divergent threads and elements are plain killed off. Presto...out of no-where comes a monolithic enemy? Bullshit.

I am not offering a solution, for two reasons: one, we'd never carry it out, and two, the solution would be brutal beyond what our electorate would tolerate. Think what Icepick asked...e.g., does it means wipe out the camp and every one in it?

Yes...yes it does. Nothing else would work to send a message to what might be left of Boko Haram that we do not value them what-so-ever and further their captives have no value either...which at present they presume to be of value...hence the abduction. Lt Gen.Victor Krulak said long ago that you don't defeat this type enemy with bullets, but with a better idea.(Paraphrased) So you first start by delivering the idea that Boko Haram is worthless...and go from there with the rest of Nigeria.

Easy for me to say...but we'll not do it ever again. WWII was the end of that policy for us. So far for Nigeria we, reportedly, have deployed an unarmed drone and technicians to run it.

Chickenlittle said...

I hope they're not left hanging...

Does that mean like the 30 odd operatives we had in Libya in the Counsulate & Annex....only 4 died...nothing to see here?

Aridog said...

Let me condense what I just said...along Trooper York's line of thinking. WTF are we doing in Chad & Nigeria anyway?

Yeah, I know, to protect the innocent, which I agree is a core value of civilization. My problem is that given Nigeria is a populated country why can't they form up a huge mob and go in to the jungle and wipe out Boko Haram?

I think I know that answer...and it does relate to religion and fear. I live in such a community of refugees right here.

AllenS said...

We are there for nothing but the PR value for the Obama's. That is, if things go right. If they don't then let the coverup begin.

Aridog said...

Allen .... if shit goes south dear leader will say he knew nothing until he heard it on the evening news.

Really, I think you are dead right on the motivation for this itsy bitsy intervention...and that is sad. "PR" with soldiers, even REMF's, never ends well.

I do not believe to this day that very many people understood why the prisoners in Hỏa Lò Prison cheered the B-52's over Hanoi. It is the reason I give McCain and formerly James Stockdale leeway, however different than my views ... they endured what I did not.

Trooper York said...

Youse guys know perfectly well why he is doing this.

He wouldn't be doing this if the girls were Ukrainian or Korean or Serbian.

It is bullshit domestic feel good politics.

sakredkow said...

Youse guys know perfectly well why he is doing this.

He wouldn't be doing this if the girls were Ukrainian or Korean or Serbian.

Why then shouldn't it be said of you that wese guys know perfectly well why you are objecting to this.

You wouldn't be objecting if they were European girls.

You see how that works, right?

Trooper York said...

I certainly would object. I didn't think we should be involved in the Ukraine. He got that one right. That is a European problem. His incompetence worked out great for us that time.

I surely don't think we should get involved in North Korea either. That is Japan's problem. Korea has nukes that can reach California now. I would give the Japs a couple of Nukes so they could defend themselves and call it a day.

We need to stop being the worlds policeman. Enough already. We can't correct every injustice in this world. I repeat. It is not our problem.

Trooper York said...

I bet more then 200 girls are kidnapped and raped in Juarez each year.

Didn't you watch "The Bridge?"

Trooper York said...

Leave Nigeria to the Nigerians. They will not welcome our input.

They managed to fight a long and bloody civil war back in the day in Biafra without our input. Let's take a lesson for that and let them settle their own disputes.

Known Unknown said...

You gotta be the good guys now and then, or there's no difference between you and China or Russia.


The Dude said...

phx selects her causes just like she selects her president - by race. Nothing else matters.

sakredkow said...

phx selects her causes just like she selects her president - by race. Nothing else matters.

Where did you get that from what I said, sixty? Or are you just blowing smoke up everyone's ass, as usual?

The Dude said...

Your tongue was in the way, so no.

sakredkow said...


Must be responding to some dog whistle only righties and/or tea partiers can hear.

sakredkow said...

So sixty, let's see if you can handle a real argument, or if you're just an old right-wing fool.

Where do you get the idea from that I select my causes "by race - nothing else matters"?

Let's see what you got.

The Dude said...

You want to hear another joke? Phx voted for Obama based on his qualifications!

Stop it, you're killing me, girl!

sakredkow said...

Squirrel much?

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
sakredkow said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Leland said...

You wouldn't be objecting if they were European girls.

Asked by the guy who seems interested in war only because of the chastity of women, and not the hundreds of deaths of those women's parents, brothers, and sisters. If there is a reason for intervention at all, why is the murder of hundreds not as important to you, phx?

President-Mom-Jeans said...

Don't call phx a girl!

The proper address is "twat"

sakredkow said...

Don't get your onesies in a bunch, little girl,

That's not what your mother was saying when I fucked that skanky bitch. POS made my dick stink for a month.

sakredkow said...

Those were the days.

President-Mom-Jeans said...

Awww, its cute when she tries to swear.

How adorable.

The Dude said...

Necrophiliac, too. Figures, commies like for the dead to vote, why not fuck them while they are at it, too!

Funny thing is, even though she has been dead and cremated lo these many decades, she's still not as dead as your dick.

And I must say, those surgeons did a nice job turning your vagina inside out - that thing almost looks real. Did Obama comment on it when he saw it?

chickelit said...

