Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Let's Hush This Up!

Guest post by Trooper York:

This was featured at Drudge.

It was all over the news the last couple of days. Of course most liberal news media outlets and bloggers refuse to address it. Because that would be racist you see. Just ask Crack. Or Oprah. Or the Evil Blogger Lady. Or the Instanerd.

I know what this is like because I live in New York and I know how this goes. These animals look for people who are vulnerable. Now that I walk with a cane and lost about 40lbs I might look like one of these people. Of course I am always super alert when in the proximity of these types of yutes. But not everyone is so lucky. They better wake up.

They are living in Deblasio time.


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Shouting Thomas said...

The elderly stuck in marginal neighborhoods, with no way to get out, are always the first targets.

The left has an odd obsession with wanting to exempt black men from legal payback for violent crime. It's as if they want black men to be free to commit violent crime.

The two wildest lefty cults of the 60s, the Weathermen and the Manson Family, embraced this ideal in their hope that inciting widespread black crime would trigger a massive response from whites, which would lead to the desired revolution.

Fascinating to watch the cycle being replayed.

rcocean said...

Quite an explicit news report. This has been going in other cities and the media there would usually report the assaults as "Rambunctious fisticuffs by bored youths".

The assault on a women from behind seemed particularly vicious.

Shouting Thomas said...

I notice that I didn't quite connect the dots.

The message that this behavior will be tolerated is being transmitted by our President and Attorney General, as well as from racist stooges like Al Sharpton.

Crack is doing his part, too, as he cranks himself up to justify (no demand!) violence and theft with his racist grievance.

ndspinelli said...

This is caused by slavery.

chickelit said...

I'm surprised that even the teenage girls tolerate this and seem amused by it. It kinda proves that testosterone is not correlated to violence and it's all just racial animus. There's almost a smug sense of "it's justified" amongst them.

I live in a highly mixed race community. We don't have this race on race violence. Most of the violence is competitive gang violence. Of course, it being a military town, many of the kids here have two parents and they tend to be strict. I'll bet most the losers in the video are from formulaic single parent homes.

chickelit said...

Many of the losers in Oceanside are whites -- children of hippy-dippy anything goes parentage and lots of older ex-hippes living off parental wealth (usually real estate).

ndspinelli said...

chick, In the past 20 years there has been a steady rise in violent behavior by young women.

Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

I am never forgiving that bastard Cromwell

chickelit said...

Reynolds may have ignored this because he's kinda libertarian regarding surveillance video. This whole story is based on surveillance video.

chickelit said...

I am never forgiving that bastard Cromwell

May ancestors probably left Germany to flee conscription in religious wars. So there's probably some draft dodger in me. But "my people" never held slaves nor did they ever live in slave states.

Trooper York said...

I became aware of this in a different way. A woman who comes to my store had a close relative get attacked in this way. There have been eight attacks against Jewish people in the last six months.

Crown Heights was the flashpoint the last time we had a very liberal mayor. It was also a time of economic difficulty and tension were very high. Community policing ameliorated a lot of that.

But Deblasio is going to stop all of that. I hear he is interviewing Gloria Allred to be the next Police Commissioner.

Trooper York said...

Most of the hipster assholes who have moved to Brooklyn were not around for the bad old days.

They are in for a rude awakening.

A punch in the face to coin a phrase.

Trooper York said...

These events will only make the local news. The national news will not report it. Bloggers and pundits will ignore it. It is like it never happened.

Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

Wasn't De Blasio working for Dinkins back in the day?

Shouting Thomas said...

Most of the hipster assholes who have moved to Brooklyn were not around for the bad old days.

I lived in Ft. Greene Park in the bad old days.

Once black gangs figured out my family daily routine, they stalked us and attacked us every day until they drove us out. We were lucky to escape with our lives.

That certainly cured me of my hipster assholishness.

Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

My point is black Africans do not have a monopoly on being slaves and white Europeans do not have a monopoly on being oppressors.

Trooper York said...

Here is the report about the attacks on the Brooklyn Jews.

The embedded video has better interviews from Jersey City but it is going on in Pittsburgh and lots of other places.

Trooper York said...

A friend of mine bought a condo on Vanderbilt Avenue back then for $40,000. Two bedrooms in the heart of Ft Greene. It recently sold for a cool million. It remains to be seen if the people who pay all that money will let this go on.

I think Deblasio doesn't care. After all he just wants to tax those rich bastards. If they don't like it they can just move out.

