Saturday, November 23, 2013

Man charged with hate crime for knock-out assault in Brooklyn

I changed the word "suspect" to "man", and dropped the word "possible" for the customary 15% minimum increase in dramatic effect.

The victim said he overheard the people who attacked him talking about the knockout game before they punched him in the face on 18th Avenue in Boro Park.

AP actually states the race of attackers and victim. In my mind confuting a long standing right-wing grievance about race-reporting.


It is all fun and games until your intended victim shoots you twice and sends you to jail.

These stories appear to be NYC and WDC-centric, but this second report with beforeitsnews points to cities in the Midwest.

In this YouTube video Marvell Weaver says, "It was just a lesson learned."

Yeah, Marvell, it's all about you learning a lesson, nothing at all about a guy being attacked. What lesson did he learn? What lesson will I learn? Does your lesson include setting back race relations by decades? 

Yes. Obama writes of his own grandmother who raised him, the white one, being afraid of blacks, one in particular who approached her at a bus stop in her view overly aggressively. Apparently she talked about it if Obama is believed. Expect whites to cut wide swaths around Marvell in public for a very long time, decades, after he gets out, his  very long lesson will include why it is so for him and for his whole gang. His action impugns all his friends, falsely or not. And remember it is the white guys mostly showing up at the Citizens Marksmanship Program and we've got the photos linked by Third Coast in comments that show it.  


Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

What is old is new again...

bagoh20 said...

I'm still not down with the "Hate crime" bullshit. The crime is already a very serious one involving actual and potential serious injuries. That should be more than sufficient. If some complete stranger gives me brain damage by sucker punching me, I could care less what was going through his mind at the time. I don't even think most of these actually involve any hate. Some racial hatred would actually justify it a little more in my mind than doing it just for fun or to get some juice with your gang homies. That's probably the least justifiable motivation possible.

You attacked someone viciously for no reason. That should be a starting point at the very bottom. No anger, no passion, done with a smile on your face. That should be the worst case with the highest penalty.

bagoh20 said...

See, white people think this hate crime bullshit makes it more shameful, and it would for a white person or anybody who thinks color blind, but it's just a little justification when you are part of victim class, and you relish that. I assure you this kid does not consider himself a racist for picking on another race. He gets a little bit of martyr sauce on the side, maybe even a half order of hero to some.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

The crime is already a very serious one involving actual and potential serious injuries. That should be more than sufficient.

I see it the same way.

XRay said...

"I assure you this kid does not consider himself a racist for picking on another race. He gets a little bit of martyr sauce on the side, maybe even a half order of hero to some."

"I'm still not down with the "Hate crime" bullshit."

And neither am I down with it, but if I (white guy) went out and slammed to the ground some ninety year old black grandma what do you think it would termed as...

I get your reasoning, trenchant as always, but I sense a feeling that you believe this to be a two way street if only you can speak enough sense. It's too late for that, perhaps.

Trooper York said...

Great post Chip.

Trooper York said...

Bags I hate to disagree again but you are way off base.

You don't get a pass from hate crime legislation because of the color of your skin.

The liberals wanted hate crime legislation. So it has to apply to everyone.

Trooper York said...

The attacks on Jews in Brooklyn are definitely hate crimes. Period.

bagoh20 said...

Whites are always gonna get the short end of the stick in the realm of hate crimes, because Whites are born racist, and eventually get caught.

Hate crime laws will never be dealt fairly, but even if they were, the problem is they are still stupid, immoral, and unconstitutional. It's making thought a crime, plane and simple.

bagoh20 said...

Supporting hate crime law is like,.......well, like white people supporting a law against perceived racism. It's giving your racist enemies powerful weapons, just because they let you play with them once in a while.

Trooper York said...

Hey I don't support the income tax. But it is the law of the land and I have to follow it.
All of us do.

Except Obama of course.

Unknown said...

I call it rage crime. Inspired by narrative media and immature presidents.

Trooper York said...

A couple of years a fat white Italian dude beat up a black kid who was breaking into cars to steal radios. He was charged with a hate crime. Just because he was white and the kid was black.

These attacks are hate crimes. If the law is on the books they have to apply to everyone or no one.

These attacks on whites, Jews and Asians are racially motivated. And should be prosecuted as such. Period.

Trooper York said...

Why doesn't the hate crime law apply to this knucklehead?

bagoh20 said...

