Saturday, November 2, 2013

"LAX Gunman Identified After Airport Shooting Spree"

"A gunman armed with an assault rifle entered a terminal at Los Angeles International Airport today, killed a TSA agent, and penetrated deep into the terminal before he was captured by police."
Five other people, including three other TSA officers, were injured in the incident.
The shooting sent hundreds of passengers streaming out of the terminal with many fleeing onto the airport runway. Dozens of flights to and from the airport were delayed or cancelled. It also triggered a "tactical alert" for the Los Angeles Police Department.
The shooting began around 9:20 a.m. in the usually crowded terminal.
The shooter, initially identified as Paul Ciancia, pulled an assault rifle from a bag and blasted his way past airport screeners, said Los Angeles World Airports Police Chief Patrick Gannon.
Ciancia, 23, is believed to be from Pennsville, N.J., however authorities said he has a residence in Los Angeles.
Saryan said the gunman asked him, "Are you TSA?"
"He saw me. He looked at me with a quizzical look and said, 'TSA?' And I just shook my head. So he moved on," Saryan said.
ABC News


Titus said...

I am watching the RED Sox victory parade and all their wives have ginormous tits. There are so many huge tits bouncing right now I am in in heaven.

Synova said...

They got the guy, right? So they know *exactly* what weapon he had... There is no reason at all not to identify it.

Titus said...

Do youse guys ever have a major crunchy boog in your nose that you can pry out?

It's frustrating.

I bring my pinky finger in for damage control and power surge it up the nostril and still the boog is there.

Someone needs to invent a booger vac or scraper to free us.

No boogs is total freedom.

YoungHegelian said...

Is the media really wondering why someone might have an animus against TSA? It seems to me that TSA is one of the most widely despised arms of the federal government. Unlike most other arms of the government where the abuse is impersonal & bureaucratic, the TSA's is direct & physical.

I don't approve of walking into an airport & murdering people right & left,that's for sure, but the only surprise here is that it doesn't happen more often.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...
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Titus said...

I want to know if chick lit's small cock can still get a hardon or even splew a load anymore.

chick, are you able to blow? I bet you are completely incapable and are completely limp for the rest of your life.

How does it no longer get enjoyment from sex ChicK?

Anonymous said...

Anti government writings found on him. Who is anti government? Yes, you do reap what you sow.

YoungHegelian said...


Last I heard he used the term "pigs" to describe the police in his rants.

Have you ever seen a right-wing rag that uses the term "pigs" to describe the police? I haven't. That was a word used by the left.

The "anarchists" who trashed Seattle during the 1999 WTO talks were "anti-government" but were certainly nowhere on the right.

Ignorance is Bliss said...

Who is anti government?

Anarchists. A group entirely disjoint from Tea Partiers, Libertarians, or Republicans.

Their protests tend toward property destruction and other illegal activities. In this they are far closer to the Occupy movement than anything on the right.

Trooper York said...

I bet he is someone who had something stolen out of his luggage by one of these TSA assholes.

Nothing more complicated than that.

I just don't expect to get the truth from the main stream media.

Anonymous said...

New World Order. Who was so worried about that a while back?

Dust Bunny Queen said...

New World Order was a conspiracy theory espoused by the John Birch Society. Some on the Christian Secular hard right also hold to this conspiracy theory.

You have a point you wish to make?

YoungHegelian said...


New World Order. Who was so worried about that a while back?

Uhhhm, anarchists?

Dust Bunny Queen said...

Trying to make political points about the actions of obviously crazy and deranged persons are the actions of other crazy and deranged people.

The young man had sent a text message to a family member shortly before his killing spree that made them afraid he was going to commit suicide. His father contacted the LA police department but they refused to issue a missing person's report due to his age.

Some people are just sadly crazy and you can't pin a political ideology on their actions.

Anonymous said...

WND. That's who.

Anonymous said...

Fundamentalist Christian groups, that's who.

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

End Times Watchman Puts New World Order on Notice

Ah yes the sanity of the end timers, DBQ. How's that shelter and your stockpile of rice, beans and bullets?

Trooper York said...

Over the years we have a lot of things stolen from our luggage by the TSA.

They particularly love to steal my flip flops as they are very large (size 14) and it would fit some of the people you see working for the TSA.

They have also stolen scarves, perfume, souvenirs and even a book.

The only part of the government that are bigger thieves would be found in the Democratic caucus in Congress.

Trooper York said...

The TSA delights in tormenting normal regular Americans. They will feel up children and ninety year old ladies instead of profiling people who are most likely to be terrorist as the Israeli's do in their airport.