He has it all figured out.

rcocean said...

So what's the best defense against this kinda of thing?

Trooper York said...

Stop and frisk.

Every time.

Shouting Thomas said...

You can see in the way that Obama does graft how blacks differ from other cultures. All those trillions of dollars in graft, and nothing to show for it.

There is something in black culture that encourages eating the goose as well as the golden eggs.

That's what happened in Detroit. In NYC, the people got fed up and turned to Giuliani before NYC could be laid waste like Detroit. I don't know if NY will be so lucky this time around.

As you can see from Crack's racist vendetta, giving things to blacks doesn't lessen the demands... voting for a black man for President doesn't lessen the demands... the demands only get escalated. The racial vendetta never dies.

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

rcocean said...
So what's the best defense against this kinda of thing?

Good schools and good jobs.

Michael Haz said...

CCW. I went to school last year and have a permit. So does my wife. And we go to the range and practice.

We live in a suburb, but go into the city for events and shows and dining. Some areas I'm not dumb enough to go into, even in daylight. Everywhere else, I carry.

Trooper York said...

Not an option in NYC. I can't even get a permit for an on premise piece for my store. We have 99% credit cards so we don't qualify.

Michael Haz said...

Local liberal media says we need more youth programs. Bullshit. We need two parent households with a father who can kid his son's ass if he gets out of line.

Good luck with that.

chickelit said...

More cameras in more places. The teenagers doing this are too stupid to realize that memorializing and recording their misdeeds is actually a bad thing. I don't think a concealed weapon would have helped in any of the cases reported here. There was a failed knock out in Lansing of a dad waiting for his kid to get off a bus. The assailant tried to taser the dad but the taser failed. The perp ended up getting shot twice and laughed about it.

chickelit said...

Good schools and good jobs.

Good parenting has to come first or else it's mostly a waste.

Trooper York said...

Incarceration is the only answer. As the councilman says in the clip they need to be arrested and put in jail. Period.

Not understood. Not counseled. Not engaging in a dialogue.

If they get thirty years for a hate crime that these same liberal shmucks put on the books for the opposite situation maybe they would think twice.

Trooper York said...

Everyone of these incidents is a black on white hate crime and should be prosecuted as such. Period.

Of course that won't happen now will it?

virgil xenophon said...

RE: Irish slavery. They weren't slaves, (although they might as well have been--their pay was a dollar/day) but Irish immigrants were used exclusively in 1832-1838 to build the New Basin Canal in New Orleans from the city center to connect to Lake Pontchartrain thru malaria, Yellow Fever and cholera leaden swamps because black slaves were deemed too valuable. Few records were kept but it has been estimated that between some 8000-30,000 died and were buried in the swampy waters where they fell.

A Celtic Cross stone memorial to the workers was erected in 1990 on the neutral grounds near the Lake between West End and Pontchartrain Blvd.

chickelit said...

AReasonableMan wrote: Good schools and good jobs.

Many entry level jobs that teens used to fill now go to illegals. Kitchen jobs, cleaning jobs. Out here it's lawn maintenance and it used to be construction.

Obama is all for legitimizing the whole racket in order to cement a permanent Dem majority.

How does that help the kids in this video?

rcocean said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Lem Vibe Banditory said...

This is the first time I hear about this.

chickelit said...

Don't you read Drudge, Lem?

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

I was familiar with the practice in England... I didn't know it had crossed over.

The Dude said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Not all the time. Not like I used to.

rcocean said...

VX is absolutely correct that the most dangerous work in the "old south" was done by whites and free men of color, since Slaves were too valuable to put at risk.

You also had white indentured servants in the 18th century America - who were basically slaves but for a set period of time.

rcocean said...

Sixty - I deleted my comment since it come off as hostile, which wasn't my intent.

YoungHegelian said...

So what's the best defense against this kinda of thing?

I've said some pretty ugly things in this forum & at TOP, but this may be the ugliest, so bear that in mind.

During the salad days of the civil rights struggle in the South, the northerners who aided the movement thought that the blacks were essentially like they were, an oppressed ethnic group that blossomed once pernicious laws were removed & poverty had been escaped. Southerners, some of them racist, but some of them men of good conscience like Faulkner, tried to point out that southern black culture was something very different than being Jewish or Italian or Irish. The northern ethnics didn't listen, because the south was racist, and they knew better. Well, we see where that "ethnic" understanding has gotten us today.

