Monday, September 21, 2015

WKRLEM: Scott Walker this is for you


Trooper York said...

Because Politics is just like professional wrestling.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...


William said...

Walker lacked color and excitement. Next time he should shave his head and a have a couple of little teardrops tattooed under his right eye for each time they tried to recall him. The Harley is good, but he needs a black leather jacket with some heavy chains around the waist. It wouldn't hurt if he divorced his wife and moved in with a Mexican stripper.....,,Trump has irrevocably changed the way we elect Presidents.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

whats this?

From a former staffer...

Walker's timing is good. Word is he just avoided getting tied to a very bad story that could well have been coming.

ndspinelli said...

I know Haz likes Walker. But, I have said many times he has reached his pinnacle as Governor. He did a great thing putting the public unions in their place. Other than that, he's got nuthin'.

ndspinelli said...

Who's going to get Walker's 1%???

ricpic said...

It must be that blandness is a winner in the midwest. It sure don't travel.

Amartel said...

Got lost in shiny sparkly noisy Trumpmania. Too bad for us. But it's not good-bye just yet. Na na hey hey. The real action, politically, is at the state level. Prezzie has the big plane and the publicity (good if he's a Dem, bad if he's a Rep) but (when it's done right) is fairly constrained. Ya know, by the other branches of government. Yeah, those wussies. Walker, OTOH, can (continue to) do a lot for Wisconsin and just maybe get that state turning more red than blue. Walker 2020.

Dad Bones said...

Professional wrestling? You'll find Trump there, too.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Dad Bones - is that a clip from idiocracy?

Dad Bones said...

No, April, probably more like The Three Stooges. There's nothing wrong with a leader who knows how to play a fool. Whether he in fact is one is still being discussed.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Darn. I was hoping for some rehabilitation.

Methadras said...

He just couldn't swim through the shit at the top.

AllenS said...

He should have run over some illegal immigrants with his Harley. Trump would have had to drop out.

Dad Bones said...

Rehab is supposed to be for quitters and whether Trump will do that also remains to be seen.

john said...

Jim Gilmore is well placed to grab those/that Walker vote(s).

Methadras said...

April, here is the entire movie of idiocracy. Enjoy watching the similarities:

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Meth - I've seen it. It's so stupid but it's hilarious. I especially like the talking vending machine, the train that runs thru costco, and HillaryCare.

chickelit said...

ndspinelli said...
I know Haz likes Walker. But, I have said many times he has reached his pinnacle as Governor. He did a great thing putting the public unions in their place. Other than that, he's got nuthin'.
September 21, 2015 at 6:39 PM

Writes the Obama voter.

XRay said...

Wow... really. Huh.

Rabel said...

Heh. I'm getting a Walker ad between posts here on Lem's website.

"Scott Walker has a winning record of Results. Watch now."

ndspinelli said...

chick, You are sounding more and more like an angry man w/ a huge chip on his shoulder. Cheeseheads are so provincial and get really pissed when you call them on it. You've been out of Cheddarland for a long time but still have cow shit on your shoes. Anytime anyone says anything not glowing of Wisconsin you piss on your leg. Walker didn't have it. Anyone w/ objectivity could see that. It's now a FACT. Deal.

bagoh20 said...

"Scott Walker has a winning record of Results."

Amazing how little that matters to us, while covortin' with the enemy, refusing to apologize and being a boorish braggart gets all kinds of love.

I was gonna put some Kanye lyrics in right here, so I went searching. Now, I don't know me know Kanye, and I was surprised to find out his lyrics are a bunch of shit. None of it worth quoting. OK, not really surprised but amazed at how consistently crappy they are.

Anyway, Walker is a good dude. He's not really qualified for the job of U.S President, but then again who is? Certainly nobody running. Who is? Walker crossed with David Petraeus, and John Bolton, with a little Bill Whittle for message delivery, and throw in an ethnic vagina for elect-ability. Make it so, Number One.

Isn't it incredible what a horrible job our system does of bringing up the best we have to offer for our most important job? Maybe our best people are smart enough to not want it.

chickelit said...

I'm just tired of predictability, Nick. And you are predictable.

William said...

Our dullest Presidents were not our worse Presidents. A Chinese blessing: May you live in a boring times......I have the queasy feeling that the Republcans will end up with someone worse than Walker.

Michael Haz said...

cross-posted at Insty

I like Scott Walker, a lot. He is governor of my state, and I volunteered in his three state-wide campaigns. He would have been a good presidential candidate, except that there are (or were, I suppose now) a few issues.

First, once he told, and retold, and retold again his Wisconsin history, there was not much left for him to talk about. He didn't lead on a big national issue that caught the voters' attention.

Second, his superb off-the-cuff speaking ability got boxed into memorized, 30 second bites, invariably ended with two nods of his head. In is statewide campaigns, Walker could be brilliant on the stump. But after his first few speeches in Iowa, his speaking became too packaged. The firey guy was replaced by the cautious guy, even though it was the fire that got him elected.