Another example of political correctness run amuck.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Liberty for Life

"Patriot" groups, that's who.

chickelit said...

"New Order" rose from the ashes of "Joy Division" after the latter's singer, Ian Curtis hung himself just before the band achieved some commercial success with "Love Will Tear Us Apart." Here is New Order doing a song called Age Of Consent.

chickelit said...

New Order had an even bigger club hit with True Faith.

bagoh20 said...
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bagoh20 said...

I've been through earthquakes and riots here where the government was absolutely worthless for help. You had to protect yourself and feed yourself based on what you had prepared. People died or lost their businesses because they hadn't taken self-protection seriously. Others were living in parks sleeping on the ground and depending on other people to feed them.

After the Northridge Earthquake, our company loaded up our trucks with food and blankets and drove to local parks to hand it out to the many new homeless. When people needed help right now, the government wasn't anywhere in sight, but people were, ordinary local neighbors and strangers. The need for being prepared is a real thing - not just a fantasy.

Anonymous said...

So Trooper goes on to demonize the TSA. Nice.

Ignorance is Bliss said...


Did the shooter say anything about New World Order? That hasn't been in any of the coverage I've seen.

Trooper York said...

The TSA is like many overblown government agencies. It should be rethought and privatized.

The ordeal that travel has become is neither necessary or appropriate. Just another example of the government making the average persons live miserable. Like the IRS. Like the new Obamacare regulations.

The liberal facist's are all about control not safety.

chickelit said...

I should have said the singer "hanged himself" not "hung himself." I didn't mean to imply he pulled a Carradine in Bangkok.

Trooper York said...

I once had a TSA guy ask me why I had so much cash in my pocket. I was going on vacation so it was not all that much. Maybe $1000 but all in hundreds.

I was surprised that he didn't tell me I had to check it so he could steal it.

Anonymous said...

Iggy, there were NWO writings found on him. There is a plethora of news reports about this.

Synova said...

Brilliant... dancing on tragedy.

Are you HAPPY Inga?

Do you feel VINDICATED Inga?

Are you having a PARTY Inga?

ndspinelli said...

Cattle mutilations are up, Mary.

ken in tx said...

I have seen several accounts which reported the shooter used an automatic rifle or an assault rifle. However, I saw an ABC witness interview who said the shooter used a pump shotgun.

What’s the truth?

ndspinelli said...

Pretty soon we'll need to build stone gates around the TSA.

Anonymous said...

No Synova, not at all. Just reiterating what Trooper said the other day. "You reap what you sow."

test said...

Inga said...
Anti government writings found on him.

You had to know Inga got wet as soon as she heard this. Has there ever been a more worthless person?

Inga said...
So Trooper goes on to demonize the TSA

Painting conservatives with the actions of a crazy person is mandatory, but noting the TSA sucks is "demonizing".

sakredkow said...

Has there ever been a more worthless person?

In your world people are "worthless." Why shouldn't people like yourself be held accountable for your sociopathic rantings?

test said...

phx said...
Why shouldn't people like yourself be held accountable for your sociopathic rantings?

Naturally phx comes out from under his rock at the opportunity to support blaming conservatives for the actions of crazy people.

test said...

phx said...
No, Marshal. I'm attaching your idiotic mutterings about who you judge to be "worthless people" right where they belong.

One idiot leftist defending another.

ndspinelli said...

This guy is a sad loser, living in some shitty apartment complex, driving an old fucking Kia, crazy and angry @ the world. Thankfully not all angry, crazy people are armed.

bagoh20 said...

One man's tragedy is another man's opportunity, and you don't want to waste an opportunity to attach a random crazy act of violence to a fellow American who had nothing to do with it. Hey, that reminds me to ask: Did Palin have a crosshair on the TSA?

Anonymous said...

Marshal assumes guilt. Did I say he was a "Patriot"? Did I say he was a Fundamentalist Christian? Did I say he was a aficionado of WND?

test said...

Inga #1

Inga said...
Anti government writings found on him. Who is anti government? Yes, you do reap what you sow.

November 2, 2013 at 12:35 PM

Inga #2
Blogger Inga said...
Marshal assumes guilt. Did I say he was a "Patriot"? Did I say he was a Fundamentalist Christian? Did I say he was a aficionado of WND?

Is she bipolar? A liar? Or is she so juvenile she believes parsing words this way is meaningful?

Better question: does it matter?

Anonymous said...

It matters that the TSA agent is dead, his wife a widow and children without their father. Marshal seems to think the three entities I mentioned are his to own. So own it.

