Saturday, September 19, 2015

Shock Bakura - Play Something Smooth

From a playlist I'm putting together, I referenced here, using a Club Music tag.


Lem Vibe Banditory said...

A lot of the music I have on iTunes I chose it thru iTunes Genius recommendations, which for some unexplained and most unfortunate reason stopped working about three years ago.

I've called and emailed posted on help boards my plight to Apple to no avail.

The last time I had contact with them they offered me free music. I rather they fix my problem.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Here is the email they sent me yesterday...

Thanks for choosing Apple.

Hi Lemuel,

Thank you for contacting iTunes Store Support. My name is Miguel your dedicated iTunes Store Advisor.

I understand that your iTunes Genius has stopped working. Having had a similar experience before, I can certainly appreciate your concern. I know when I purchase something, I just want it to work properly. Please trust that I am with you in finding a resolution to your concern.

Lemuel, we’re still looking into it and I can assure you that Apple is constantly working with program developers to resolve with iTunes Genius.

Your comments and suggestions are an integral part of this continuing effort to provide quality applications. We recognize that no one is better qualified to provide feedback about our products and services than the people who use them. I urge you to submit any feedback you have about iTunes Genius at our Feedback page:

On the other hand, please accept my sincerest apologies for any inconvenience this issue has caused you. I do understand that this is not your fault and, as such, should not have to be the one inconvenienced.

However, I would like to make up for any inconvenience this has caused you. So I hope you enjoy the five (5) song credits I have issued to your account "”.

You can use these to buy the individual songs of your choice from the iTunes Store. Please note that song credits cannot be used for purchasing songs that are listed as "Album Only.”

Your satisfaction is important to us. I hope this information sheds light on your inquiry. As always, resolving your issue is our top priority. Should you have further inquiries, please don’t hesitate to let me know. Thank you for contacting iTunes Store. Take care, Lemuel.


iTunes Store Support/Mac App Store Advisor


Lem Vibe Banditory said...

This is what happens when you become the grand poobah world domination corporation.

You don't have the wherewithal to take care of your costumers.

Too damn big.