Thursday, September 10, 2015

Why Carly’s face is the reason Trump might win.

Here’s the thing. All the pansies and pundits and pontificators have their panties in a bunch because Trump made fun of Carly Fioruna's face. As if people don’t make fun of Trumps face all the time. Mock his hair and his pudgy white guy facade. What you can’t do that about a woman? Are they immune? Aren't we supposed to be equal? Or are there different rules for woman when it advantages them? Of course there are. And many people are calling bullshit. Feminist "The View" bullshit. It doesn't sell anymore. At least not to the many millions of people who will vote for Trump.

You see it was the same with Reagan. The usual suspect said there was no way he could get elected. That the things he said were so off the charts that the American Public would reject them. They conceive that people won't recognize the truth when they see if even if it is phrased in a crude way. That is the position of George Will and Jonah Goldberg and the wheelchair guy. They can’t believe that people would vote for such a low class vulgarian. Someone who would never be accepted at one of their elitist Georgetown cocktail parties.

Well many people are tied of that noise. They want somebody who is not afraid. Did you know that Trump polls at 25% of the black vote? Double what Romney did in the last election? You know why? Because some blacks are smart enough to realize that illegal immigrants are getting the jobs that they could get.  If Trump breaks the monolithic hold the Democrats have on the black vote he would be an easy winner.

Plus people think about governing. Trump would just bomb the crap of ISIS. If a bunch of civilians get killed he will say “Hey it worked in World War 2 so get over yourself.” There's your refugee problem solved right there. The UN and the media and the liberals could all pee themselves with rage and he would just shrug and go on killing our enemies before they kill us. The Mullahs know this. They know the difference between Trump and Obama. Night and day so to speak.

Don’t be afraid to say something that will piss off the politically correct. Don’t be afraid to do something that will piss off the politically correct.

A lot of us would be happy to sign on to that.

The bombing starts in five minutes.


bagoh20 said...

The guy is not a conservative. As President he will piss off the right as much, if not more than the left. His policy suggestions are all over the place with no substance nor thought behind them.

He has no guiding principles besides making money and brand. His political party?

Republican (Before 1999; 2009–11; 2012–present)
Reform (1999–2001)[5]
Democratic (2001–09)[6]
Independent (2011–12)[7]

He is a douchebag, but he is not our douchebag. He does not see things your way. He just pises off the right people. That feels good, but is worthless. His appeal is as sensible as Obama's was. It's all emotion. Hope and Change for wingnuts.

Trooper York said...

You know what bags? You are right. But I don't care. If he does one conservative thing it will be one more than McConnell or Beohner or Romney or Bush. If he smacks around the Mexicans and bombs the crap out of ISIS then I am good.

We can't get everything. Maybe we can get something.

Trump might be bad. He can't be worse.

Trooper York said...

He cut a deal. Lie, cheat and steal with a straight face. Swindle our opponents and leave them holding the bag.

What's not to like.

edutcher said...

OK, you're half right and we've all kind of agreed The Donald's defiance of the Powers What Are have gotten him here.

But it's still a primary fight and, if the base decides he's picking on the wrong people, his standing goes down fast.

Most of the base really doesn't know Carson that well, but they kinda like Carly and (this is what makes the base's lack of hip important) the base has that Duke Wayne attitude toward women.

Does anybody really think Linda Cristal was wrong when she said, "Mr Tall American, I do believe, even if I were 60 years old and wrinkled, I could count on your assistance"?

bagoh20 said...

The guy is not a conservative. As President he will piss off the right as much, if not more than the left. His policy suggestions are all over the place with no substance nor thought behind them.

He has no guiding principles besides making money and brand. His political party?

Republican (Before 1999; 2009–11; 2012–present)
Reform (1999–2001)[5]
Democratic (2001–09)[6]
Independent (2011–12)[7]

You've just described the voting record of half the country in the last century.

Methadras said...

What's-a matter you? Hey! Gotta no respect. Hey!
What-a you t'ink you do? Hey!
Why you look-a so sad? Hey!
It's-a not so bad. Hey! It's-a nice-a place.
Ah, shaddap-a you face!

