Tuesday, November 19, 2013

12 Reasons Why Obama Is Not One Of The Best Presidents Ever

A brief review of "12 Reasons Why Obama Is One Of The Best Presidents Ever" by Matthew Lynch, Ed.D

First, read the following and see if you take offense at some of the words. It's merely Lynch's opening salvo with a few racial tags replaced.
I have yet to find the words to describe the overwhelming sense of satisfaction I felt on Tuesday Nov. 8, 2016 when Ted Cruz won the popular vote by 53 percent. With tears in my eyes, and joy in my heart, I as a white man stood alongside other white people across the nation as we celebrated America's first inauguration of a Latino president. As an old white man, I felt a true sense of patriotism as I witnessed our country rally together to show, finally, that we are more concerned about who is the most qualified man for the job, regardless of race or age. As Cruz so simply, yet eloquently, stated during his celebration speech - real change had come to America -a change we so desperately needed after eight painful years of Barack H. Obama's colossal failure as our nation's leader.
I wonder if Lynch would have a problem with that.

And now for the twelve reasons why Lynch believes Obama is one of the best presidents ever.
1) He is for The People. Say what you will about Barack Obama, but unlike the many presidents who preceded him, he cares about what is best for the greater good. He truly does represent The People. His actions have always been motivated by a sincere desire to do what is best for the majority, even if it meant losing ground with the wealthy, influential or powerful minority.
He is for his people alright: Chicago cronies, and enriching Washington, D.C.
2) He is for civil rights. He has consistently spoken on behalf of the disenfranchised, the underdog and the most controversial members of society-despite the fact that it was politically unpopular to do so at the time. His outspoken support of gay marriage is an excellent example. Gay marriage is, and has always been, a legal and civil rights issue-not a moral one as conservatives would have you believe. Obama's open support of gay marriage speaks to his core values and his inherent belief that there truly should be justice for all.
Progress for LGBT civil rights may well be Barack Obama's lasting signature achievement. This is not surprising because for many, opposition to same-sex marriage is the political litmus test of any candidate today. It is simply not enough to be neutral on the issue (as opposed to being for or against). It's safe to say that Mitt Romney lost by a margin roughly equal to the number of people who put that issue over and above economic issues.
3) He is for one race -the human race. In just a few short years, Obama's professional achievements and continued demonstration of equality and integrity have done wonders for race relations. America has never been more unified as a people than it has been under the direct leadership of Barack Obama. Finally, the racial lines that have divided blacks and whites for decades seem to be narrowing.
WTF? Most people think race relations have deteriorated under Obama.
4) He is for a healthcare system that brings hope and healing to the hurting. Obama's healthcare plan has allowed uninsured Americans to reap the benefits of a universal healthcare system. A suffering child should never be turned away because his or her mother doesn't have health insurance. To deny medical assistance to people who desperately need it is barbaric. Obama's health care plan has placed America among the world's greatest superpowers who demonstrate care and compassion toward its constituents with healthcare that serves all.
Jesus’ injunction to help “the least of these” is a powerful message  one which cannot be avoided  unless you happen to not be a Christian. Even so, the New Testament message was directed at individuals  not at national governments. Earthly governments have no place in heaven nor does Caesar. I happen to believe that some provisions of ObamaCare will survive intact such as an increasing devolution of healthcare provision away from employers and also coverage for pre-existing conditions. But I think it was a mistake to provide comprehensive healthcare on a national basis. A better plan would have been to mandate lower cost catastrophic insurance, much as catastrophic auto insurance is mandated in many states. Also, any government involvement should have been stepwise  state-by state — if at all.
5) He is for the middle class. Here are just a few of the comments made by President Barack Obama in recent months: "Rebuilding our economy starts with strengthening the middle class. Extending tax breaks on 98 percent of families now would give hardworking Americans the security and confidence they need." In July 2012, during a visit to Cedar Rapids, Iowa, he said, "The vision of a strong middle class is what we're fighting for. What we need is somebody who's going to fight every single day to grow the middle class because that's how our economy grows, from the middle out, from the bottom up, where everybody has got a shot. That's how the economy grows." Enough said.
The erosion of the middle class began long before Obama took office and continues unabated under him  unless you believe pumping up the D.C. economy of lawyers is helping the "middle class." More than enough said.
