Tuesday, September 29, 2015

"Video Fiorina Spoke Of In Debate Released"

"The video that Carly Fiorina graphically described at the last Republican presidential debate, depicting a moving fetus on a table following an apparent abortion, was released online in its entirety Tuesday morning, according to Gregg Cunningham, the founder of the Center for Bio-Ethical Reform, who collected the footage."

"During the debate on Sept. 16, Fiorina denounced the images on videos that had been produced by a separate group, the Center for Medical Progress (CMP). “As regards [to] Planned Parenthood, anyone who has watched this videotape, I dare Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama to watch these tapes,” she said. “Watch a fully formed fetus on the table, its heart beating, its legs kicking while someone says we have to keep it alive to harvest its brain.”"

Graphic Video after the jump

Link to video


chickelit said...

Is that the "stock footage" of a miscarriage that Chuck Todd claimed on Sunday morning talk show.

Why do the biggest lies occur on Sunday Morning TV/News shows?

chickelit said...

No one is making an issue of it, but the live birth is probably what goes on in a lot of abortions in the babies which are then "parted out." Why?

Because researchers don't want tissue samples contaminated with toxins/poisons normally used to kill fetuses prior to extraction. Those poisons are pretty non selective and contaminate future experiments.

edutcher said...

You go, girl.

She make not make the top slot or even Veep, but her name will one day be exalted in the Nation.

chickelit said...

Even for the the most advanced fetus, there is no anesthetic either -- because that would contaminate tissue as well.

What they do to those late term fetuses-- you can't even do that to a dead frog in a high school biology these days.

Chip Ahoy said...

Do I have to watch the video to be properly informed? Goddamnit.

Then have arguments with people who didn't watch it from a position of outrage and sanctimonious power conferred by watching that I use to lord over the the nonwatchers and rub their nose in it.

A really bad way to train puppies, a cross word will do, and show them where to pee. If you must, put some pee there, your own pee will work, you give it doctors and labs why not, but whereas puppies are easy to train Democrats are impossible of learning. A shortcircuiting of affiliation fuses wiring disastrously.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

The media (democrat hacks, all) are in over-drive playing the Planned Parenthood deception game.

I heard ABS radio news today say "Planned Parenthood denies any wrong doing." and that was it. No follow up. The democrat media are pathetic liars.

PP and the media are pushing the "the video are all faked!" meme. If this story were about killing puppies or if the R-party did something wrong, I can grantee you the media would be wall to wall. Instead, the media have ignored it, lied about the videos, and basically become democrat operatives with by-lines.
They have proven themselves genuine HACKS once again.

Our media -- as corrupt and evil as Bill and Hillary.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...


Trooper York said...

Wow. That is just horrible.

It is enough to make you despair.

There is evil in the world.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

The evil hack democrat press, along with their evil PP ghouls -- are saying, collectively and in look-step, that "you can create your own reality" & "the videos are fake."

Really. That's what they are saying.

It's time to hang late term abortion and baby parts harvesting for profit around the necks of each and every democrat.

JAL said...

The blonde PP prezy chick said the videos were "unfair" and "untrue."


Isn't that hilarious?

She did not clarify what was "untrue."

Oh yeah -- and the videos are "doctored." Weird choice of word, huh.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Intellectual curiosity ends in "journalism" when the story/truth hurts democrats and their sacred cows.

deborah said...

Not going to watch, but I imagine a good title would be 'technology meet reality.'

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

I couldn't watch the whole thing.

Too gruesome.

XRay said...

Sorry to be a stickler, but that video doesn't fully validate Fiorina's point.

Though it is horrible enough no less.

What I'm waiting for is Ritmo, to come on here and defend the indefensible.

I'm sure he has an angle.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

It might have led a nice, long life if it ever lost the tissue keeping its eyes and mouth permanently closed and not been miscarried.

But luckily there are a lot of crusaders here willing to incubate and carry it in their own bellies until it can do so!

Oh wait...

XRay said...

Deborah, though it may be rough and tumble on occasion, good to see you're still around.

XRay said...

I knew it.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

"(C)ome on here and defend the indefensible."

It sounds like you just did.

Yes, removing miscarried fetuses is VERY indefensible.

They should be kept in their bodies until they become septic and KILL the woman!

It's her fault for becoming pregnant! Heathen Whore!

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

I knew it.

Knew what? That I actually figured out the reason for the position you had already taken? It's all over the comments section.

