Saturday, May 24, 2014

News: 7 Dead in "Mass Murder" Drive-By Shootings Near UC Santa Barbara

"Seven people are dead and seven injured after a swift and deadly “mass murder” rampage by a gunman who plowed through the streets in a black BMW, spraying bullets into Friday night crowds in the Southern California seaside town of Isla Vista near UC Santa Barbara."

"The gunman -- identified by an attorney for his father as Elliot Rodger -- was later involved in at least one shootout with sheriff's deputies and died of a gunshot wound to the head, Santa Barbara County Sheriff Bill Brown said at a Saturday morning news conference." (read more)

Suspected video of suspected now deceased gunman


Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Mountains of skulls and rivers of blood?

What is this kid talking about?

Entitlement derangement?

john said...

The video is so tortuously clichéd. He doesn't seem to have a clue why he's about to go on a killing spree, so he makes it up as he goes. How sad.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

The ritual of working up the nerves to do it.

It's as if he needs to conjure up a persona, other than his failing self, a hero of his making, to do the things he wishes he could do.

The melodrama is his way of... giving himself a pep talk as it where.

chickelit said...

Maybe girls saw through him. Just a thought.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

The instinct of the girls is too discriminating. You could say it's dam near enslaving, honed through centuries of exercising their power of choice. Not fair.


Lem Vibe Banditory said...

That's why I'm for single male reparations.

chickelit said...

If he'd only survived he would have gotten plenty of offers -- like Dzhokhar Tsarnaev got and presumably still gets.

edutcher said...

He needed Shout to find him a nice Filipina.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Maybe he was racist against Filipinas.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Sadly, they will not.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

YouTube has removed the video... the one I embedded still up... it wont be long.

Shouting Thomas said...

Well, edutcher, I watched the video. I'd never introduce that kind of nut to a nice Filipina.

The web has gone crazy over this.

Apparently, this mass murder is a defining political event setting the pick up artists up against the jezebels.

Every political faction is trying to interpret this slaughter in a way that advances their cause and slimes their opponents as the cause of it all.

Mumpsimus said...

Jesus, the kid was seriously mentally ill. Some people need everything to be about politics.

edutcher said...

And, apparently, he killed 3 more at an apartment complex.

The good news is this kid is not going to be staring into cameras for the next year with that stupid bug-eyed smirk we've come to know.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Some people need everything to be about politics.

"All modern presidents of both parties have been too much with us. Talking incessantly, they have put politics unhealthily at the center of America’s consciousness." George Will

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

The Soap opera, as rh calls it, is kicking into high gear.

Chip Ahoy said...

What a bummer.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

What a bummer.


Michael Haz said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Dust Bunny Queen said...

I only watched a little bit of his video, but the "creep vibes" were strong.

Like Chicklit. I think the girls, and guys, saw through him and got the same "danger danger something is wrong here" feeling. We don't have a self preservation instinct for no reason.

Aridog said...

The weekend toll for gun violence in the city includes at least nine people dead and at least 36 wounded.-6 children

That was just last month in a city near you and me. You didn't read it or hear about it on the national crazy biased anguished progressive fucking news? Say What?!

Quelle' Surprise.

What you are fed for news about homicides these days always fits a narrative, otherwise you do not see it, hear it, or know of it.

My experience says dead is dead. But only certain "dead" make the evening news Hoo-ha!! broadcasts.

Aridog said...

PS: Lem and Mumpsimus have it dead to get the news you are designated to see & hear, and nothing more.

And, yes, it is a "bummer" .... the sad part is we know that but somehow tolerate it.

One day is coming when we won't anymore...

The nice young man who stopped by my house yesterday said "I'm a community organizer" and gave me literature on a spendthrift asshole of a candidate for Michigan Governor ... a guy who never saw debt he didn't want to fellate. Current Gov is a almost typical Michigan Republican (read damn near RINO, but actually a bit conservative this time) .... so I engaged this clean cute earnest young man in conversation about Dem's and Repub's in our state and how they are so much alike they can't be distinguished most of the time. Poor kid didn't know who was the highest most confiscating tax Governor in our history (Billy Milliken of 14 years in office that wrecked what was left of our economy...added income tax and VAT tax, etc.)...etc.

I am sure he left my porch wondering about that crazy white guy he just talked to...the one who dislikes Democrats and Republicans in this state ... but will take the current Gov (Snyder - R) over the usual because he is slightly better than the normal gut rippers.

Aridog said...

PS: I regret, seriously, that I did not engage the young "community organizer" more. I blew it. Next time I see him in the neighborhood, or another one like him comes to my door, I will invite him or her inside to sit and talk about what we believe in...and why he advocates for a defeated Congressman from 2010? I would listen, really. How is this man better than Snyder, our current governor...who, of course, looks fantastic after our previous Governor, Jenny the Dim aka Jennifer Granholm (teh Cannuck)...the Democrat even Obama didn't want.

I promise to do better...

chickelit said...

@Aridog: Is John Conyears your Congressional Rep? Is he up for reerection this year?

chickelit said...

The kid had "trigger warning" written all over his mood and expressions. You gotten wonder if he had that all along.

chickelit said...

Chicks and dudes swoon over killer

Aridog said...

chickelit said...

@Aridog: Is John Conyears your Congressional Rep? Is he up for reerection this year?

Mot anymore. He was my congressman until the 2010 census and re-districting. Before that, It was John Dingell, and it is now John Dingell again. In short both of the most senior Congressmen.

Dingell is retiring this year and it is rumored his wife will run for his seat. She will not get my vote. Old John was shunted aside in Congress anyway by Nancy Pelosi in favor of Henry Waxman.

Conyers is running again this election, after a petition dispute, a judge ruled his petitions sufficient.

As for his "re-erection?" Pretty sure they're rare at his age and blue pill enhanced if they occur at all :-)

Full Disclosure: I did vote for Conyers while he was my representative, even though he held almost no political positions in common with me...I did it because his office truly represented you if you needed Congressional help, which I did twice, as a "whistle-blower". He effected the changes necessary, acting directly and personally, saved the government substantial money in the process, and protected me and my name throughout both instances. I cannot fault him his honor in matters like those.

Aridog said...

chickelit said...

Chicks and dudes swoon over killer

That would not happen if the media did not make martyr-like heroes of the savage bastards.

WTF? As I said yesterday, here at 12:08, worse killings occur regularly and no wide spread attention is paid to it. The press publicize only those they find "glamorous" ... and subsequently so do barely pubescent girls. Ou, oh, ah...