6) He is for women's rights. Obama's very first executive action as President was to sign the Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act, a bill specifically designed to annihilate wage discrimination barriers for women. He also fully funded the Violence Against Women Act, which addresses the criminality of sexual assault and domestic violence and provides women with the services needed to overcome such atrocities. President Obama nominated two women to the Supreme Court, including the first Latina justice in American history. Furthermore, Obama has taken exceptional measures to secure grant money for women business owners and get them a fair shake from the Small Business Association.
The quashing of both Hillary Clinton and Sarah Palin by Obama's machine did more political damage to two distinct types of womens' ambitions than anything I can think of. Both are waiting in the wings to take on the West Wing. Revenge will be served ice cold.
7) He is for doing away with pomp and circumstance. Let's be real - Obama is one cool cat. As the 44th president of the United States, he has changed the face of the Oval Office forever. Many suggest Obama's casual demeanor and informal interaction with the American people is inappropriate, and even downright offensive. Millions of people, however -me included -perceive his relaxed deportment, humorous candor and outright honesty as a breath of fresh air. In spite of the fact that he is a politician, and the president, there is something about him that makes him real and relatable. Even though he is the most powerful man in the world, he is, at heart, just a man. In almost four years under perhaps the most intense public scrutiny ever placed upon an American president, he has never lost sight of the fact that he bleeds red, just like everyone else.
8) He is for the environment. President Barack Obama has taken a forward thinking approach to creating a red, white, blue and green America. His policies and initiatives for a clean energy economy have had an incredible impact on the future of the nation. For instance, the U.S. reduced oil imports by more than 10 percent from 2010 - 2011. That's more than 1 million barrels a day. The Administration continues to seek ways to reduce America's dependence on oil, promote efficient energy and invest in clean energy practices. Read more about Obama's environmental strategies here.
So now Obama is taking credit for lower energy prices due to fracking and natural gas?
9) He is for veterans. Obama has consistently promoted the allocation of funds, increased benefits, job opportunities and extended resources for our nation's veterans. Although Obama never served in the U.S. Armed Forces, he has always been a responsible and thoughtful commander-in-chief. Unlike his predecessor -G.W. Bush -he has always been conscious of the fact that troops serving in combat zones are sons, daughters, mothers and fathers. He has never lost sight of the commitment, dedication and sacrifice made by the brave men and women who volunteer for military service and he has been adamant about rewarding them accordingly.
Obama is for veterans, as he should. And no less so than his predecessor was, despite the gratuitous Bush-bashing.
10) He is for peace. Let us never forget that Barack Obama was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 2009 -one of the greatest accomplishments any man or woman could hope to achieve in a lifetime. The award reads, "The Nobel Peace Prize for 2009 is to be awarded to President Barack Obama for his extraordinary efforts to strengthen international diplomacy and cooperation between peoples. The Committee has attached special importance to Obama's vision of and work for a world without nuclear weapons." During his presidency, Obama successfully ended the war in Iraq and is close to finally putting an end to the conflict in Afghanistan and bring our troops home for good. Speaking of Afghanistan, remember public enemy number one, the King of Terror? It was under Obama's order that Osama Bin Laden was annihilated and put out of the warmongering business for good.
Obama himself has joked about the premature awarding of that Peace Prize prize. As for Iraq and Afghanistan, Obama went all in for Afghanistan  what is the latest news from that war-torn territory?
11) He is for education. Obama has always been an advocate for education, making it a top priority during his administration. Believing education is what brings about the strength of a nation, Obama has set a goal for the U.S. to have the highest proportion of college graduates in the world by 2020. He has increased federal funding and doubled the amount of grant money allocated to students seeking a higher education to cover rising tuition costs. During his presidency, Obama also passed the White House Initiative on Educational Excellence for African-Americans and the White House Initiative on Educational Excellence for Hispanics to ensure equal education for people of color.
Actually, jobs are what make an economy as much as education. Mike Rowe (among others) is warning about too many chiefs and not enough Indians. The President should a long hard look at the effects of burgeoning educational debt as a consequence of Democrat policies. Republican governors should take another look diminishing state-level support at public universities.
12) He is for entertaining the masses. If we have to listen to a president yakitty-yak about this or that for another four years, we might as well pick one with charisma and charm. If you can't find anything else appealing about Obama, you can't deny the fact that the guy is an amazing speaker with wit, fantastic comedic timing and an incredible intellect. In fact, I will go so far as to say that when the man does finally retire from politics, he has a rewarding and lucrative job as a stand up comic awaiting him if he so chooses. When's the last time you heard a president joke about drinking beer, belt out Al Green with poise and precision at a moment's notice and admit to watching the Kardashians?
Another LOL!


Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

Lynch needs an intervention

Methadras said...

How these tools and scumbags can look at themselves in the mirror every morning is beyond me. To go through your life being nothing but a ball-sucking sycophant for this guy is beyond sad.

Shouting Thomas said...

The strategy of the progressive has always been to speak in high ideals.

This is a strategy that goes back to the Soviet's "New Man" gambit.

All of the problems/crises cited in this treatise are phony or vastly overstated. Those problems/crises were manufactured and/or vastly overstated for the purpose of a grab for power and graft by those who want to centralize all power in the state.

You can't respond to the phony statement of ideals. That's the trap.

Shouting Thomas said...

For those who don't get what I said, I'll touch on just a few of the phony crisis this progressive tried to invoke:

1. There is no energy crisis.

2. There is no crisis of global warming.

3. There was no healthcare crisis until Obama created one.

4. There is no gender gap in pay.

You see what that guy is doing? Creating crises that demand that progressives solve them.

In the eyes of the progressives, we live always in Year Zero, and the past was a savage story of the poor being left to die of starvation and neglect.

The progressives are lying.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

The true history of my administration will be written 50 years from now, and you and I will not be around to see it.

George W. Bush

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Stuttering cumdrops has a point in that nothing is a bad thing unless you allow it to be perceived that way. For instance, he's defined his own unemployable layabout, biker bad-boy wanna-be, sugar-momma-teat sucking existence as a good thing, and so he's convinced himself that it therefore is!

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Hating you would be like hating dog poop - completely not worth it. Bad things in life just exist, and it's better to just ridicule them when they become tedious and annoying. Having fun keeps one young.

But I find your need to identify yourself via perceived negative attention, at your late age - and especially by people much younger, to be another reason for laughing.

Try to laugh every once and a while. Life's short. Not all of us have as much of it to waste on resentment.

I think you need love, Thomas. Clearly you've not had enough of it. You take yourself as seriously as a tsunami.

Shouting Thomas said...

Sultan Knish has been doing a Yeoman's job of describing this strategy of the progressive.

The left always assumes that it is starting from zero. That the interregnum before it came to power, men were little more than beasts, brawling in the mud, raising their children in the dirt and visiting whatever doctors it pleased them. It sees no reason to apologize since even when it falls short, it has uplifted us from barbarism to a better way of living.

The strategy of the progressives all my life has been to create this notion of constant apocalyptic crisis. The strategy is to create a vision of a past so barbaric that everything must be destroyed, and a Messiah must save us.

bagoh20 said...

I read that the other other day, and I was asking myself the whole way through: "Are we talking about the same President?" Because that whole thing almost seemed like he had no idea who he was talking about. It's borderline hallucinations from the drug of tribalism.

bagoh20 said...

" his own unemployable layabout, biker bad-boy wanna-be, sugar-momma-teat sucking existence as a good thing, and so he's convinced himself that it therefore is!"

Sounds good to me. Is there a club dues I have to pay to join?

It sure sounds better than being a pretend philanthropist poseur using other people's money to spend in ways you are not willing to with your own.

Methadras said...

Rhythm and Balls said...

The true history of my administration will be written 50 years from now, and you and I will not be around to see it.

George W. Bush

Will go down in history as being a mightily better president than the lying sack of crap called Obama.

Palladian said...

I cannot imagine ever writing such face-reddening nonsense about any politician.

I must be missing the gene, or the crucial piece of socialization, that allows 'normal' human beings to write hagiographies about politicians and the powerful. I just can't understand how people can write or speak like that.