Blacks in the pre-civil rights South lived in what could be called a "contained" state of anarchy. Southern prisons were full of white men, because the black community mostly lived outside the law. If a black man came to the attention of the white justice system, it was for the system to dispense vengeance not justice. The blacks therefore patrolled their own, so that they could try as best they could to not bring the wrath of the law on their heads. There was little they could do, however, against knucklehead vigilante violence (e.g. Emmet Till), which could spring up out of nowhere, and against which there was little defense.

The inner city black ghettos are still based on this southern culture, except the cultural restraints are gone. To this day, the black community sees the justice system as a dispenser of white vengeance & not justice. It is pointless to think that catching these juveniles & putting them through the system will change anything.

What these kids need is to be tracked down by a white gang and have the crap beaten out of them. Not killed, not lynched, but worked over, so they know that once they're on facebook they're marked men.

I'm sorry to be an advocate of (racist) vigilante justice, I really am, but letting something like this fester will just lead to greater evil down the road, like the murder rather than the coldcocking of innocent bystanders.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

If you are walking down the street you must profile?... I see no other alternative.

Put your phone away and look up at who is coming at you.

If it can be avoided, stay off the street.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

If you are a woman...

Titus said...

I live in a neighborhood that previously had a large portugese population. There are still mary in the bathtubs everywhere.

Their triple deckers that they purchased in 1960 for $10,000 now are worth 2 million and their second and third floor apartments go for $4000 each. $8000 in one month pay for their taxes.

God Bless Mary in the Bathtub...and money!


Titus said...

My hood now consists of a very few Portuge, trust fund Harvard masters students, MIT trust fund students, International rich peeps, yuppies gay and straight most with baby carriages and hipsters living in a two bedroom with like 8-10 peeps.

Aridog said...

Lem said...

If you are walking down the street you must profile?... I see no other alternative.

I've seen no alternative for my entire life. Don't be distracted by color or race. Profile everyone every day all day everywhere...and treat those who don't radiate threat with kindness and cordiality. Otherwise I recommend measures that assure you win.

chickelit said...

Of course most liberal news media outlets and bloggers refuse to address it. Because that would be racist you see. Just ask Crack. Or Oprah. Or the Evil Blogger Lady.

In my opinion, Althouse would never cover this kind of story because it relies on video which she would term some kind of "violence porn." Same with Sullivan and his ilk (though he did react to that brutal beheading of a soldier in the streets of London a while ago). They also simply don't want to believe that such black on white violence exists-especially in these sensitive times. They will always counter: "but what about the white on black violence? What about Jim Crow? What about the 400 years of history?" There is a dearth of real up-to-date human empathy in those people and they remain emotionally tied to abstract ideas and principles.

Michael Haz said...

I think there's fear, Pollo. Fear of being less accepted by their cohort. Fear of being thought a racist. Fear of being different.

Daniel Patrick was the last liberal who spoke objectively about race.

Michael Haz said...


bagoh20 said...

These are simply young and stupid assholes and cowards. Sure they are mostly Black, but that's also a severe embarrassment to decent Black folks.

It's important to remember that most serial killers, mass murderers, hackers, and embezzlers are White, so us crackers in here shouldn't get so uppity on the race angle.

"Knock out" is most obviously more a part of the general urban Black culture, but it's not exclusive. There are far too many white kids that are into these violent expressions of angst and stupidity too.

The problem is a mindset and a culture that may be mostly urban black, but also a big part of the general culture we are all responsible for. It's simply a lack of respect for other human beings, a failure of our socialization, our art ,and our standards in general. We conservatives rail against it, but we have been losing that war.

I think the primary culprit is our art. Our stories in movies, songs, and TV. It's just debased, violent, fame obsessed, and most importantly dismissive of the qualities of restraint, tradition, empathy, protection of the weak, and most importantly respect and gratitude.

But, lets keep our perspective here too. Violent crime is down significantly to levels not seen since the 50's, but today we hear and see nearly every one that happens right on our desktops over and over.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

I hadn't looked at Drudge all day.

That's why I had missed it.

One guy is dead.

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

I agree with Bagoh. There is no shortage of white sociopaths. To frame the problem of violence committed by young males solely as a race issue is to miss much of the picture.

Chip S. said...

bagoh20 said...

It's important to remember that most serial killers, mass murderers, hackers, and embezzlers are White, so us crackers in here shouldn't get so uppity on the race angle.