Repeat after me: Knowledge will not kill you. Neither will it kill others.

Methadras said...

Rhythm and Balls said...

It might have led a nice, long life if it ever lost the tissue keeping its eyes and mouth permanently closed and not been miscarried.

But luckily there are a lot of crusaders here willing to incubate and carry it in their own bellies until it can do so!

Oh wait...

It is not an it, it is a human being. Keep the lie going. You and your kind are just dastardly people.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Methadras said...

Rhythm and Balls said...

"(C)ome on here and defend the indefensible."

It sounds like you just did.

Yes, removing miscarried fetuses is VERY indefensible.

They should be kept in their bodies until they become septic and KILL the woman!

It's her fault for becoming pregnant! Heathen Whore!

You only show up to these kinds of threads to defend your indefensible ideology. You believe that infanticide in utero or out utero should remain legal. You only prove that your ideology is one based on death. Why do you believe in and promote a death based ideology?

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

But it's not like I don't trust Methadras' understanding of biology and medicine. Seriously, in a CPR class he blew air up the mannequin's ass.

He thought it looked like a mouth!

And looks can be deceiving. But for a pretend-conservative, the kind Buckley warned us about, the kind that don't use brains, they are the same thing as reality.

And now, a magician will REALLY saw a woman in half. And David Copperfield will REALLY disappear. And Uri Geller will REALLY bend spoons. And David Blaine will REALLY levitate!

Hey! We SAW it! And seeing is believing!

XRay said...

Hey, Rit. You're leading me to a comment section on TIME magazine for guidance on how to interpret the video linked here. Really. You're going there to espouse and trumpet your misguided view of the world. That's not smart.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

TIME? Go to the comments at the video itself.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Even Michael K at TOP says that he regularly performed abortions prior to 20 weeks.

He's like the only possibly successful doctor in this corner of the internets even remotely sympathetic to the impulses of the Party of Buckley's Cranks and has a moral cut-off at least partially informed by the science.

All the comments with any support indicate it was miscarriage of a "pro-life" woman who obviously had no choice of leaving him/her/whatever in her body.

Again, this happened in Ireland to an Indian woman. Google septic abortion and stop with the Holier-than-thou bullcrap of pretending that you even know enough to have somehow (falsely) declared pregnancy a risk-free condition.

It's like Boehner said: "False prophets."

False prophets need false information. And among Buckley's Cranks, there's no shortage of that anymore. Just completely impervious to any reality whatsoever. It's all images. Images and attitudes.

Your party has become a cartoon.

XRay said...

No, I won't go anywhere based on your recommendation. You're a partisan hack so full of himself and so thus unwilling to even consider that others viewpoints and opinions might be as valid as yours as to be worthless.

Shouldn't have engaged to begin with, conjuring your name, my bad. Good night.

chickelit said...

THere's NO FUCKING "IDEOLOGY" here, you twat! There's a reality that you deny. The reality of a video depicting the aftermath of a miscarriage. However "gruesome" it looks to you, that's EXACTLY what it is.

AND FURTHERMORE, don't you nitwits understand that "miscarriage" doesn't mean "died in the womb by God's hand" -- it also means born alive (in every sense) and then studied to DEATH! And that little "it" was no more "sacred" than a frog or a sea horse! And who cares if they make a little dough selling the "parts." It would be a shame to waste that tissue!


Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

They make no profit off tissue research, a miscarried fetus isn't "born alive" to my knowledge (let alone "in every sense"), post-mortem movements are involuntary, common and not signs of "life", and the only other semi-sane and occasionally open-minded commenter here says he refuses to read the comments at the source video itself on YouTube -- because they're now forever associated in his mind with my somehow defiling them by having read them myself.

I mean, damn. I want to be sympathetic to your emotional reactions based on how gruesome the video looks. But why am I supposed to be so sympathetic to your emotions when you're so opposed to the facts? Is that how it works in life? Whichever Republican has the strongest emotional response, wins?

This is why your guys aren't winning. Trump will not invalidate the Buckley rule. The cranks can't win. They need at least some brain to go anywhere. Or else they end up like the Scarecrow.

chickelit said...