Trooper York said...

That's how leftist's work. They demonize conservatives and Republicans at every turn but when the conservatives speak out about how the government is trying to control every aspect of our lives we are "terrorists" and "hostage takers" in the words of the Jug Eared Jesus.

The IRS. The NSA recording all of our calls and emails. Obamacare mandates calling for all of your information so they can share it like the IRS did with the NEC. Or to control you medical care decisions.

If you protest this you are demonizing them.

Well you know what? They are demons.

test said...

Inga said...
It matters that the TSA agent is dead, his wife a widow and children without their father. Marshal seems to think the three entities I mentioned are his to own. So own it.

November 2, 2013 at 3:59 PM

You knew this is what Inga was going to try to backtrack to, but ask yourself who the "you" reference is in her first comment.

She came here to blame his death on us because she is a despicable person. And phx supports her effort he also only cares about how to advance the left.

Trooper York said...

There were 11 homicides in January alone in Chicago. Nine by gunshot. Who knows how many since then as they cover up the stats as long as they can. All of them just as important as this unfortunate TSA worker.

Of course you won't hear about any of that on the nightly news.

I wonder why that is?

Trooper York said...

Let's make people like this TSA worker safe. Let's abolish the TSA.

It was an overreaction to 911 and it's time to correct it.

Profile the passengers like the Israeli's do and end this billion dollar boondoggle.

Lydia said...


Wasn't James Holmes, the Aurora killer, a member of Occupy Wall Street, or at least simpatico with its beliefs?

Does that mean you hold all liberals responsible for what OWS stands for? Or what one crazy OWS person did?

Anonymous said...

No Lydia, he was not. He was apolitical and a schizophrenic.

test said...

Inga said...
He was apolitical and a schizophrenic.

We already know this was the case for Gabby Gifford's attacker, and for all we know it's also the case in the TSA attack. Yet in both cases Inga was gleeful about the opportunity to blame it on conservatives.

It's like there's a double standard.

chickelit said...

Inga appears well versed in the lessons of Marinus van der Lubbe and how important it is to attach political affiliations with criminal acts.

chickelit said...

The Gifford thread on Althouse was a classic liberal blamefest: it went from zero to Palin in just under seven minutes: remember

Palladian said...

Politics is lubricated with blood these days.

Palladian said...

Nothing frees up the furiously spinning wheels of politics like some freshly spilled blood.

Anonymous said...

Kinda like watering the Tree of Liberty with some blood?

Ignorance is Bliss said...

From the reports I've read, it sounds like the papers he had never actually said 'New World Order'. They ended with the acronym NWO.

This is a common acronym for 'New World Order'. It is also an acronym for No Way Out.

That might be relevant for someone who was suicidal.

chickelit said...

Kinda like watering the Tree of Liberty with some blood?

A Democrat first said that.

Anonymous said...

It's been co-opted by "Patriot" groups, Pollo.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Profile the passengers like the Israeli's do and end this billion dollar boondoggle.

I think the problem with that, though, is that America's the size of 50 Israels, lets in many more and worse types than Israel does, and would be hard pressed to prevent any of them from the very sort of travel that would enable them to leave the country.

Leland said...

Who is anti government?

Shot up police, called them pigs; my guess is Bill Ayers.

What did I win?

Birches said...

Anytime a certain yellow avatar shows up, I know not to read comments any further. Yea!

Dust Bunny Queen said...

I think the problem with that, though, is that America's the size of 50 Israels

And 50 times as diverse. The profiling process would be likely MORE efficient for that very reason. Instead of a 'one size fits all' solution to the problem each area would be able to profile and react according to the demographics of each area. What is normal behaviour in one part of the country, Texas for example, would be strikingly out of place in other areas.

Instead of wasting time feeling up Grandma and frightening little children, the screeners could actually use some judgement and concentrate on those people who are either acting strangely, are out of place or who are on a targeted list.

test said...

Inga said...
It's been co-opted by "Patriot" groups, Pollo.

Note she's now
admitting she lied when she claimed she wasn't blaming "patriots".


Titus said...
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Anonymous said...

"He had a signed note saying he wanted to instill fear in the minds of the "traitorous TSA agents"" .

From news conference. Trooper should be happy, TSA agents are probably scared and now surely airport security will become private.

chickelit said...

I turn the other cheek to Titus butt remain tightly clenched out off fear.

Synova said...

The only thing wrong with profiling is the risk of forgetting that there are other possibilities.