For a long time I was under the mistaken impression that the whole purpose of the United States of America was to serve as haven for people like me, people who are constitutionally incapable of debasing themselves before so-called authority.

Alas, the naive optimism of youth! How it protects us, and how terrible it is when it dissipates forever in the glare of sunless reality.

Shouting Thomas said...


I agree.

Black guys have been arguing with me throughout the Obama years that we've been "disrespecting" the Prez.

I always thought that the best tradition of the U.S. was that we despised, ridiculed and mistrusted every President, and every politician.

Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

No excuse, but the Irish, in their day, were just as bad over the Kennedys.

How to you think Teddy got away with the shit he pulled over the years? And he was not even Bobbie or Jack.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Most people think race relations have deteriorated under Obama.

A survey of Florida says it's true.

"Race relations have deteriorated under Obama"

Valentine Smith said...

Lynch writes with the emotional verity of a fatherless 3-year-old boy fantasizing about the father who took off his babysitter. The left are all 3 year olds.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

So now Obama is taking credit for lower energy prices due to fracking and natural gas?

I saw an Obama tweet where he was doing that, I could barely contain myself.

edutcher said...

Lynch needs to go back to what Martin Luther King wanted for his kids.

So does Choom.

So, for that matter, does Ritmo.

The Crack Emcee said...

There is no context.

As soon as you guys can make that true - that there's no 400 years of underlying/surrounding/historical data, that you're willingly excluding in order to feel comfortable with your outdated ideas, and blacks are merely imagining the obstinence guys (who look just like you) gladly parade - you'll be justified in what you say.

Even though I've never said a word in his favor, I'd probably be considered "a ball-sucking sycophant for this guy" because there's no 400 years of underlying/surrounding/historical data that comes with him, for you, is there?

Of course, ST has "despised, ridiculed and mistrusted every President, and every politician," and wants to do the same to this one, because there's no 400 years of underlying/surrounding/historical data that comes with this particular one, for him either, is there?

Is there anyone here that can acknowledge that to have finally elected a first black president - in a land that's had blacks on it since before it was a country - means some of America's people are and have been a little bit backwards?

And who would that be?

I'd hazard a guess it's those who have always ignored - and insisted everyone else ignore - it's context.

I've spent a lot of time with you guys, and you're NOT altogether who you think you are,...

deborah said...

Thanks for the altogether.

Guildofcannonballs said...

Google didn't give me my ammo.

Everyone I've met has been enemy number 1.

Time two.

That being said, how about this:

NotquiteunBuckley said...

So here is how we make our millions.

So be it.

You create my app ( I P A Y Y O U S H I T ) about one talking for 30 seconds at a time for each book in a collection.

The IT has got to be focused on the user experience such that we all get it:

You take a picture of your books.

T H E A P P then sees the title (sometimes) and separates the titles such as in a quadrant. You sit back, click (touch) on what book you want to pontificate (useless unBuckley themes mostly) and then enter the 30 second contests regarding G R E A T B O O K S sometimes, but mostly useless dragged on the floor tripe.

You then speak (dumb shit mostly) for 30 seconds about whatever book you can make a 30 second "pitch" for.

Like Babe Ruth and Shakespear.
11/19/13, 8:35 PM


Guildofcannonballs said...

This method separates attacks toward, or at, a person, and attacks that are warranted within an argument.

Palladian said...

I've spent a lot of time with you guys, and you're NOT altogether who you think you are,...

We've spent a lot of time with you, Crack Emcee, and you're exactly who we thought you were.

bagoh20 said...

Just wait till the context is 800 years. By then I'm sure the Blacks who need excuses will still be using that to great effect on their personal circumstances. It's like homeopathy. All you need is a little bit of the active ingredient in great dilution to get the effect. You just have to believe.

JAL said...


JAL said...

On second skimming -- are we sure this isn't written by America's Politico?

rcocean said...

Thank God Crack is here. Seriously.
I've taken shots at him, but by God he's interesting.

Of course, he's going to stick up for the Black guy, just like Jews stick up for the Jewish Guy and Irish guys stick up for the Irish Guy.

Shouting Thomas said...

Let us note that Crack, our great enemy of the Cults, cops to the "self-esteem" BS.