AllenS said...

Right now, Trump is talking the talk, and we have no idea if he will walk the walk, but it is refreshing just to see someone address problems that we all know need to be dealt with, and his in your face talk is like totally cool. Those stats about blacks is good news.

Kick some ass, Trump, and take some names.

bagoh20 said...

"You've just described the voting record of half the country in the last century."

Exactly. And that's not leadership and it has no foundation. It's just wandering around in the dark.

ricpic said...

Hey will somebody sic the Italian Anti-Defamation League on Meth!

Between stopping the invasion, scrapping the Iran deal, building up the military and facing down the North Koreans, the Chinese, Putin, taking a meat cleaver to regulations that are strangling business thereby getting the economy going, I think Trump could be a solid president. He's not a conservative and he's not likely to cut the size of government but he could make it less intrusive domestically and more protective of American interests abroad. One thing we know: since he's not an ideologue he's not going to stock his administration with ideologues. The insane fantasists will be gone, or at least reduced in number and influence.

Trooper York said...

He's a gonif but he would be our gonif.

Amartel said...

You don't know that.

Trooper York said...

I know the rest of them are not my gonifs.

Look ricpic and I have grown up with guys like this all our life. The Upper East Side Real Estate Jewish gonifs. I know that Trump is not technically Jewish but he grew up in the life and was influenced by Sol Goldman and the rest of the tribe. He learned at the feet of his Dad Fred Trump who make his fortune in apartment houses in the outer boroughs. So he has a New York sensibility. A New York Jewish deal maker sensibility.

That could be very useful.

I know a lot of youse guys don't like that. You don't want a loud mouth deal maker who will cut some corners to get what he wants. Look at this way. He is going to cut a deal that makes him look good. That is good for us. Not for the Iranians the way Obama did. He will not throw Israel under the bus. He will not throw our national interest under the bus. He will do what is good for him. I bet that will be what is good for us. A lot better than what almost any of the other Republicans will do. In the end they want the good opinion of the opinion makers. Except maybe for Ted Cruz. So if Trump clears the way for Cruz it is a good thing.

Trump might be bad but he can't be worse.

Trooper York said...

Look at we he did to the rest of the field. Scott Walker dried up like a fart in the wind. Perry disintegrated. Bush started babbling in Spanish. Carly is making faces.

Oh sorry. My bad. We can't talk about her face. Never mind.

bagoh20 said...

He might be rich at the moment, but this guy has made a lot of bad decisions and bad deals in the past. He favors national health care, taxing the rich even more, he has supported Hillary, Bill, and other Dems. He does however choose wives wisely, but he marries them, so even on women he's a mixed bag. And who buys his religiosity bullshit. If he's God-fearing, I'm Ironman's gay lover.

I'd vote for him over any Democrat, but that's not saying much. I'd prefer a number of other Republicans over him. They may suck in the flash and bluster department, but I lived through the Schwarzenegger governorship here in California, and that experiment turned out worse than electing an full blown Democrat. CA now has the only global warming afflicted economy on the planet with crazy taxes on every form of energy. We pay energy prices including gasoline that are near double the rest of the country, and it's mandated to get worse. A tough talking "Republican" did that. I don't trust celebrity fair-weather conservative warriors.

edutcher said...

What happened to Jeb, Walker, and Perry was their own doing, not The Donald's.

Just sayin',

Trooper York said...

He has made bad deals. I am not in love with him. But most of the Republicans are showing that they can't beat him. How are they going to beat the Democrats who are going to cheat and steal the election.

If we need someone to cheat and steal he is the guy. Just sayn'

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

What Bagoh20 Said.

To over look Donald's past support of Democrats and say that is fine because Walker did what exactly?

Amartel said...

Trooper, you're selling way too hard. No one has to buy right now. And recharacterizing peoples' objections to the guy is dirty pool. Not winning any fans with that. Also, the tribe argument? Non-starter.