Not if you don't ignore black victims of black serial killers:

Two studies on serial killers that specifically looked at the race of the killers found that blacks make up about 15 percent of America's rogue's gallery of mass murderers.

chickelit said...

I think there's fear, Pollo. Fear of being less accepted by their cohort. Fear of being thought a racist. Fear of being different.

Not sure I believe that Michael. That would unconscionable of her -- or for anyone with academic tenure. That is after all, what academic tenure was created for -- to protect free speech -- and not as a some kind of "you done good" reward. There should be no fear there.

Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

virgil xenophon, you did not bother to read the link. They were slaves. This was under Cromwell's time in the 1600s, prior to African slaves being sent to the West Indies. To get rid of troublesome Catholics they sold Irish males off to British sugar cane growers. The Irish were later replaced by Africans. And they also bred the Irish women with Africans to breed hybrid slaves, but that was banned because it messed up the middle passage business.

And of course we could explore Native Americans defeating and enslaving neighboring tribes. Or free blacks owning slaves in the South. Or Saudi Arabia only outlawing slavery in 1962.

The point was a lot of people caught shit in the past (and not that long ago too). I sometimes get my orange locks cut by Cambodians and they do not bitch about Pol Pot and all the good those hippies did for them when we pulled out of Vietnam.

Bad shit happens. If bad shit happened to you personally, you have a reason to bitch. If bad shit was caused by a person who is still alive, you have reason to hold that person responsible. But blaming stuff that happened before you grandparents were born is a bit of a stretch for any serious discussion other than history.

YoungHegelian said...


To frame the problem of violence committed by young males solely as a race issue is to miss much of the picture.

There are far too many white kids that are into these violent expressions of angst and stupidity too.

Sorry, guys, it is about race & culture. Are there violent white guys? Sure, lots of them, but there are a lot more white men in the population. But there is absolutely no comparison of the percentages, which in the case of young black men & crime are absolutely horrific.

If you live in Montana, your killer will probably be a white male. But, here in the DC area, outside of family violence, if a white male is killed, it's most likely by a black male.

KCFleming said...

We're not supposed to Notice these facts.

Facts are racist.

bagoh20 said...

There is clearly a problem in many Black communities, but it is far worse if you happen to be Black too. We shouldn't ignore it like much of the media do, but neither should we only get outraged when it hits Whites. Blacks are suffering greatly for these problems, and it's mostly self-inflicted, but as conservatives we know what's needed, so we should stick to offering the only thing that works: values, and determination to keep them. The anger is understandable, but counterproductive. It obscures everything else. Keep it clean, or I swear, I will knock you out.

virgil xenophon said...


But I DID read the link, EBL. I was simply agreeing with you that, whether thru out-right slavery or as immigrants in the US, the Irish got the short end of the stick and were regarded as far more expendable than black slaves. How the H did you drew the conclusion from my comment that you did? ....OH! I see, my comment "they weren't slaves" was meant to apply to the Irish in New Orleans. But I now see how it could be read the way you took it, LOL!

bagoh20 said...

BTW, what happened to all the serial killers? We used to have a couple of those running wild in the news regularly. I'm not pining for one, but it seems like that's out of style now or something.

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

bagoh20 said...
But, lets keep our perspective here too. Violent crime is down significantly to levels not seen since the 50's, but today we hear and see nearly every one that happens right on our desktops over and over.

This cannot be overstated. Things are improving. We all have our own theories on why this is but for this particular problem the world is not going to hell in a hand basket but has actually improved significantly.

I suspect that the levels of violence in the 50s are significant underestimated, since accurate records from either rural or black communities are unlikely to exist, so we are currently living in a safer environment than Ozzie and Harriet.

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

YoungHegelian said...
outside of family violence,

Interesting caveat given that it eliminate most of your risk. Just ask Zimmerman's paramours.

Trooper York said...

That sounds about right. Let's be quiet and not be outraged about this since it is no biggie. We should only offer up our values and example.

That is surely the way to reach these troubled yutes.

Trooper York said...

Things were improving. When we were putting criminals in Riker's Island.

That is about to change.

Big time.

YoungHegelian said...


Blacks are suffering greatly for these problems, and it's mostly self-inflicted, but as conservatives we know what's needed, so we should stick to offering the only thing that works: values, and determination to keep them.

