Wednesday, November 27, 2013

"NBC News Notes Evidence That Lesbian Waitress Faked Story About Being Refused a Tip"

"With an ever-changing 24/7-news cycle, it’s refreshing to see some members of the liberal media taking the time to correct the record. While we at NewsBusters don’t usually give the liberals at NBC News much credit, for once they did a respectable job and did not completely fall for what now appears to be a complete scam by a New Jersey waitress."
You may recall last week that the media were all abuzz about a New Jersey waitress who claimed a religious family refused to tip her, writing on the receipt that they disapproved of her lifestyle. Well now New York City's NBC News 4 is reporting that a man has come forward with his copy of the receipt and a credit card statement to prove that he did, in fact, tip the waitress. What's more, this man denies he wrote the statement on her copy of the check, which says he disapproved of her lifestyle.

To his credit, MSNBC anchor Thomas Roberts relayed the story on his November 26 program. Roberts, who is openly gay, has long made his hour of daytime programming a platform for gay rights-related stories. He deserves credit for spotlighting the newest development in this story rather than leave his audience to go by the one-sided reporting they might have heard earlier in the week on MSNBC's Weekends with Alex Witt.
NewsBusters (Update Link "Will Leaving a Cash Tip Open Us Up to This Kind of Fraud?"


bagoh20 said...

"Fundamentalist wing of gay advocacy"

bagoh20 said...

This is what you get for not congratulating her on her courage for standing up to the scissors-hating paternalistic power structure.

Unknown said...

Keep your receipts.

Unknown said...

....some Nancy Pelosi Andrew Sullivan loving whack job might astroturf you..

Revenant said...

I guess it is nice that the story was corrected, but why was it aired in the first place?

Even if the story was true, so what? "Waitress insulted by jerkass customer" ain't news material.

rcocean said...

Can I get out of $20 tip by accusing the waiter of being a Homophobe or racist?

Asking for a friend.

Shouting Thomas said...

All the receipt bigot incidents were obvious hoaxes.

edutcher said...

The Gaystapo loses another one.

Birches said...

How much money did the liar make out of the deal?

bagoh20 said...

There was a similar one a while back where a black waiter got a receipt with the n-word on it. By the time his fraud was discovered he had already collected over $10,000 from anonymous people. It's worth a shot, if you got no scruples, and can do the bald-faced lie just to get what you want. So why not? We call that "leadership" today.

bagoh20 said...

I send money to people sometimes when I hear of a great injustice done to them, and it means they need money, often to help with their legal expenses. We all have seen those cases. But, I don't feel any impetus to send money because someone got insulted by a stranger. Surely, there is someone you know that deserves it more than that.

Chip Ahoy said...

The outrage all over the place is like people don't have little sisters.

bagoh20 said...

Hey Chip, thanks for the bagoh20 bait post this morning. I appreciated that. Hang gliding videos are usually pretty boring, because unless you're actually hanging thousands of feet in the air tied to a kite, it kind of looks like a guy watching TV in a sleeping bag. Hopefully I can come out there and fly that ridge someday. It looked awesome.

ampersand said...
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Lem Vibe Banditory said...

There is more at the anchoress.

William said...

We should all reflect on how the discriminatory treatment that lesbian waitresses endure causes many of them to become pathological liars. The fraud she perpetrated is itself proof of the ill treatment she endured......We can all learn from that Slate writer who, after being victimized by the knock out game, took that opportunity to reflect on how important it is to have recreational facilities available for minority youths.......Anyway being a waiter is a sucky job and those who eat out today should over tip even if their waiter is into bestiality.

Unknown said...
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