Wednesday, September 30, 2015

"Russia demands US to remove warplanes from Syria’s airspace"

"Russian warplanes have begun bombarding Syrian opposition targets in the war-torn nation's north, working on behalf of dictator Bashar al-Assad, according to a senior military official."
The official said airstrikes targeted fighters in the vicinity of Homs, located roughly 60 miles east of a Russian naval facility in Tartus, and were carried out by a "couple" of Russian bombers. The strikes hit targets in Homs and Hama, but there are no presence of ISIS in those areas, a senior U.S. defense official said. These planes are hitting areas where Free Syrian Army and other anti-Assad groups are located, the official said.
The development came after Pentagon officials brushed aside an official request from Russia to clear air space over northern Syria, where Moscow intends to conduct airstrikes against ISIS on behalf of Assad, according to sources who spoke to Fox News.
"It's me or it's him."

Link to video


deborah said...

I choose 'him.'

ricpic said...

Is Hussein stamping his foot? "Now Vlad, play nice! You said you were my friend!!"

edutcher said...

About time for a military coup.

bagoh20 said...

"In other words, Mr. Obama’s speech was routine because he knows he will not act. Mr. Putin’s speech was routine because he knows he will act anyway."

"Mr. Putin didn’t say anything new at the U.N., because he didn’t need to. He knows that he has concrete assets that are more effective than mere words. He has tanks in Ukraine, jet fighters in Syria, and Barack Obama in the White House."

~ Gary Kasparov

The difference between Obama and Putin

Trooper York said...

What makes you think a military coup will go our way ed? The military has been hollowed out. The ones with honor are either gone or would not participate. The political generals will give the orders. Just the way they are covering up for Obama now.

That is just not the answer.

The only answer is for Obama to step down when his term is over. If he steps down when his term is over.

If someone like Cruz is elected I can see him refusing to step down as President. It can happen here.

Leland said...

I find it amusing that the targets are simply referred to as "opposition". At least here, I see the clarification to "opposition to Syria", which narrows it down to rebels, ISIS, US, and Israel. Although I may be to presumptuous would US, except Russia did tell us to remove our aircraft.

An aside, has anyone sent notice to Malaysian Airlines?

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

The video idea was from The Five's Gutfeld analogy likening Obama to the boyfriend who wont commit. Putin sees that for two years. He starts coming around, staying overnight and finally asks Obama to leave.

Methadras said...

Please insert, "When in Soviet Russia" jokes here. Thank you.

deborah said...

I heard Gutfeld was getting his own show? Love him.

bagoh20 said...

What a worthless set of lyrics. Just a bunch of words with nothing much said, or even implied. That was one lucky-ass hit song for Rupert. He could have at least made it a little interesting by twisting it at the end where he dumps her and goes with "Him, him, him. Maybe I should just do him."

edutcher said...

Trooper York said...

What makes you think a military coup will go our way ed? The military has been hollowed out. The ones with honor are either gone or would not participate. The political generals will give the orders. Just the way they are covering up for Obama now.

Wrong, the good ones are the battalion and brigade commanders and they'd be the ones to call the shots.

The Pentagonals, like McConnell & Co, wouldn't even know about it until it was over. The JCS is never the one that gets it going. It's some guy in MD or VA with access to armor and air cover.

If someone like Cruz is elected I can see him refusing to step down as President. It can happen here

As I said, it can happen here.

Aridog said...

There's a great hullabaloo about the Russians in Syria. Yeah, so? They're supporting a state leader they've been in bed with for years...and you expected what? Yep, they're fighting (first) the "Free Syrian Army"...a direct threat to expected what? For one I don't believe a real "Free Syrian Army" is a weak effort at taqiyah...e.g., ISIL by any other name...funny how the majority of military age men who could support the FSA are those fleeing north to Europe, eh....not interested in fighting for their own nation. Next it is amazing how much equipment and arms we provide our "allied" forces that almost over night turns up in opposition hands...after the "allies" drop them and flee. How often do we need to see this before it dawns on us? We spent some $45 Million training 50 odd FSA fighters, only 10 of which can be accounted for...the others either fled, are dead, or most likely happily in the ranks of ISIL...with all their gear. Give the FSA air-defense capability...right, why not just hand it over to ISIL.

Syria is a mess and even Syrian men who should give a damn do not and flee northward. Assad is a brute, but so are many other of our allied leaders. Big whoop. Let the Russians dig a deep hole in Syria, since once they demolish the FSA they will have ISIL at their doorstep. Somewhere along that line the Russians will figure out the ME is tribal with almost irreconcilable sectarian differences. WE did what had to be done in Afghanistan, and should have then left. Same for Iraq in Kuwait, not as if the Kuwaitis are grateful one bit. Iraq 2003 was a mistake, but an honest one...intelligence reports really did say they had or were developing WMD and I know men deployed there who found the chemical & biological variety in quantity....they are intelligence & engineer operators who knew what they uncovered....still jumping in with both feet was a mistake because of the morass it created in a country that even today various tribes/religious sectors hate each other as much as anyone else.

Time for us to stop digging in that hole, let the Russians do it....with I suspect the same success they had for 10 years in Afghanistan. If we just bomb snot out of some ISIL folks, do it in Iraq and wherever else they pop up...the Russians will be heavily preoccupied in Syria. I think I've reached that point where I just want to drop out, like my hippie brethren from the 60's...that or I'm turning in to a girl in my old age. I've had enough and my time in war taught me well what works and what does not.

Beyond all that, think what you want about our ability to send troops anywhere...we CANNOT do it with less than 2-3 months time to gather and organize, the "contractors" most of all. You could send in the 173rd Airborne Brigade and they'd arrive with about 2-3 weeks supply...then what? We've emasculated our military and now we will pay for it by impotence.

I will be ecstatic to learn I am wrong. (Things do change) From what I know from experience, that's a v-e-r-y long shot. It took nearly 6 months to ramp up for the Kuwait war...a tiny conflict over almost before it started.