Which, of course, is the cornerstone of the Cult philosophy.

rcocean said...

As for Obama, yeah he sucks, but so did Carter, Clinton, and LBJ. You have to go back 50 years to find a decent Democrat POTUS and that one spend all his time boinking chicks and lying to us about how healthy and full of "vigor" he was.

Honestly, do you think Hillary! would've been better. And thank God we didn't elect McCrazy.

rcocean said...

So yeah, I can see both sides of the Obama controversy. On one hand, the guy is probably the most mediocre, lackluster president we've ever had. An affirmative action baby from the word go. OTOH, on two most experienced Presidents, ever, ever, were....Nixon and LBJ.

Is O really worse than those two?

Shouting Thomas said...

Is O really worse than those two?

No, but he is ever more dangerous, precisely because of the argument that he cannot be ridiculed, slandered, parodied, opposed and held to the same standard as any other president because he has black skin.

He knows he has an immunity from criticism no other president has ever enjoyed. That's a very dangerous thing in a person with that level of power and ambition.

bagoh20 said...

Both Nixon and LBJ were forced out of the office by their own incompetence before they could do any more damage, which proves Shouting Thomas's point perfectly.

rcocean said...

"Both Nixon and LBJ were forced out of the office by their own incompetence before they could do any more damage, which proves Shouting Thomas's point perfectly."

So we should push out Obama to enjoy Slow Joe Biden's competence?

rcocean said...

Honestly, what's the difference between "Slow Joe Biden" and Obama? Other, than a few IQ points and some skin color?

bagoh20 said...

Biden is less clean and articulate.

If Biden was President and everything else the same, we would be in the middle of an impeachment.

bagoh20 said...

He also never would have been reelected.

Aridog said...

Fuck it. Again.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Crack Lives ;)

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Sounds like Crack has gone beyond Oprah's "Older people ... in South must die to end racism".

We might still have 400y - 150y AL = 250 years to go?

(AL After Lincoln)

That's a mighty long time.

chickelit said...

Of course, he's going to stick up for the Black guy, just like Jews stick up for the Jewish Guy and Irish guys stick up for the Irish Guy.

It's tough sticking up for the German guy which is why I stick up for the American guy.

Those who don't want to assimilate? Fuck 'em.

bagoh20 said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
bagoh20 said...

I imagine that if a slave came from the past he would be proud of some Blacks, but have only disdain for others - specifically those who co-opt the suffering they endured back then just so some today can make excuses for themselves even while surrounded with all their modern opportunity, including decades of special consideration and good will.

It's just pathetic, embarrassing, and an insult to those who really suffered, and persevered. Millions lived that life day after day for centuries so you could cry in your champagne in 2013? Really? You think that shows respect for them? Imagine yourself as that slave seeing your descendants acting like spoiled children. Would you be proud of that loser?

rcocean said...

95% of African-Americans voted for Obama. So Crack is just your normal Black guy. As for bringing up slavery 150 years afterwords, well...

Anyhoo, Crack has us all labeled and reported to SPLC, so we're screwed anyway.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Does this mean Cruz is my guy?

I don't want to jump in the wrong bandwagon.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Does Rachael Maddow sexy it up when Obama is in trouble?

I have a theory.

She is talking about Iraq right now... in case you are wondering.

Michael Haz said...

How come the 95% of blacks who didn't vote for the white candidate are given a pass on racism.

It goes both ways.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Oh... Maddow runs opposite Fox Kelly.

Do Gentlemen still prefer blonds or what?

Lem Vibe Banditory said...


I should have put my last comments on the next pollo tread... Whose Those Girls?

That must be how Trooper would say that.

Lydia said...

Oh... Maddow runs opposite Fox Kelly.

Do Gentlemen still prefer blonds or what?

Hmm...maybe Rachel should have stuck with her earlier look.

Unknown said...

thank you for sharing. This was a very useful information for me
du hoc canada

bagoh20 said...

"Do Gentlemen still prefer blonds or what?"

I bet Maddow prefers Kelly herself, and probably has the same poster of Kelly over her bed that I do.

chickelit said...

deborah said...
Thanks for the altogether.