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
May 22, 2014 at 12:56 PM

phx said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
May 22, 2014 at 12:58 PM

Seriously, phx? You post under two handles?

sakredkow said...

She moaned like a bitch when she saw my dick - I guess your dad had one like you. Puny.

Brain power, dick power, tough shit for you sixty. Usually a guy gets one of 'em. Heh.

President-Mom-Jeans said...

I'm not sure which is sadder, Phx's attempts to talk like a male, or Larry the Leech's allowing then deleting all the comments mocking the shit out of him.

I think the saddest thing of all is Obama's feckless foreign policy though.

President-Mom-Jeans said...

Pretty sensitive today Phx, is there a full moon, or just get some sand in your vagina?

Take a Midol, have a douche, and chill out.

The Dude said...

Democrats war on women - they fuck them when they are dead.

And watch what you say about my father - he's your father too.

Sadly, your mother gave you up for adoption - she was so stupid she wasn't sure it was hers.

sakredkow said...

LOL Premenstrual Mom Jeans. You just always need me to pay attention to you, don't you?

I never address you just because you're kind of creepy but you're always there, "Me phx! Me, me me! Talk to me!"

I have no doubt you're sitting there in your panties in front of the computer, waiting for me to take you to school. LOL. NTTAWWT.

You and your girlfriend sixty just always needing my attention. It's kinda cute how much you guys miss school.

sakredkow said...

Inadequate males looking to compensate. That's Premenstrual and sixty for ya.

Anytime either of you girls want to actually, you know, argue issues let me know.

Ha ha ha! I know I was just kidding. You're way too scared. This is your comfort zone, slinging insults. But that's all you got.

sakredkow said...

And you're not even good at that.

President-Mom-Jeans said...

Yup, definitely that time of the month.

sakredkow said...

Well, nice slumming with you and your transgendered friend there. Let me know if you ever feel equal to an argument with me. The kind that real men have.


sakredkow said...

Bitches come in here to waste everyone's time with a bunch of childish namecalling, and when it gets handed handed back they pull their pigtails crying "You must be in a bad mood phx!"

sakredkow said...

Aren't there any real men or women around here?

chickelit said...

I'm still in a bit of shock, phx. I've read 'Unknown's comments for a long time and yours as well. I never thought to put them together.

chickelit said...

And yes, simply because I don't do it makes me one to throw stones.

chickelit said...

Two deleted back-to-back posts at 12:56 and 12:58 have identical content -- is if the first were posted under one name, deleted, and reposted under your name with an additional remark.

They're still in my gmail feed. Should I post them in full?

It saddens me is all.

sakredkow said...

LOL, oh fuck me. You are one dumbshite for sure.

Go ahead and post them.

You really need my attention, too, don't you? ROFLMAO.

chickelit said...


sakredkow said...

You want me to explain those deleted posts to you? Will that make you happy?

Did it make you happy when you were crying that I wouldn't tell you about where I got my user name?

Seriously dude. You need to find a new obsession.

I know you need to glom on to someone who's stronger and has more personality than you, but can't you find a rightwinger here to do that with? You're way too petty for me.

Too freaking funny.

sakredkow said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
sakredkow said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Trooper York said...

I just think that chickie was noticing that you were sock puppeting a little. That can be hard to do if you are using alternate accounts. You can get tripped up.

The best thing to do is admit it.

That's what I do when everybody thinks I am Ritmo. Just sayn'

sakredkow said...

I just think that chickie was noticing that you were sock puppeting a little. That can be hard to do if you are using alternate accounts. You can get tripped up.

Sure, when you don't have the ability to argue the issues with someone without getting shown up, the next best thing is to make accusations against them. Is that what you're doing, Troop?

I didn't expect anything at all from chickelit, but I thought you had a little more class than that.

sakredkow said...

No worries.

Trooper York said...

I don't make an accusations. Just a question based on an assumption from what chickie is saying. If you say you did not sock puppet I will take you at your word. I don't follow the feed on email so I don't know who is doing what.

I do trust chickie absolutely so I hereby give you the modified side eye.

Not that I think sock puppets are such a bad thing.

So that is for your guys to fight out.

Trooper York said...

Also I have a lot of class.

All of it low.

sakredkow said...

Like I said, no worries. I know where I stand with you.

Trooper York said...

Now the modified side eye is looking at you askance.

Like this one from Lindsey Lohan.

Trooper York said...

We just have to give each other a break so we do not become labeled as "bad faith" commenters.

I think I did that at Father Fox's blog. But that was only because I was bashing the dirty protestants. Luckily we sorted it out.

Fifty hail Mary's and fity Our Fathers. He is a tough grader.

Trooper York said...

When you say fity Our Fathers you have to talk like Crack. Just sayn'

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

I will vouch for chickie, say he's generally a great guy and very trustworthy from everything I've ever known about him, but I do find that he occasionally comes to conclusions that are mind-bogglingly wrong. Not that I couldn't forgive him for concluding sock puppetry based on identical, deleted, consecutive comments. It makes sense deductively but if it didn't happen that way it didn't happen. Stranger things have been known to happen.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Lowbrow class is the best kind. ;-)