I recall thinking, whilst wandering unchecked through the gates to Clark AB, that if I were Green Peace, they were screwed.

OTOH, the likelihood, just pure percentages, that's not who they had to worry about... plus, a blond from Green Peace "up to something" isn't going to present anything like a blond dependent spouse.

Which is really the bottom line... because our security people have to worry MORE about being accused of profiling, they can't go by the subconscious "up to something" cues that generally trigger an "up to something" response. It's not that we refuse to profile, it's that our first, very first, priority is CYA for security instead of the first priority being security.

Safety is second.

And if that's what we demand, then that's what we get.

Icepick said...

Inga, however, and just like every other leftist, is ecstatic, because nothing fills them with more joy than people being killed. That's why they all love abortion so much, as nothing is more pleasing to a progressive than dead children.

Icepick said...

El Pollo, ISWYDT.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Nobody is happy that a nutjob went on a killing spree in an airport, Inga. We all know what's next-- Even more restrictions and hassle.
We are glad it wasn't a multi-person blood bath.
You seem gleeful, though.


As Ace skillfully reports:

The right is collectively holding its breath anyway, because they know the media has blamed the last 15 shootings, erroneously, on crazed right wingers, so Lord only knows what they'll do when they find a real one.

Anonymous said...

Of course you're not happy, neither am I. I'm sure is wife is quite devastated.

But I am happy to say "You reap what you sow"- Trooper York.

Icepick said...

The only thing better than blood for lefties is when they can use it for political gain. That's why Jesse and Al were so quick to smear blood all over themselves, though only Jesse did it literally.

test said...

Inga said...
Of course you're not happy, neither am I.

Of course Inga's happy. Her instinctive reaction was to go to a site where she hates everyone and leverage the death to win a cheap political point. If she cared more about the dead than how to use them it would never have occurred to her to seize on "anti-government writings" to slime people here.

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

I would point out that the TSA was a Bush administration initiative. It was a CYA response to a complete failure to protect the country from the 9/11 bombers. As with most CYA efforts it was too much too late.

test said...

AReasonableMan said...
I would point out that the TSA was a Bush administration initiative.

Today ARM will note this, while tomorrow he'll claim conservatives reflexively support whatever conservative "leaders" push.

No thought will interrupt these assertions.

Trooper York said...

The TSA is another government boondoggle that should be privatized. It can be much less intrusive that it is now. The insults and self importance that the TSA morons inflict on the American Public can not be overstated. It is a government jobs program pure and simple. It needs to be radically revised.

As DBQ said profiling will work splendidly. Just like stop and frisk. Of course some liberal judge will stop a program that works. Because they are into control not safety. Period.

Trooper York said...

Bush did overreact. I thought I already said that. It is one of his many mistakes.

Of course as someone who generally supported him I can say that.

Unlike the Obama supporter who post here who can never ever find anything to criticize their abomination of a President.

Just once I would love to hear them say the Obama screwed something up. But they never do. Ever.

JAL said...

My Obama admiring relative, when they heard about the shooting in DC last month snorted, and said "That's democracy for you." I took that as their disdain for 2nd Amendment established private gun ownership.

Of course then it turned out to be a shooting by government officials of a mentally ill black mother who, instead of being afraid of the New World Order, IIRC, was afraid of the President of the United State stalking her.

What was the response of the relative as the sad story unfolded?


That actually should be a reasonable response from everyone until the facts come out in these situations.

(I think our pop up lefties need all gun owners to be demonstrably insane so they can feel better about themselves and their ideology. And they seek every opportunity to reassure themselves that this is true, regardless of the facts of each individual tragedy. Mental illness affects all parts of the political spectrum.)

Leland said...

ARM: I would point out that the TSA was a Bush administration initiative.

LAX Shooter: the suspect intended to kill "multiple" TSA employees and to "instill fear into their traitorous minds."

DemocraticUnderground: "Bush is a Traitor" "GOP: The Party of Traitors"

I think all of us recall the GOP were declared traitors during the recent government shutdown.

So let's recap, Inga claims it is the right that uses Patriot or Traitor, yet Democrat's have been calling the GOP traitors for at least 10 years now. The shooter, whose motives are identical to the Weathermen, claimed he wanted to kill traitors.

You know what would be really cool? Seeing this guy branded as criminal and executed for his crime, without political idiots trying to broad brush their supposed opponents and enemies as implicit murders and supporters of an awful act.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Obama screwed up the the roll-out of Obamacare (ACA).

That's a pretty big thing to screw up. Legislation that takes on your own name.

And he screwed up its very implementation.