When has it been different, bagoh? Do you not think that blacks don't know that those "conservative values" are out there? Are we as whites going to come up with some magic formula that we've missed all these years that'll make the blacks say "Yeah, what you guys are doing really works"? I just don't see it.

My only hope is that there is by God's grace, another "Great Awakening", this time among the blacks, and that, with the help of the black churches, they really see themselves as the greatest victims of their own behavior.

Other than that, I see the population shrinking as a percentage of the country with each generation, with those who are functional blending into the general population through miscegenation, and the lower classes falling into a permanent caste-like, underclass.

ndspinelli said...

Haz, Liberals hate Moynihan, he was actually an open minded, critical thinker. He is like Nostradamus regarding the paper he wrote back in the 60's about fatherless homes.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

I sent out an email to my brother and sisters to warn their sons and daughters.

Michael Haz said...

Maybe, Nick, but enough liberals liked Moynihan yo elect him Senator from New York. Although he was marginalized when he got there.

Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

@vx, no problem.

I do not have a problem with people not forgetting where their ancestors came from and what hardships they went through. That is important. But using it as some sort of excuse for their own failures now does not help.

The biggest victims of black violence, by far, are blacks. That is absolutely statistically shown. Isn't is racist not to address that crime wave? Giuliani did way more good for black New Yorkers than Dinkins did.

Trooper York said...

Lem they beat a Spanish guy to death in Jersey.

His name was Ralph Santiago and he was murdered in Hoboken.

Not as important as Trayvon to be sure.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

BTW, what happened to all the serial killers? We used to have a couple of those running wild in the news regularly. I'm not pining for one, but it seems like that's out of style now or something.

Probably better forensics. Either that, or more of them have been watching CSI and have gotten the hint.

bagoh20 said...

"When has it been different, bagoh?"

It always different, including right here tonight. People get distracted by the race bullshit, even when they know better. It's natural, and too easy. The problem is that as soon as you go there, the important part of the message is lost. The same thing happens when people call you a racist when the real issue is something else. You stop listening. That's the normal dynamic on all of this stuff when it's not really a race problem any more than gangsters were an Italian problem or hooliganism before that an Irish problem. Those are the ethnicities that dominated those problems, but their ethnicity was not the problem, even if most people jumped on that first back then too.

I'm just talking about what helps and what doesn't. It's pretty intractable, and these things seem to take generations to fix, but seeing it in racial or ethnic terms just interferes. I want to improve it, I'm done venting with the blame thing. It's just a waste of time. We need to work with who we can on this stuff and keep moving until that's who dominates the culture. There is no realistic alternative to love, acceptance, and respect. What are you gonna do, kill em all, yell at 'em, accuse them. That's not gonna work.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Chris Rock had a funny bit about the preventive power of CSI.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

That's the normal dynamic on all of this stuff when it's not really a race problem any more than gangsters were an Italian problem or hooliganism before that an Irish problem. Those are the ethnicities that dominated those problems, but their ethnicity was not the problem, even if most people jumped on that first back then too.

I'd go a step further and point out that most of the bad behavior in the Wild West was committed by white Anglos.

Other than that, I largely agree but do find the racial angle fascinating. From flash mobs to this, it's pretty bad stuff and when you see it personally, it's probably hard not to get jaded. Philadelphia has a black mayor who tries to call these things out and so did another famous Filthedelphian (Cosby), but you guys and Moynihan must be right then since it does seem like fatherless/valueless environments make it like talking to a brick wall.

So if you do want to look at an ethnic component, pretty much the only thing you can do is get someone from that group with some standing to stand up and berate these little bastards for HOW DAMN EMBARRASSING THEY ARE! and hope for the best.

But even that's not guaranteed to do much so you might as well treat all crime as crime, forget the racial element and to hell with any mercy pleading. Sucker punchers should get sucker punched with a heavy dose of time behind bars.

bagoh20 said...

"Probably better forensics"

I don't think so. There are still plenty of people out there like gang killers that kill multiple people and get away with it for years, but you don't hear much anymore about the kind that are into for it's own sake, the sick fucks that enjoy the actual act itself.

Besides, even with really good forensics, a half intelligent person could kill a lot of people before the cops got a lead and found them. It's pretty easy to hide evidence for long periods. The pros do it all day long. Take like a Son of Sam killer. You could kill a lot of people with that shit before they caught you.

I wonder if the violence of video games and movies today provide an outlet that satisfies some of those guys.

