Thursday, September 24, 2015

Ted Cruz: The Republican Party’s Surrender Politics

President Obama demands of Congress: fund all of Obamacare, with no changes to help the millions being hurt by that failed law, or he will veto funding for the entire federal government. And Republican leadership backs down. President Obama demands: fund his unconstitutional executive amnesty—or he will veto funding for the entire federal government. And Republican leadership backs down. President Obama demands: give $500 million in taxpayer money to Planned Parenthood, a private organization under criminal investigation—or he will veto funding for the entire federal government. And Republican leadership backs down.
The core of this capitulation comes from Republican leadership’s promise that “There will be no government shutdown.” On its face, the promise sounds reasonable. Except in practice it means that Republicans never stand for anything....
In 2010, we were told that Republicans would stand and fight if only we had a Republican House. In 2014, we were told that Republicans would stand and fight just as soon as we won a majority in the Senate and retired Harry Reid. In both instances, the American people obliged. Now we’re told that we must wait until 2017 when we have a Republican president.
Like Charlie Brown and the football, this disconnect explains the massive frustration with Washington. The American people do not believe Republicans will actually do what we say we will do.
The latest example: When video evidence surfaced depicting the barbaric selling of unborn baby parts by Planned Parenthood, Americans of conscience—pro-life and pro-choice alike—were understandably shocked. People on both sides of a contentious issue agreed that at a minimum, until the results of the investigations are known, the federal government should suspend taxpayer funding for Planned Parenthood.
Separately, the American people are also understandably horrified by an Iranian nuclear deal that profoundly threatens our national security.
These priorities matter. But leadership’s only question for those who are fighting for the American people is this: How do you get 67 Senate votes to override the president’s veto? If that is the standard, then the Republican position quickly deteriorates to “We will only support whatever Harry Reid agrees to.”....
If Obama forces a shutdown, it’s worth remembering that during the previous government slowdown, operations associated with roughly 80 percent of government spending continued, including pay for military personnel, national security, Social Security and Medicare beneficiaries and everything else federal law deems “essential.”....
If Republican leadership actually tried to win, we would vote on one bill after another funding specific parts of the federal government. Fund it all, and let Democrats explain why they are filibustering funding for vital services to give $500 million to a private organization under criminal investigation.


Methadras said...

Why does it take Ted Cruz to state the obvious from what we've known since 2008 and 2010? The people cannot trust the leadership anymore. That's the bottom line. They will not do what they promised they said they would do. They have lied to everyone who has supported them and voted them in. Well, fuck them and I'd have no problem removing any or all of them by force. If they are willing to cave to a traitorous president who has offered and given them nothing except invective, hate, derision, and schism, then they will cave to us. I'm tired of relying on these people. Tired of it. They have done nothing at all. It's party time for them when they should have been flooding Obama with bill after bill so he could either approve or veto and all they have done instead is tuck tail. He knows it because the real question is, is who's side are these people on. And the answer is, their own.

That's why when I tell you guys we are fucked, we really are. You think it will matter if we vote in a GOP president? It will if only for the fact that it won't be a leftist like Hillary or Lung Butter Bernie. So come 2017 and they still do nothing, then what? Light the place on fire? That's all you will have left.

Trooper York said...

I agree. But we are the hard right.

We heed to get the limp right to go along.

bagoh20 said...

It's always the left that wants to shut things down: industries, pipelines, companies, government buildings, conventions, speeches, lemonade stands, healthy pregnancies, etc., yet the Republicans get blamed for this.

Democrats loved the last shut down and made it as painful as possible. Republicans can turn this around if they just acted together on the message. Republicans are getting all the press these days, because nobody wants to hear one of the Democrat candidates make an ass of themselves again. Every Repub candidate should make a point of turning the blame around to where it belongs instead of telling everyone that they won't support a shutdown no matter what. Hell, I want a shutdown just because the day ends in a "y". The government mostly does us harm, so "shut this mother down." It's an extra bonus if the Dems get the blame.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

I think I hate McConnell and Boehner more than I do Obama.

edutcher said...

OK, Ted, quit being a nice guy and denounce the commie regime.

Quit voting for stuff that helps His Poutiness screw us.

IOW a little less collegiality to please McConnell and a lot more Trump to make us believe you're serious.

Or am I wrong about this, guys?

Trooper York said...

I agree. But we are the hard right

Agree with you on the Pope's squishy Leftiness. His speech today was a disgrace.

Lem said...

I think I hate McConnell and Boehner more than I do Obama.

Understandable, but thy're just for sale.

His Poutiness is Evil.

Amartel said...