It looks like they are gonna be charged as hate crimes. But like I said, we shouldn't need some extra bullshit law. Isn't what they are doing already bad enough? If a Black kid cold cocks a old Black man, are we really gonna say it's not so bad because he has the same skin color? That's what hate crime law says.

The law is racist in the truest sense - judging people and the seriousness of their crimes and injuries by the color of their skin.

bagoh20 said...

"...a fat white Italian dude beat up a black kid"

Well if he was fat that's a problem - throw a way the key. Nobody likes fat dudes.

Unless the black kid was fat too, then it doesn't count.

edutcher said...

That AP finally admits some details shows they know they can't cover it up anymore.

As I say, the first Bernhard Goetz to come along and mete out some justice is going to be Choom's next big distraction.

And, yes, Chip, if you've been following these stories , they first predominated in the Midwest. It's just moved to the East Coast recently.

bagoh20 said...

I'm still not down with the "Hate crime" bullshit.

Precisely. this is a felony.

Trooper York said...

Bags I hate to disagree again but you are way off base.

You don't get a pass from hate crime legislation because of the color of your skin.

The liberals wanted hate crime legislation. So it has to apply to everyone.

No, we've seen too often that Lefty laws don't apply to Lefties or their protected groups.

This "child" is our new Trayvon.

chickelit said...

Authorities and psychologists say the "knockout" assaults have been around for decades — or longer — and it's played mostly by impulsive teenage boys looking to impress their friends.

There's that bullshit "status booster" excuse again. "Knock-out" players are just seeking to "enhance" their status.

Bullshit. They're doing this to spread fear. Wouldn't you fear the amoral psychopath who would deck or even kill an innocent person?

chickelit said...

Building self-esteem through random acts of violence = bullshit.

bagoh20 said...

We may despise it Chickie, but being ruthless, mean and unpredictable is a power play in lord of the flies.

Trooper York said...

Get ready for a lot more of this.

It is going to get a lot worse than it is going to get better.

They just announced an new imitative by the incoming administration. They are going to investigate racial profiling in Department stores. Because that is a big problem.

Old ladies and kids getting a beat down and a bunch of knuckleheads recording it and laughing about it?

No big deal.

chickelit said...

bagoh20 said...
We may despise it Chickie, but being ruthless, mean and unpredictable is a power play in lord of the flies.

Which part of dystopian DC is fiction?

Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

Hate crimes are BS, but if you are going to apply them, apply them to all. Troop's right.

virgil xenophon said...

See, we're all on the same wave-length here, i.e., otoh "the very concept of "hate crime" is antithetical to a free society in that it really implies "thought crime," but otoh as long as it's on the books it should be applied evenly--which as we all know it obviously is not for PC reasons. And ONCE AGAIN we have NO ONE but the LEFT to blame..

Chip Ahoy said...

The first attacks I heard about were at TOP during some summer festival. But that was not reported as the one-punch thing. The first random one-punch thing I heard of was this woman attacked in London. They have all that CCTV all over the place helps nab the perk but does nothing for the lady.

Michael Haz said...

Pretty soon it will be a hate crime when white people do not volunteer to be knocked out.

"Why didn't you make yourself available to be knocked out? Was it because you are racist?"

Trooper York said...

Let's give credit where credit is due. According to the NY Post as linked by Insatpundit Al Sharpton has stepped up to condemn the Knockout Game.

He obviously has been around long enough to remember how it was the last time and is old enough and wise enough to try to put a stop to it before it gets out of hand.

Well done Rev. Sharpton.

Trooper York said...

I especially applaud this quote from Reverend Sharpton:

“Kids are randomly knocking out people [from] another race — some specifically going at Jewish people,” he said. “This kind of insane thuggery — there is nothing cute about that. There is no game play about knocking somebody out, and it is not a game. It is an assault and is bias, and it is wrong.”

Michael Haz said...

IK agree with Trooper. Good job, Rev Sharpton.

I think he wants to avoid another Crown Heights fiasco.

Trooper York said...

You see the Reverend Sharpton is older now and he doesn't have to establish his rep. He knows how bad it can get if the members of his community do not step up and speak out against this.

Other things are different now as well. The influence of video games has a profound effect on this. I think when kids play stuff like "Grand Theft Auto" all day long that this violence doesn't see real to them. That's why they are filming it and putting it on Youtube. This will also serve to make each guy go just a little bit further than then the last. It is a recipe for disaster.

I hope other leaders in the black community step up to the plate and lend their voices.

The Dude said...

Crack has your back, Troop. He will be all over this.

Trooper York said...

Crack has passed into the realm of self-parody.