The video is brief, just two minutes, it shows StemExpress CEO admitting Planned Parenthood sells fully intact aborted babies. It is a teaser video, a preview to a longer one intended for immediate release.
This site,
Life News has a good recap of events, a good read this morning that includes names so I could take my time and have a window open and see who they are talking about, what they look like. Surely they are monsters, with horns and discoloration, warts, and serious psoriasis I expect, but no, they're all normal women, most we've seen, most actually attractive. They're intelligent too. They're doctors. The sort of women you'd like to talk to otherwise.
I'm fascinated with them looking so normal.
I linger with the photographs, project into them briefly and become part of the scene and feel what it's like.
I ask them sincerely as if they're my lab partner, looking right them "How can you do all this?" And I feel ill. Being that close.
I'm punking myself again.
Just thinking it, just imagining being so near as engagement with someone so far from grace makes me physically ill. As if speaking with evil refined. I'm this fainting couch pussy while they've become MDs in carnage leaving a wake of destruction complete as the Crystalline Entity, and politically fierce besides with their grubby mitts on tax funding as part of their circular support system that keeps everyone, baby-messing doctors, democrat politicians, media stair climbers all fat and happy with money and with mutual recognition for admirably good work rewarded with something so banal as applause and a plaque with both party's names on it, another trophy for participating in their circular profitable enterprise.
Why be ill about it though?
Well, ill because they're discussing their business as students in junior science class opening a live frog and doing that same thing as we did as students. Nearly did. Equating fetus to frog is ill-inducing.
There were girls doing that too back then, friends, so still, why?
I thought back following that thread of dread so real you can feel it about dissecting frogs in open livid vivisection splayed and pinned in a tray of wax with its organs still functioning, that was the point, the fascination of seeing things working. The new school I was at let us off easy, a student could abjure on grounds of being a pussy about cutting open frogs so I missed some important lessons. I guess.
Thinking further I'm half as young as that and placed in a field on another continent that is next to a cluster of small houses packed together, the only open area around, the opposite direction from the base. It's hot and dirty and nothing but weeds and a packed dirt bicycle path, a tower on the side near the houses with their individual walled yards and on the far side a copse of bamboo that had my intense interest. I'm with my older brother and somehow he discovered the joy of firecrackers. To his excitement, not mine, they're legal at this new place. Barry had a variety of fireworks to experiment. I have no idea how he got his hands on them, where he got them, on base or off base, how much they cost, what kind of money he used, who hooked him up, who translated, how he knew about them, how the transaction went, nothing. It's one of the things that made him completely mysterious to me and so full of surprises. He kept pulling that sort of thing. I could not have thought of such a thing as fireworks on my own. So instead of exploring the bamboo that afternoon is devoted to learning about fireworks. Apparently they'll play a big part in our new life in this new place. I have no interest in them. There is only one kind that I like. Little colorful exploding spit wads that fired on impact. You threw them on something hard and they exploded. Tiny papier mâché squibs. That's all. 100 to a package. Later, they got me in trouble in connection with a slingshot so those were given up too.
This afternoon was devoted to regular exploding fireworks. It was Barry's idea to stuff one inside the mouth of a frog and light it. He lit the firecracker. It exploded. Killed the frog to bits. Both of us felt like shit. Immediately. Like a bucket challenge of ice cold guilt drenched both of us immediately. Both of us knew immediately
NEVER do that again. Most profoundly. Most immediately. Neither of us spoke of the incident. I suppose, before that moment we didn't care about frogs or think of them any differently from anything else that grows automatically like weeds, but after we killed that frog that way for no reason except curiosity the feeling of remorse was too crushing to bear we hadn't words even to talk about it. Not ever. And he's an upright eagle scout type guy, I'm not. Since I feel this way I can imagine how he feels. He's supposed to be my role model. And we're turning out to be little shits blowing up creatures in other peoples' country.
Who would have thought that absurd boyhood lesson would become cellularly encoded?
I understand now. The female doctors on these Center for Medical Progress sting videos never had much of a boyish interest in firecrackers nor any nefarious boyish interest in blowing up frogs. Missed that whole thing. Boys are so terrible, always blowing things up and killing harmless innocent creatures. Good thing these doctors weren't boys.
All that from staring at photos of abortion doctors that look like regular people.
The article at Life News lists the states that have taken action already up to this point. It lists states that cut off funding, states that initiated investigations, and conversely, states that legislated immediate support for Planned Parenthood. All those states listed and Colorado is not among them.
They saved it for last. Doug Lamborn a Colorado representative introduced legislation to halt funding for abortions.
Guess his party.
The exchange is interesting. Lamborn wants direct state funding to stop immediately but also wants state money for state research to stop. He wants the State universities to formulate policy stating they will not use any human fetal material in research.
The president of the university replied they will do their best and they will try to limit using human fetal cells as much as possible.
Readers see two obvious wiggle-room outs. Total wishy-washy meaningless jibberjabber filler-words. Bluster. Readers see in the response no intention of doing anything at all.
Lamborn replied that isn't good enough.
CSU responded and said that they can limit the university’s use of fetal tissue. Additionally, Franks said that they will “seek alternatives to aborted fetal tissue sources” and ask vendors for “all available information regarding the source of fetal tissue.” He said, “With this information, our institution and researchers can continue to assure that when research is conducted, we do so meeting our ethical standards.”
However, Rep. Lamborn argues that CSU’s response isn’t sufficient.