Friday, September 18, 2015

Carly with the Laughing Face

If I don't see her each day, I miss her
Gee what a thrill, each time I kiss her
Believe me, I've got a case
On Carly with the laughing face

She takes the winter and makes it summer
Global warming could take some lessons from her
Picture a Caitlyn Jenner in lace
That's Carly with the laughing face.

Did you ever hear mission bells ringing
Well, she'll give you the very same glow
When she speaks you would think it was singing
Just hear her say hello

I swear to goodness, you can't resist her
Sorry for you, she has no sister

No angel could replace
Carly with the laughing face
Keep Christie, Rubio and Bush
She makes my heart a burning tush
No angel could replace
My Carly with the laughing face


edutcher said...

One thing that came out of the debate was that The Donald, when hit, could take a punch and keep going.

Now it's Mrs Fiorina's turn.

I wish her all the best, but let's see how strong she is.

Methadras said...

I suspect she's more durable than people might think. You don't work your way up the way she did and maintain a thin skin. It gets thicker the higher you climb i believe.

Lem Vibe Bandit said...

Polling well after the debate Carly is.

Press wants to go after her over her Planned Parenthood speech at the debate. But they can't do that w/o telling people what was Carly talking about.


bagoh20 said...

She's heard it all before. Everything they say about her has been written on a bathroom wall somewhere just to undermine her. Weak sauce.

Which candidate would you rather kiss than that face.

I know, Titus. Marco is just so brown hogerific, but for the rest of us, is Carly really the one to be making fun of in the looks department. Remember, Nixon won in a landslide on his looks.

Lem Vibe Bandit said...

She would trounce Hillary in a debate.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

I heard her on Sean Hanity radio show today. She was terrific. Sounded like Reagan.

bagoh20 said...

People are saying Carly is doing well because of the skirt, but that does not seem in evidence. People have always known she was a woman and in the race, even if that was all they knew about her. She didn't start taking off until people started to hear who she was, and mostly what she had to say. Unlike Hillary, and almost everyone else, she gets more popular with more exposure, and she's doing it in big gulps of poll numbers.

Trooper York said...

I don't know bags. You are all over Trump because he is not really a conservative but Carly is just a Rhino with a vagina.

She is saying a lot of the right things but if she gets the nomination she will be eviscerated by the media.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Every time Hillary speaks, her poll numbers drop. Every time Hillary speaks, she lies about something. So she needs big media/comedy push. In pink. with fake giggles.

Trooper York said...

Is Carly really going to go full retard on immigration the way Trump will? I don't think so.

She is part of the corporate culture. More of the same that we got with Bush, McCain and Romney.

Only with a vagina.

Methadras said...

At least she isn't Hillary, The Laughing Cow.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Unlike Trump, she does her homework. Trump thinks he can get by with "I'm terrific... It's all going to be terrific." Wow - stand back an in awe of his big plans to be terrific. He can't even show up to a debate without a little homework? Without a little meat behind his plans?
Kind of a pant load.

5 minutes ago, Trump was a Hillary supporter, he supported amnesty, He supported (and probably still supports) universal tax payer funded government run health care. and he hand his hands down Charlies Crist's pants for a FL gold club.

What Fiorina should have said to trump: "You may not like my one face, but at least I don't have two-faces."

I like Trump's tough talk on illegal immigration, but that's about it. The rest of him sucks.

Trooper York said...

Immigration is enough for me.

What will Carly do? What will Ricky Ricardo Rubio do? What will Jeb Gonzalez Martinez Lopez Bush do?

Not much I wager.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Trump will just revert back to being a democrat. perhaps he'll make Hillary his VP? After all, he was pissed at Obama for not doing the same.

Trooper York said...

Expect explain how we should accept the invasion. In Spanish.

No es bueno.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

I hate that our current government has rolled out the welcome red carpet for illegals to waltz in. It pisses me off just as much as you, Troop.

I just don't have a lot of faith the Trump is the guy to fix it.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

I do like his slogan and when he crapping in Hillary's punch bowl - I like that. More please. I will also support the jerk if he's the nom. er I mean douchebag .

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

I refuse to do the blind faith Obama-cult type worship thing with politicians. They are all imperfect and we get to pick one. Same as always.

Chip Ahoy said...

The Right that tends to attribute saintly qualities to Reagan like the Left straight up canonizes RFK is said to have run on a message of America's greatness yet what I recall as a teeny-tiny lad knee-high to a grasshopper, a politically unaware lad and a twelve foot grasshopper, was a platform based upon what a bad idea it is to return the Panama Canal to Panamacanallandia, an exotic tropical country created by the United States broken off from hapless Colombialandia, the tendril of land located at the pinched isthmus between continents. What a bad idea to return such an important asset as that to such an unsteady agency as third-world Panamacanallandia. And as it turned out, the native Panamacanallandians run the thing just fine and it's helped their economy too. So successfully it's being expanded. Probably with a lot of our help, but I don't know. That's what comes up from memory of Reagan's first campaign. It's why I thought him a typical conservative Republican crackpot. But I knew nothing.

rcocean said...

What will they do? I tell you what they'll do. They'll talk tough on immigration - "just build the dang fence**" - and then they'll go back to supporting Amnesty and open borders. How many of them opposed Obama's unconstitutional executive amnesty? Well, there was Cruz and Trump and ???.

** - Copyright John McCain 2004, 2008, and 2010.

rcocean said...


Yeah, except for the whole Noriega thing, it worked out OK. I thought Reagan was wrong too, at the time. And still do, but I decided that its better - on the whole - to have a POTUS who's initial reaction is to stand up for America and NOT give things away as opposed to someone who's always looking for a chance to give away things and sell out the country. Like y'know, whosits and whats his name.

chickelit said...

I think Trump needs Fiorina like men need women and vice versa. It's a political marriage. And not a very gay one at that.

He'll lose w/o her.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

That face.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

I gotta read the G-file more often.

Trumpunditry bu Jonah G.

"I decided not to do another debate post-mortem or yet another meditation on Trumpism. But I do kind of feel like the fever might be starting to break. Trump’s performance wasn’t disastrous, certainly not if you went in supporting him. Short of pulling a Greg Stillson, I don’t know that he could have a disastrous performance for his biggest supporters. But, it does seem like more and more people can see why other people don’t support Trump. The vaccination asininity, the rambling, the promising to do his homework only if he’s elected (because, you know, it’s not worth his time otherwise). Some of his rants were so incoherent, I half-expected them to end with him saying, “Does anyone else smell burning hair?” and then pass out. It seems to me that if you aren’t already smitten with the guy, you’re not going to be. Of course, I could be wrong. It’s happened before."

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

by not bu

ndspinelli said...
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chickelit said...

The press is being eviscerated. And I love it. It's the internet's fault.