The only kind of right ritmo is willing to defend to the death is the right to shoot loads unprotected absolutely anywhere at any time without consequence. This explains his fascination with masturbation, his pro-abortion stance, and his defense of bath house culture, including his dormant sullivanism. All in one fell swoop. I'm guessing, but I think it's just endorphin addiction apologia.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

I never defended "bath house culture" (not even sure what that means), but do notice that most people who fixate on sex being a "bad thing" usually have tons of other actually bad stuff going on in their own lives or that they actually refuse to see.

The funny thing is, you never cease to defend industrialists who poison people and the environment but feel that "endorphins" are suspect chemicals. I guess you don't feel joy very often.

It's like how you went to TOP to pretend-defend religion on the basis of it being some "residual" (funny word!) thing that therefore demands respect. Tell me, are you as willing to condemn molestation scandals and forced septic abortions and the spread of AIDS in Africa by condemning condom use as you are to defend a certain church's stance on abortion?

Are you not willing to understand that the disparity in these bizarre and deadly positions originate in a backward suspicion of sex and a hatred of women for being more naturally endowed with its appeal?

Why do you let other people control you like that? It's almost like you seek them out.

It's as your dad said. I guess you seek out the control of others because you wouldn't know how to control yourself. But don't take that out on people who simply know how to responsibly, knowledgeably, enjoy their freedom.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

And anyways, (not that I'm sure you can help it), but don't be disingenuous. The right to enjoy one's freedom is not exactly the same thing as the right a woman has to her own body - including the right to not die of a septic abortion from a miscarried fetus. As I said, if you're wiling to force other people to endure unwanted (or even, as was the case here, a WANTED! pregnancy), then I'd believe your integrity if you were willing to offer up use of your own body to do so.

It's completely an issue of medicine (of which most people here are almost entirely ignorant) and an issue of it being creepy for you to want to use the state as your "surrogate" (pun intended) for poking around in other people's bodies.

You call me creepy by insinuating that I like orgasms and am not disgusted by the body fluids of sex.

I raise your bluff and call you twenty times creepier for being overly concerned with other people's sex lives, how you wish to control them, and even how you want to distract people with those things as if that has anything to do with a "pro-life" woman's need to remove a miscarried fetus from her body.

Imagine that! Even a "pro-life" woman must succumb to the laws of medicine. How evil "The Creator" must have been to have played a trick like that on the best of His flock.

chickelit said...

@Ritmo: I appreciate your "annalysis" of my psyche and religion. As I recall, only she responded to me in the comments about that "residual" comment of mine at her blog.

I've long been fascinated by your mores and ticks too. From time to time, you break free of what seem to be self-imposed constraints and speak real truth to political issues. I've noted that all along, but I've unfortunately lost the motivation to find and bookmark the occasions in the past. This moment is not one of them.

chickelit said...

Fortunately for us and for the world, Fiorina will keep this issue focussed on the evil and insidious "parting-out" of fetal tissue. There is little reason to believe that the practice is under any real control since PP now denies it even exists. The moral danger is real but so too is the physical danger to women's health as abortion practices are altered to optimize tissue procurement.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Well, whether the "moment" has to do with the subject matter, your mood, or just the whims of the universe, I've just sort of come to my own conclusion on why this video is fascinating to those circulating and publicizing (but refusing to read the source video's comments about) it:

They secretly know the truth (AFAIK) about it and subconsciously want to prepare themselves psychologically for how unpleasant most things related to pregnancy (both medical and otherwise) really are - regardless of how they pertain to abortion.

I think it's like a form of pregnancy porn. If people calling themselves "pro-life" can learn to stomach the less pretty facts about pregnancy, maybe they will get less petulant about abortion.

It's kind of like the Trump phenomenon. He wants to raise taxes, has liberal views on many things, etc. But because he rails about immigrants and hates spineless politicians, they'll take him.

This video of a vagina releasing a dead fetus is a way for them to think, "Hey, maybe ALL pregnancies have some 'disgusting' elements -- not just abortion!"

And that's not a pretty way to figure things out, either. But I guess people have to accommodate themselves to realities in the ways that they can handle.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Fortunately for us and for the world... the physical danger to women's health...

Which "real world" is that?

One in which people explaining what actually happened got three times as many agreements as those distorting it as propaganda?

One in which abortion prohibitionists outnumber those favoring the status quo?

One in which miscarriages and septic abortions don't occur?

Admit it. This is just one more way a party coasting on fumes is burning itself out. Just like they need terrorism porn and and wealth porn ("prosperity gospel"?) and immigration porn, they need pregnancy porn. Sensationalizing things to give them the emotional distraction necessary to avoid dealing with real issues.

