Tuesday, September 1, 2015

"Murder Rates Rising Sharply in Many U.S. Cities"

"More than 30 other cities have also reported increases in violence from a year ago. In New Orleans, 120 people had been killed by late August, compared with 98 during the same period a year earlier. In Baltimore, homicides had hit 215, up from 138 at the same point in 2014. In Washington, the toll was 105, compared with 73 people a year ago. And in St. Louis, 136 people had been killed this year, a 60 percent rise from the 85 murders the city had by the same time last year."
Law enforcement experts say disparate factors are at play in different cities, though no one is claiming to know for sure why murder rates are climbing. Some officials say intense national scrutiny of the use of force by the police has made officers less aggressive and emboldened criminals, though many experts dispute that theory. (read more)
Must be that climate change Obama talks about all the time.


AllenS said...

Milwaukee is trying to close the gap.

bagoh20 said...


Jim in St Louis said...

The police chiefs interviewed in the article downplayed the idea of the ‘Ferguson Effect’ (well what else could they say?)

My total anecdotal testimony is that the cops in this city are pulling back. They ask for two squad cars and multiple officers for every shooting incident. And if it is a LEO shooting then automatically there is a crowd that shows up. The protestors are all wireless and on twitter and the word spreads lighting fast.

I don’t understand how the protestors are paying for gas money. They don’t work, they don’t go to school, they don’t look like they are rich but somehow they just show up and get out of the cars already chanting and yelling.

Jim in St Louis said...

Oh and the media show up to film and that just makes people go wild. They will organize themselves into a protest march, but one that only goes a half a block in front of the TV cameras and then turns around and goes back the other way!

Methadras said...

Well, this is what you get when cops retreat in the face of overwhelming SJW opposition. Enjoy it negro's. You got what you wanted.

Trooper York said...

This what happens you give an inch to the animals. They take a mile.

Many of these cities are walking their last mile. They can see their destination.