Third, The 2016 GOP field is too big for a quiet guy like Walker to stand out. He couldn't get attention, couldn't cause attention, and is too decent to launch daily attacks on the other candidates.

Fourth, his lack of a law degree or other advanced degree (or a BA, for that matter) placed limits on what he could knowledgeably discuss. Debate the constitution with Cruz, Christie, or Rubio? They're carrying .45 cal ammo, Walker's got a BB gun at best. He has excellent political skills, don't get me wrong, but perhaps being governor is his best place. The next ceiling is too far way.

I wish him well. And I think that this experience in national politics may eventually cause him to leave elective politics altogether, in favor of a more lucrative career.

rcommal said...

Because Politics is just like professional wrestling.

Says a wrestling promoter.

rcommal said...

Blogger Michael Haz said...

cross-posted at Insty

I like Scott Walker, a lot. He is governor of my state, and I volunteered in his three state-wide campaigns. He would have been a good presidential candidate, except that there are (or were, I suppose now) a few issues.

First, once he told, and retold, and retold again his Wisconsin history, there was not much left for him to talk about. He didn't lead on a big national issue that caught the voters' attention.

Second, his superb off-the-cuff speaking ability got boxed into memorized, 30 second bites, invariably ended with two nods of his head. In is statewide campaigns, Walker could be brilliant on the stump. But after his first few speeches in Iowa, his speaking became too packaged. The firey guy was replaced by the cautious guy, even though it was the fire that got him elected.

Third, The 2016 GOP field is too big for a quiet guy like Walker to stand out. He couldn't get attention, couldn't cause attention, and is too decent to launch daily attacks on the other candidates.

Fourth, his lack of a law degree or other advanced degree (or a BA, for that matter) placed limits on what he could knowledgeably discuss. Debate the constitution with Cruz, Christie, or Rubio? They're carrying .45 cal ammo, Walker's got a BB gun at best. He has excellent political skills, don't get me wrong, but perhaps being governor is his best place. The next ceiling is too far way.

I wish him well. And I think that this experience in national politics may eventually cause him to leave elective politics altogether, in favor of a more lucrative career.

September 22, 2015 at 3:00 AM

Hey, well. Helluva thing. Kudos to you, Haz. What you are saying will matter a whole lot, because you are absolutely a person of unassailable credibility, which is to point out: What you say, goes. Whom you judge, gets tossed out in a split-second.

You've got the power. Once you've got it and are using it, what is it that you expect of others, knowing that you've got it?

ndspinelli said...

Very good and honest assessment, Haz.

Michael Haz said...

There are two primary systems in presidential politics. There is the one we see that happens in various states. It has candidates flying back and forth and meeting folks in diners and fairs and VFW halls and such.

And there is the primary we don't see. It is the donor primary. It requires the candidate hold private meeting with donors, big donors, in order to raise money for a campaign. How much money depends on how seriously a candidate campaigns, but $100 million to get through all of the primaries is not a bad estimate.

To win that unseen primary, a candidate has to stay at or near the top of the polls. The candidates who are now in the bottom two-thirds of the polling are losing the donor primary. That's essentially what happened to Walker. The money donors either stopped voting for him, or have switched their votes (money) to other candidates.

Trump is the only candidate who does not have this problem. Spending $100 million to win the primaries is spending about 25% of one year's pre-tax income for him, or 1% of his net worth. The donor primary poses no hurdle in his candidacy

Love him or hate him, expect Trump to make it through the primaries. If there was some big scandal that can be used to knock him out, it would have already been deployed.

The Obama DOJ is dragging its feet on Hillary Clinton's email issues. The barrage of leaks and stories emanating forma the DOJ and DOS has slowed in the past two weeks. If, and it's still a big if, Biden announces his candidacy, the prosecution of Hillary Clinton will speed up. I don't think Biden will run. He is taking care of his late son'e family's financial well-being, and Obama will endorse his candidacy only if Obama gets final say on Biden's choice of a running mate.

Face up to it, at this point it looks like a Trump/Clinton race.

I'm Full of Soup said...

I subscribed to Walker's Twitter feed. His tweets were so colorless, drab and low key that I had to unsubscribe. Not saying twitter feed is critical measure but it cast an image of a candidate lacking any spark. That said, I do believe we could use a Coolidge like president for about 8-12 years.

ndspinelli said...

Haz, It's only the top of the 2nd inning. We baseball fans understand loooong seasons.

Methadras said...

AprilApple said...

Meth - I've seen it. It's so stupid but it's hilarious. I especially like the talking vending machine, the train that runs thru costco, and HillaryCare.

It is stupid and hilarious and I fear it's the direction we are already headed in. You can see it already. Brawndo - because it has electrolytes and ow my balls!!! is already called America's Funniest Video. :D