It's becoming harder and harder to deny, isn't it?

chickelit said...

It's becoming harder and harder to deny, isn't it?

I look forward to reading of your (and Althouse's) continuing denial of the PP videos as well as your forthcoming attacks on Fiorina. I hope they meet and exceed Althouse's thoroughly catty remarks about her to date.

Good night.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Fiorina will make or break her own success. And simply running on whatever bread and circuses can be made from this denial that miscarried fetuses such as (AFAIK) this one simply must be removed from the body or else they will kill it, too, will make her no more successful than being a functionary executive at HP did.

Presidencies require visionaries, not functionaries. And there is nothing more functionary than the predictable play for the "disgusted by fetuses" crowd so animating a right-wing with so few issues to actually run on. We can't go to war, we can't raise the DJIA or employment all that much. Might as well talk about how disgusting pregnancy is.

Good night.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Fortunately for us and for the world, Fiorina will keep this issue focussed on the evil and insidious "parting-out" of fetal tissue. There is little reason to believe that the practice is under any real control since PP now denies it even exists. The moral danger is real but so too is the physical danger to women's health as abortion practices are altered to optimize tissue procurement.

Perfect summation, Chickelit.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Leftwing tools believe the lies that the hack press sell them. Sad.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Amazing how the 2 1/2 years of behind the scenes footage gathering they managed to puppet the PP's mouths to admit they want profit for whole baby parts.

It's all fake!

Chip Ahoy said...

They're terrified because they know themselves that their activity is criminal. It's so obvious it's painful, literally painful to watch.

That Republicans tolerate the kickback in money and support is outrageous from purely observer point of view. That alone, that right there alone makes the party hopelessly useless.

The Democrats are running circles around Republicans sent to control the crazy. Republicans failed utterly. Now everybody's tax money goes to support Democrat candidates through Planned Parenthood as with other such criminal kickback enterprises that lock up Democrat loyalties for decades. Democrats being the most easily corruptible party.

Get that one thing through your goddamn thick skulls. I don't want to support ANY Democrat candidate EVER no matter how convoluted the scheme, no matter how disingenuous the purported good cause being addressed.

Just ask any Comcast customer. The templates for Corporate policies to customer are identical to Democrat governance to citizen.

That is what aggravates me so much about creampuff control freak mental disorder that animates ALL Democrat voters to suffer upon everybody as family. Horrible horrible family member you wish you needn't put up with always all up in your stuff. Digging into your pockets and taking your stuff condemning you all the way down.

Lying ass murderous bastards killing off MOUTAINS of citizens before they take their first breath. That is the degree of cowardice the Republicans are sent to combat and are not up to the task of shutting them down. IMMEDIATELY. No talking. Just shutting.

Don't even TALK to me about women's healthcare when you're supporting cutting up children and selling their parts for profit and sucking off government tit for your half million dollar annual salary you sick ass lying mtherfkkin#$@#$ bastards we're shutting you down and I don't care HOW loudly or how long you scream at the top of your lying ass filthy cockroach infested lungs. You are being shut down. If we have turn over the entire Republican field we are going to shut you lying ass murdering bastards down.

How do you like that?

Methadras said...

Rhythm and Balls said...

But it's not like I don't trust Methadras' understanding of biology and medicine. Seriously, in a CPR class he blew air up the mannequin's ass.

He thought it looked like a mouth!

And looks can be deceiving. But for a pretend-conservative, the kind Buckley warned us about, the kind that don't use brains, they are the same thing as reality.

And now, a magician will REALLY saw a woman in half. And David Copperfield will REALLY disappear. And Uri Geller will REALLY bend spoons. And David Blaine will REALLY levitate!

Hey! We SAW it! And seeing is believing!

Hey at least the mannequin enjoyed the interaction. Best action she's had in a long while. Besides, what would a bottom like you know other than waiting for your turn like the mannequin.

You don't have to trust anything I say, just like I've never trusted what you say. The rest of your meaningless gibberish is just that, the typical gibberish you bring to these threads with little to no knowledge, clue, idea, much less a rational or cohesive thought that even borders on understanding of what you supposedly think you now about biology or medicine. Which means less than a midgets tiny dick about why you believe and follow an ideology that defends infanticide. You are a death cultist and you've convinced yourself that this is the right thing to follow. That it's correct, that killing human being in utero in the most hideous ways possible or to kill them to sell them off to be used to support a larger Frankensteinian industry of macabre death. I think at this time, you are no longer worthy of living for what you believe. It's time that death worshipers, like you, get the prize that they so richly desire. You are frankly no better than ISIS. I hope you die a horrible and heinous death. The same kind you visit on the unborn.

