Sunday, September 27, 2015

"To the guy who called me fat while I was jogging..."

"I dont feel discouraged by this asshat but I did feel a great amount of frustration."
I like how you pulled into a drive way and turned around to make sure I heard you. Yes I heard you both times. I didn't respond because you're not worth my time or energy (I needed all the energy I can get for my jog).
"How does anyone get that fat?!" I got this fat because of people like you chipping away at my already low self esteem... I hope you never get so depressed that you go on a slow and painful binge eating suicide mission, I wouldn't wish that on anyone so you go ahead and laugh with your friends and call me a whale.
"Why not lose some weight fatty?!" ... seriously? its pouring down rain and I am out jogging... do you think I find this fun or enjoyable? why take a shower inside my warm house when I could do it in the freezing rain!? I have been working my ass off (quite literally) to lose this weight and to in general be a healthier person. It's been a very long very exhausting struggle and I know I still have a long way to go. I've spent the last 2.5 years getting myself mentally healthy now I've started to make my body healthy. Oh and btw I've lost over 100lbs already...
I'm sorry that my body in someway offends you or upsets you but I have a very quick very easy solution for you... don't look at me...


Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Trump and his supporters get around.

I see over-weight people out jogging, running, cycling more and more. I think it's great! You gotta start somewhere. Whenever I see a large person out, i often think of that TV show "Biggest loser" & that it might have something to do with it. Breaking the stigma. Fat people should be encouraged to get out there. I used to watch BL a bit, and I was surprised how the show was structured around support and love between contestants. The show helped remove the stigma that if you are fat, you are not allowed to go outside and exercise. Bullocks to that. Get out there, and get moving - and to hell with the numb-nutted insulting bastards.

Mumpsimus said...

To some people -- to an alarming number of people -- life is just one big, complex, interconnected zero-sum game. If you can make someone else feel bad about something, that means there is more feeling-good left for you.

(The Internet was a godsend for these types.)

Aridog said...

I've been blessed with a fairly trim physique (usually 6' tall & 190 lbs)...I can gain or lose 25 lbs inside a will. Part of it is the food I eat and part of it is the exercise I get (not much lately...but I still dropped 25+ lbs. last month)...I lost about 30+ lbs of muscle tissue, 2 inches off shoulders, arms, legs and chest, etc. with my two successful bouts with cancer, and gained it back in my gut. That's I changed my diet and lost most of it. I'd not have been able to do that but for the genetics that make me me.

When I see an obese person trying I cannot make a joke...their genetics are different than mine (unscientific analysis I admit) and they gain with out the ability to lose it just by diet and minimal exercise....while I can. My brother was a classic example, though we're of the same pedigree, he was prone to being fat, being diabetic, renal failure, and died at 55 due to congestive heart failure as a result of those conditions....while I am near 73 and still kicking and obnoxious. Life isn't fair at times, and no one should mock those not as blessed as they any fashion. When you see it...think this: it could easily be you.

ricpic said...

I can't remember ever saying anything derogatory to a total stranger going about his business and in no way interfering in my business. Anyway, it's not because I'm a good person. Who knows what that stranger might be capable of in retaliation?!

edutcher said...

The world is full of jerks.

Remember that and you're a lot happier.

PS At least you're working on it.

William said...

That was wrong. I still think it's ok to dump on Lena Dunham.

Synova said...

I think that one of the most encouraging things, to me, was that time Trooper said something like... Mother Nature is size 14. (16?) I don't recall for certain but it put a lot into perspective just a bit. Moved the "failure condition" to something reasonable instead of outright silly.

And no, I can not imagine being so devoid of manners as to publicly insult or taunt a total stranger. Who does that? I'll forgive the bad manners involved in a snarky comment made to your buddies, accepting that it *is* bad manners, but at least it's not ruining someone elses day.

As for dieting... this is on hold until after Christmas. This semester is horrible and no one in the family needs to be messing with diets and energy while trying to keep up with everything else.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

"That was wrong. I still think it's ok to dump on Lena Dunham."

I would include Michael Moore also

Aridog said...

I am completely in agreement, it is fine to dump on Lena Dunham...and Michael Moore, among others of the same ilk.

Amartel said...

Hey this jogging fat guy/gal can shed the pounds if s/he wants but there's no fixing stupid. Drive-by rudity is at his target intellectual weight for life.