Monday, November 25, 2013

Did a Family Guy Character Get Killed Off Last Night?

"Yes, sob, sniffle, sigh, someone died on "Family Guy" Sunday night. Let me amend: Maybe someone died on "Family Guy."  Let me amend further: Someone died on "Family Guy"  but: a) We are talking about a cartoon here; b) We are talking about Seth MacFarlane, who has never taken one thing seriously in his entire life, expect maybe Frank Sinatra; c) We are talking about a cartoon that has a time machine that works pretty good when it's of a mind too."

I tuned in late to watch a replacement character out of a voice from the Sopranos. I'm predicting the dead character will be back. Its a gimmick.

Newsday, TV Zone


Lem Vibe Banditory said...

The Sopranos, the Jack Welch "Chicago guys" tweet.

Brain, although liberal elite, was sort of the sane character, if I had to spot a sane character.

So, kill off the character with whom Rush Limbaugh could be friends with and replace him with a mob dog.

Then again, maybe I'm reading too much into it.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Ingenious way of criticizing the dear leader w/o seeming to.

Like in the days of Soviet Russia and the dissident novelists.

Leland said...

Dumbledore and the Oracle tell me the humor thing to do is to replace Griffin with a different looking dog and have everyone act as is if nothing changed in the next episode.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Who would Brian Griffin be in Archie Bunkers All in the Family? which character?

I didn't speak English yet when All in the Family was on. I do seem to recall the show being considered some sort of a voice.

Again, maybe there is nothing there... and I'm just anxious to hear some dissent form somewhere other than the usual places where the dissent is expected to come from.

bagoh20 said...

This is what happens when you hit on a man's wife.

Leland said...

Did anyone check with the American Humane Association? Just curious...

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

..."the horrific thing to do is to replace Griffin with a different looking dog and have everyone act as is if nothing changed in the next episode."

We keep coming back to how Obama appears to us, while he continues to change the country into something unrecognizable.

Black comedy?

ricpic said...

Who will Stewie talk to with Brian gone?!

AllenS said...

Was he killed with an eraser?

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

A cursory Google search reveals I may be the only person making this connection.

Not bad for me if I say so myself.

Dilution is underestimated.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Think about it, Seth would get a kick out of putting one over on everybody.

Not only criticizing he who shall not be criticized but doing it in such a way that they wouldn't pick up on it.

It's an artist holy grail... or at least it used to be.

Nothing makes sense anymore.

Trooper York said...

Tequila does strange things to people. Just sayn'

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Go ahead and mock.

It will be discovered, sooner or later.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

I'm going to tweet it that's how sure I am that Seth is up to something.

Icepick said...

All that ever needed to be said about Family Guy was said here and here.