Aridog said...

Trooper said...

Trump might be bad but he can't be worse.

Well said. If Trump makes it to the election versus H R Clinton, you can bet your butt I'm voting for Trump.

Then I'll hold my breath.

Trooper York said...

Jeb, Walker and Perry folded like cheap suitcases in the face to Donald's big mouth. If they cant handle that how the hell are they going to stand up to the Iranians?

Trump exposed their inner loser. If they are the real deal they can beat him fair and square. Or just be yourself like Cruz and for that matter Huckabee. They tried to trim their sales to be popular and it rings false.

Here's the thing. Trump is not paying any attention to the Republican consults. The Roves. The Haley Barbours. The ones who kowtow to conventional thinking. "Oh noes" they say! They jump up on the table and lift up their skirts. "Oh noes....look at what he said! Woe is me!"

What a bunch of bullshit.

Trooper York said...

Amartel I am playing dirty. That is the whole point. That is what we have to do if we want to win. Who was cleaner than good old Mitt? Who was more respectable then war hero straight shooter McCain? How did that work out for us?

We are in a street fight with the Democrats. Who do you want to slug it out for you? Gentlemen Jim Corbett? Or the Raging Bullshit?

Trooper York said...

Trump supported Democrats before. So what. He was operating in New York and he had to pay to play. That's the way it works.

Trump is not a died in the wool Republican. Neither am I any longer. The Republican party has lost it's legitimacy. I have been hoping for a populist who will bring my issues forward without fear of political correctness. Without worrying that the "right" people will turn up their noses at me. Trump seems to be doing that so far. For that he has my support. If Walker has the stones to beat him I will support him. But I don't see it so far.

Trump might be bad but he can't be worse.

Trooper York said...

A good cogent explanation of why Scott Walker is tanking can be found here at "The Mystery of Scott Walker Cratering in no Mystery" at Redsate.

Basically it states that he is being co-opted by the permanent campaign. The Republican stooges who have been running things for years and got us in this mess where we control the Congress and we can't do dick.

I had high hopes for Walker. Now I am dubious.

But then nothing ever good came out of Wisconsin. So there is that.

Titus said...

I like Trump.


Wait until he get to Hil's face and body.

Trooper York said...

Here's a funny thing. You know that I have a bunch of friends that are Muslim cab drivers who are from Bangladesh. They recently started a construction company. They are all voting for Trump.

The Mexicans are underbidding them with illegal immigrant labor.

Trump has a lot of support in unexpected places. I remind you that he is getting 25% of the black vote in the most recent polling. Double what most Republicans get.

I can see why the Republicans want to repudiate him. He might win.

Titus said...

The gays are liking Trump too.

We know he is just like Obama on gay marriage. He says he is against it but he doesn't give a shit and supports the fags getting hitched.

I love that he is loud and Eastern too!

We threw out Hidebeast months ago.

Amartel said...

I call bullshit on every one of your arguments, Trooper.
-You are totally in love with the guy, the way Obama voters fell in love with "their" guy. (Who's not their guy at all.) Yeah, I know, you're not about to start fainting and making up songs or like that but Trump has emotional resonance for you. Just admit it. You think he's in your "tribe." You'll learn.
-I haven't liked any of the stuffed shirts that have run on the GOP ticket for years, either. But I don't need to be in love to vote. I'd really rather not, actually. The Reps have lost their way ideologically and testicularly. Hey, let's support a loose cannon with no ideological consistency or accountability. What a great idea.
-He's not "your" or "our" guy. (See his prior progressive statements, daily knee-jerk progressive reactions, urgency to shut down opponents rather than debate them on the merits, media love.) He's getting support other than from conservatives for a reason - and he'll go where that support leads him. Guaranteed.

Oh, and taking cheap shots at people is not tough.

Titus said...

I think this has lots to do with Easternphobia.

Trooper York said...

There is no such thing as a cheap shot. In politics. A shot is a shot. Politics ain't bean bag. You can be a nice guy like Mitt Romney. You know polite. And you know what you call a guy like that. A loser.

