Tuesday, November 26, 2013

"Reports: Alleged trend of 'knockout game' a myth"

"Some news organizations are refuting the existence of an alleged phenomenon known as the "knockout game" that has been the subject of media warnings in recent weeks."
According to reports by CNN, the Today show, USA TODAY and others, the game takes place when young people randomly assault strangers in an attempt to knock them out with one punch.

The attacks are leading to arrests, more officers on the streets and warnings for vigilance among the public, law enforcement officials and victims advocates told USA TODAY. In New Haven, Conn., police spokesman David Hartman said police are investigating six incidents in the past month as possible "knockouts."

But police officials in several cities where the attacks have been reported say the knockout game is an urban myth, and that attacks that have received recent attention in the media have been random assaults, the New York Times is reporting.
USA Today, NYT


Trooper York said...

Who are you going to believe?

The news media or the lying grandmother. Lying in the gutter with her groceries in the street because some knucklehead punched her in the face because she was Jewish?

Leland said...

I agree with AoS's Ben, this is humorous: The Latest Terrible Trend: People Riding Sharks; yet knockout game is a myth!

Trooper York said...

These are the same news media sources who told us about the waiter who didn't get a tip because they were gay.

Trooper York said...

Anybody that believes anything the mainstream media tells them deserves what they get.

test said...

I think the left is confused, they seem the think term "random" means "didn't happen".

Sociopaths invented a name for their pasttime. The left is calling these assaults a "myth" in the sense that they'd wish people wouldn't notice them.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Google "knockout game" returns about 5,970,000 results...

A Google autocomplete search gives me this...

knockout game
knockout game video
knockout game basketball
knockout game blacks
knockout game syracuse

Knockout game has its own Wikipedia page, which, of course, is in the middle of a knockout, dragout fight over it.

I wander if they have a filibuster rule at Wikipedia.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

The same people that are saying "knockout" is a myth are the people that said ObamaCare death panels was a myth.

Death panel

Unknown said...

So the videos were all faked?

Shouting Thomas said...

The people who say this is a myth are the same people who claimed that Zimmerman affair was evidence of a nationwide epidemic of white on black violence.

Although Zimmerman isn't even white.

Justifying and denying black violence is an industry.

Unknown said...

I am convinced the hack media and Obama himself mangled the trayvon incident so thoroughly that many angry racist idiots out there are poised to retaliate. The more innocent the victim the better.

Michael Haz said...

Shocking. Liberal reporters who never walk anywhere and live in safe neighborhoods don't believe the knockout game exists. Well gosh, that's good enough for me.

They're the same ones who believe that slavery still exists, right?

The Dude said...

A liberal is a liberal who has been mugged, apparently.

bagoh20 said...

I don't know if the trend is a myth, but the "game" is real. People are are admitting to it , bragging, or posting videos of it all the time on social media. I believe Trayvon Martin is dead from it. It's more real than the myth of winning the lottery.

sakredkow said...

There's a gang of Crypts, or Bloods, I'm not sure which...but they drive in a car at night with their lights off and if you flash them with your lights they follow you and murder you. It's part of their initiation.

It's true, it's true. Don't let anyone tell you it's not.

test said...

phx said...
It's true, it's true. Don't let anyone tell you it's not.

Wow, this guy must not be dead then.


Michael Haz said...

Don't tell Delbert Belton.

bagoh20 said...

How exactly does it being random make it better somehow?

ampersand said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
edutcher said...

The "recent" trend has been ongoing for a couple of years.

The Gateway Pundit has done yeoman service on the matter.

But, oh, yeah, he's not a journo-list.

Synova said...

I'm confused as to the functional difference between being the victim of a "game" where there is a supposed goal of knocking you out with one punch... and with being the victim of a random assault.

Valentine Smith said...

You know these kids needs to leave an email trail or post cards or registered letters or phone calls taped by the NSA or a live pony express rider to testify because dead bodies, videos, victims, eyewitnesses all in disparate placEs across the USA does not constitute a trend, not a conspiracy mind you, but a fucking TREND (def:a general direction in which something is developing or changing). It's not a trend, the trend was years ago. Now it's a pattern, a pattern of homicidal behavior directed at specific others not of the same race as the perpetrators.

Now what would you call that?

Valentine Smith said...

It's terrorism.

Trooper York said...

The eight attacks on Jewish people in Crown Heights since October 1st are not a trend.


KCFleming said...

Turns out Derbyshire was right, and NRO was wrong to fire him.

William said...

Well, put it in perspective. It's far less common than women clutching their purse tightly when they see a group of young black men. And, in the final analysis, I think we all know which is the greater crime. Thank God we at long last have a President who's not afraid to speak out against purse clutching.