Thank you for not giving me the dreaded tl:dr

Trooper York said...

The best part about this whole thing is that the Crack Emcee is becoming more and more like Oprah every day.

Who you ever have thought that he would turn out to be an angry black woman!

Trooper York said...

Obama is much worse than either LBJ or Nixon.

Nixon was geometrically smarter than the Jug Eared Jesus. LBJ might have made mistakes but he had the best interest of the people at heart. Both were American Patriots in the fullest sense of the term.

Obama, not so much.

deborah said...

No way, chick. Hey, I'd just opened up the comment box to answer:


but, saw Crack's comment and was distracted to reply to him.

Crack, you know I like you, but this new hobby horse you're riding...you're going cultist on us. Seriously. Is it the back pain, meds, what?

That time you came on doing a complete 180, and I asked if you now support Obama, and I asked another question I can't recall. It may have been did you ever claim your parents were slaves. And you replied that I wouldn't interrogate a white person that way. Get a grip, guy.

Eric the Fruit Bat said...

Looks like I'm the only one here who dismissed Crack Head from day one as an obvious nut job.

Eric the Fruit Bat said...

Not that I win a prize or anything but come on.

deborah said...

Crack had a very worthwhile message in the anti-cultism. But now that I see the race issue taking his attention, I think maybe his anti-cult message under-pinned a somewhat compulsive personality.

I like you Crack, but I'm not playing whitey for you.

Eric the Fruit Bat said...

New age turned his wife into a murderer and broke his heart.

That sounds like the claim of a sane person to you?

deborah said...

I've always assumed the story is true, and that it gave him a mission. How many of us are sane, if you're going to go after Crack?

Eric the Fruit Bat said...

I used to work for an electric utility in customer service. We'd get letters from genuine nutjobs and we kept them on file.

There was this one lady who was convinced that the service panels on the elevators in high rise office buildings contained a button that would take you to a secret sub-basement where the government was performing illegal weapons research.

Since we were the electric company, we had the authority to open up the panels, investigate, and arrest the perpetrators.

You see where I'm going with this?

deborah said...

I see you generalizing.

Eric the Fruit Bat said...

How many of us are sane, if you're going to go after Crack?

I'm not "going after" anybody. I've long been of the opinion that Crack is nuts and I finally broke down and said so.

I don't think you're nuts, deborah, if that helps any.

deborah said...

Sweet talker.

Known Unknown said...

The man thinks he is a fruit bat, obviously he's insane.

Trooper York said...

It is unfortunate that racism has driven Crack Emcee insane.

Especially when he can not recognize that it is his own racism that is the culprit.

He had become Oprahized.

Eric the Fruit Bat said...

I prefer to think of myself as having gone scooters.

Trooper York said...

You should be as sane as Phil Rizzuto.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Those who don't want to assimilate? Fuck 'em.

I've tried assimilating into the native culture here, but noticed that few people speak Ojibwa or Lakota anymore. It's a drag.

Although I do like their squash-like foods during November, for some reason.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

How come the 95% of blacks who didn't vote for the white candidate are given a pass on racism.

I know. They were also racist when 95% of them voted for Clinton. Or John Kerry. Or FDR.

Raciiiiiists, I tell ya!

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Crack had a very worthwhile message in the anti-cultism. But now that I see the race issue taking his attention, I think maybe his anti-cult message under-pinned a somewhat compulsive personality.

If Crack's alleged cultism is now to the "cult of self-esteem", does that mean that his antagonists are adherents of the "cult of bootstrapping"?

chickelit said...

Ritmo said: I've tried assimilating into the native culture here, but noticed that few people speak Ojibwa or Lakota anymore. It's a drag.

Even the Native Americans lacked a lingua franca which you must admit facilitates things like equality and egalitarianism.

That being said, Indians do seem to have a prior claim than blacks do on the the whole reparations thing. In that sense, slavery is not Americans' original sin.

Perhaps ritmo, we should admonish all would-be immigrants wanting to move here that they're buying into a piece of some future settlement too -- unless of course their skin happens to not be white. That's what I'm hearing from you now, ritmo. White hot guilt

Nha dep said...

I think maybe his anti-cult message under-pinned a somewhat compulsive

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