Methadras said...

I just realized that some filthy Asian is looking at this video and thinking to themselves, "mmmm, tasty." in their filthy Asian language. I wonder if Ritmo is a filthy chink that eats aborted or miscarried babies. Couldn't be that far off the mark I suppose.

Methadras said...

You know what, I think I understand why Ritmo is so defensive of the indefensible arguments for abortion. He's protecting his livelihood and food source. Yeah, I think that's it now.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

So apparently the war against miscarriages (and even understanding what a miscarriage is, or that miscarried fetuses that aren't expelled naturally need to be removed medically to prevent sepsis) is still on full blast.

Meth - Don't worry. I don't take your death threats seriously. That's because I'm a better Christian than you are. Remember when you went full metal apology for acting unhinged for so long at TOP and said that was wrong of you and that you're better than that and that you're turning the page and opening up a new chapter and were no longer going to make disagreement into a gruesome death match? Yeah, me too.

I realize that your angry rage, much like your previous kindness, is an act. And it's not your fault. They're just the only roles you know how to play.

Chipster said:

Don't even TALK to me...

Dude, no one talks to you anyway. You do a thorough enough job of talking to yourself. I mean, I've heard schizophrenics walking the streets incessantly screaming bloody murder at no one in particular and even they can't rabidly out-self-talk you.

Methadras said...

I don't threaten death to you, I simply wish it upon you in an expedited fashion. I apologized in good faith to you not because I was unhinged, but because I was sincere about how I felt, but over time our engagement were cordial after that and yet you still hadn't changed, I did for a time, you didn't. I believed you were at least attempted sincerity given the medium we communicate under, but I see that I was wrong, thus, I've rescinded that apology, not because it's an act, but because I simply think you are a unscrupulous liar. When it comes to this particular subject even more so. I can abide your thoughts on other subjects and I'm sure we have some things in common on other enjoyable topics, but when it comes to your beliefs and ideology on the life/abortion issue, that's where I draw the line that you are just flat wrong, have been, will be, and you show yourself to be a remorseless character in the face of the 10's of millions of deaths of American babies as if to you they are nothing but the grist that composes the altar of leftism you worship at.

Maybe you don't know why you are. Maybe you do and don't care, but I've asked you before why you believe the way you do and you skirt it every time with snide quips and smarm because maybe that's the only role you know how to play. You can characterize me as an angry rager. That's cool, but you really really don't know me at all. You couldn't be more wrong.

so barring your scant google knowledge on the types of miscarriages that can take place and your mental lockjaw on the idea that somehow people can't seem to distinguish an actual abortion vs. a miscarriage, where else in your argument do you have to go to keep justifying that PP is a baby body part merchant house? You know they are, they know they are, everyone now knows they are. Even with the raw 'unedited' footage that has been released, it still shows them for the horrific butchers they are, but hey, I guess they and you can still hide behind the argument that PP provides 'essential reproductive services' and 'mammograms' to stupid women everywhere on the tax payers dime even though they are sitting on a mountain of money. If PP didn't exist, these same women could still go to any numbers of clinics for the 96% of the other services that PP claims aren't abortive. So you see, your house of cards belief in this organization is just that, a thin reeded sham.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

I don't remember being asked to explain anything that I wasn't willing to explain. So I have no idea what it is that I've said that you think makes me a liar. You don't seem to want to accept that some people will disagree with you.

As for the last paragraph, I'm not even sure what you're trying to say - other than there are an infinite variety of explanations for getting to the result you want to believe: That it wasn't a simple removal of a miscarried fetus. You have a right to entertain all those possibilities and even to believe every single one of them. But I still saw the majority of obstetricians who responded to it giving an entirely different interpretation altogether. And until you can prove to me that all those obs were somehow engaged in a huge conspiracy, I'm going to given them, and their expertise, and their interpretation, the benefit of the doubt. That's not "leftism". That's respecting the limits of knowledge and deferring to people I have every good reason to believe know what they're doing and what they're saying.

Not sure how that makes me an evil liar, but if you want to believe it does, I guess I can't stop you, man.