FWIW, most of the lefties I know (and I know a lot) were fully aware that the "shut down" last time was pure theater. Essential services remained and nobody's (nonessential) job was threatened. Nobody in the government didn't get paid. In fact a shut down means a lot of federal employees get paid time off; only the contractors get whacked. Obama was openly making a big show of shutting down stuff (like the zoo and national monuments) because it made for a good photo op. Some of it backfired - remember the Barrycades?

Lem - McConnell and Boehner know they are terrible, duplicitous public servants and proceed to serve their cronies regardless. Do you think Obama knows that he is a crap public servant? He certainly hasn't read it in the paper, that soure of all his information about his government! Yeah, no, j/k, he knows. It really comes down to whose cronies are less destructive of the United States of America.

Amartel said...

This Pope makes me glad I'm a filthy prod. All his backers on TV say he's misunderstood but, sadly, no. Not after this knowing rhetorical political display. Not a chance. Just another generic lefty of little mind playing to the cheap seats.

Trooper York said...

Sometimes when you need a leader you find yourself with someone who falls woefully short. Like Barack Saddam Hussien Obama.

All you can do is suck it up and try and live your life as best you can.

You don't quit being an American.

Trooper York said...

What you don't appreciate is people telling you that you have to accept it. That you have to buy what he is selling. Even though it contradicts everything you have learned your entire life.

Just because their is a new sheriff in town doesn't mean the laws have changed.

ampersand said...

Why shouldn't Obama believe himself to be the greatest most wonderful person who ever lived.
People fell all over themselves awarding him with jobs and awards he never earned or deserved. His opponents cower in fear of him. To borrow a phrase I read elsewhere he's just the Grand Cleagle of the Cool Clocks Clan.

bagoh20 said...

You know the Dems laugh it up among themselves about this shut down stuff. It's a win/win for them. First they get to make the Republicans look really scary, then they eventually get exactly what they want anyway. The fight, the shutdown, and the resolution are just a three act play with the third act as a tragedy for the Repubs and a comedy for the Dems.

It's a mistake to shut it down unless you have the balls to stick it out for a win, and you have to play it with some vigor and teamwork. The refs are crooked, and the scorekeepers can't even pay attention, so I have little confidence that these guys have anywhere near what it takes, or if they even want, to win.

Rabel said...

I've got to give the Dems credit. They recognized Cruz as a threat and Borked him thoroughly before he could establish himself. And like it or not the MSM's slanders bleed over to the middle of the roaders. He's got a big hill to climb to have a chance at the Presidency.

It doesn't help that the squishes in the GOP leadership also see him as a threat to their positions. Worthless bastards.

Fr Martin Fox said...

Sen. Ted Cruz:

If Republican leadership actually tried to win, we would vote on one bill after another funding specific parts of the federal government. Fund it all, and let Democrats explain why they are filibustering funding for vital services to give $500 million to a private organization under criminal investigation.

This is the strategy I've advocated for years.


You think it will matter if we vote in a GOP president? It will if only for the fact that it won't be a leftist like Hillary or Lung Butter Bernie. So come 2017 and they still do nothing, then what?

This is why I've said for years that the key battle isn't the White House, but Congress. In short, we need more Cruzs, and far fewer Boehners and McConnells.

Here's the thing -- as frustrating as this is, the GOP was far worse not many years ago, under Bush. Completely prostrate before the Power. They've actually improved.

ricpic said...

Since the strategy is so simple and doable now that the GOP controls both houses of Congress it kind of gives the game away that the GOP won't put it in play.

edutcher said...

Trooper York said...

You don't quit being an American.


Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

In short, we need more Cruzs, and far fewer Boehners and McConnells.

And if that fails, we need a more right-wing electorate! Replace the voting population with people who want a planet that's on fire, and even better than on fire! And gerrymander until we convince ourselves that the least popular Congress ever actually represents the will of the people! Yeah!

It's funny how Democrats accept the legitimacy of the way power naturally fluctuates in a two-party system but Republicans think they're entitled to rule forevah!

In short, the Catholic Church needs more Francises, and less Foxes.

bagoh20 said...

"It's funny how Democrats accept the legitimacy of the way power naturally fluctuates in a two-party system..."

Exactly! Some things are so obviously true, we shouldn't even have to even say it, but wingnuts are so insulated from other perspectives.

Trooper York said...

"It's funny how Democrats accept the legitimacy of the way power naturally fluctuates in a two-party system"

That is just about the funniest thing you have ever said Dude. Thanks.

Trooper York said...

If the Church gets more Francises and less Foxes it will cease to exist.

We would become the Episcopalians.

Fr Martin Fox said...

Breaking: Boehner is resigning, as Speaker and as a member of Congress.