Will Trump do some liberal crap I don't like. Sure. You know who will also do that? Bush. Rubio. Walker. Carly with the Laughing Face. Bobby Slurpee. All of them. Except maybe Ted Cruz who is really my guy. If Trump makes Teddy seem like a reasonable choice then hey it is all good.

So I am not afraid of Trump. A loose cannon might be just what we need to break down some walls. We are not getting anywhere doing it the same old way.

Oh and I am not totally in love with that guy. I just think he serves his purpose. A purpose that we need. The destruction of the old order.

Trump might be bad but he can't be worse.

William said...

I'm a bit more liberal than many who post here. I'm not against first trimester abortions, but I would never, ever be in favor of partial birth abortions like Trump was. That's not a position that one evolves in favor of or against. A viable fetus is a baby, and you're pretty creepy if you're in favor of sucking a baby's brain out of its cranium......People like to think that Trump's nastiness will be directed only against people and positions that they dislike. Fat chance. Trump's nastiness will be directed exclusively at people he dislikes. His most memorable put downs have been directed against Republicans. I think that that will continue. Some day he will want to put up another big building in NYC. There's no percentage for him n drawing blood against the Dems.

Titus said...

Bobby Slurpee-that is some funny shit.

I always ask my Indy boyfriend to make me a slurpee...I call him Abu sometimes.

Amartel said...

He does serve a purpose, I have no argument on that. I've said before several times that he's serving a purpose, busting up some of the old political tropes and dopes. I'm fine with that and not just for personal entertainment purposes.

edutcher said...

Trooper York said...

Jeb, Walker and Perry folded like cheap suitcases in the face to Donald's big mouth. If they cant handle that how the hell are they going to stand up to the Iranians?

Trump exposed their inner loser. If they are the real deal they can beat him fair and square. Or just be yourself like Cruz and for that matter Huckabee. They tried to trim their sales to be popular and it rings false.

No, the big mouth was just a-borning then.

This is T-Paw ('member him?) talking about ObamaneyCare to the media and then folding when called upon to do it to Romney's face.

Walker and Perry really didn't have anything to say (Walker doesn't strike me as a talker anyhow). Jeb was supposed to be the Great Whig Hope, but didn't.

The Donald has yet to go nose to nose with somebody (Cruz, especially) and really beat them.

When that happens, then you'll be on the money.

Amartel said...

It has to do with Idiocracyphobia.

windbag said...

Gary Johnson for President.

Rabel said...

"Gary Johnson for President."

Cool, Bro. Instead of Trump's wall we'll just build a bridge across the Rio Grande.

From the Libertarian Party platform:

"Economic freedom demands the unrestricted movement of human as well as financial capital across national borders."

But dope will be cheaper so there's that.

rcocean said...

The only one who can stop Jeb! is Trump. Its a choice between a guy who'll sell you out and an untrustworthy guy who says he won't.

Dreaming about Cruz getting the nomination or Carson is just that a dream. Neither can stop Jeb! - who's got the Establishment behind him and $100 million plus all of Mexico.

rcocean said...

"I'm not against first trimester abortions, but I would never, ever be in favor of partial birth abortions like Trump was"

So what? Bush II was against it and what good did it do. Do you think Jeb! - cares about abortion? McCain/Romney/Bush I were all pro-choice before they ran in the Republican nomination.

bagoh20 said...

As the unparalleled superpower the best President is a scary one that everyone thinks is a little trigger happy, like they thought Reagan was. Our great power has no value unless our enemies believe we will use it hard and fast. That belief in your enemies prevents you from having to use it. That is how you achieve relative peace. This is one quality that makes Trump attractive to me. It's like having a crazy ass greedy lawyer working for you. Everyone prefers to settle out of court.

Trooper York said...


I think you got it bags.

Here is a guy at Breibart who explains it a lot better than I did.

Anonymous said...

It's the Caddyshack campaign. If you can't beat Trump you don't deserve to be president. Trump opens up a much bigger tent.