Trooper York said...

Good idea. Let's hush it up.
That is the theme of this post anyway.

Why talk about it? That little old Jewish lady carrying her grocery bags should have got hit the head. She probably deserved it anyway.

Her ancestor must have had a whole bunch of slaves back in that shtetl in Poland after all.

Trooper York said...

It's important to sweep this under the rug and talk about imaginary serial killers and stuff.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Lol. Apropos of all that, redemption starts here

Trooper York said...

I hear the Mentalist is finally going to catch Red John this week.

That ought to solve everything!

bagoh20 said...

Well Troop, you like old school gangster stuff. Would you think it productive to blame that on all Italians having a debased culture. Is that gonna be talking about the truth? I think it would be not just inaccurate, but a distraction that hides the truth, and the solution. We didn't clean that up by going after Italians and Italian culture. We got the bad guys, period. There are problems with the culture, but it is OUR culture.

Trooper York said...

Not true bags. They went after the Italians. That was what Rico was. It was aimed at Italian organized crime.

And the Italian culture at the turn of the last century was debased. Research the Black Hand and how they terrorized the Italian community.

Just as the Irish culture was debased at the time of the Old Brewery and the Draft riots.

It is not a distraction. It is the truth. When enough Italians recognized that then the Mafia lost sway. From Petrosino to Giuliani they turned on their own to destroy the criminal element.

Do you see that happening now?

Trooper York said...

Where is the figure from the community out there denouncing this and not making excuses and calling for understanding the yutes and having a dialogue with them?


Chip S. said...

I can't imagine anyone spent much time speculating about the motivation of mobsters, b/c it seems pretty obviously to have been $$.

Gangsters get rich and powerful by delivering the illegal shit that ordinary people wanted to buy--well, that plus extortion. The violence is a necessary enforcement mechanism, b/c they can't sue each other for breach of contract.

What's the motive of the KO game? From all accounts--particularly interviews with pretty clean-cut kids who are contemporaries of the guys doing this--it's truly all a grand game. Which means it's clearly sociopathy, and people naturally are led to wonder what it is that induces that.

Trooper York said...

Inner city Italian culture was attacked and destroyed. There aren't any social clubs anymore. They were all bugged and shut down. When I grew up there were twenty of them in every Italian neighborhood.

And all the pizzerias are run by Mexicans now.

They turned Joe and Mary's Italian American Luncheonette into an Olive Garden.

Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

I did like this movie...

Trooper York said...

The respect and admiration that the Mobster used to have back in the day is gone. Did you ever see the movie "The Bronx Tale."

That was one of the most accurate expressions of what it meant to live in an Italian American neighborhood back when I grew up. The Mobsters were rock stars. But they were taken down by the law. Often by other Italians who wanted to take their debased culture back. Like Giuliani.

Chip S. said...

I never noticed before what an ethnic slur "RICO" is.

Nice to know the Feds used to have a sense of humor.

Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

Troop, most Italians moved to the suburbs. And married Irish, Poles and Jews.

You know what really destroyed neighborhoods? Public housing. I

Organized crime were the last of the hold outs.

Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

A Bronx Tale was a great movie. I remember the tale end of that in Newark, Hudson County, and New York. It is almost gone now.

Say what you will about the Italian mafia, but it was not crazy. Like the Westies.

Trooper York said...

You think that was an accident Chip?

"Mother of Mercy is this the end of Rico?"

Chip S. said...

Heh, I was just gonna link to that same clip, Troop.

No, I don't think it was an accident. I see that the RICO laws were enacted when Nixon was prez.

I wonder if there's a tape of him laughing his ass off about that acronym.

Trooper York said...

Well you never met Greg Scarpa.

The Mob was and is plenty crazy.

Trooper York said...

Well having somebody other than old white guys denounce this and demonize the perps would be a start.

How about these guys who killed Ralph Santiago get 1/100 of the pub and denouncing that George Zimmerman got?

Trooper York said...

It is a national problem. It happened in Pittsburgh, Jersey and Brooklyn.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

I didn't even know rico is/was an Italian word - unless they were making fun of Spanish gangs with it. That Rico Suave guy was a dingleberry, BTW.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

It is a national problem. It happened in Pittsburgh, Jersey and Brooklyn.

Ok, then sure. But copycat behavior doesn't mean it was coordinated. No judge in Pittsburg can go after the kids the punks in his own court heard about in New Jersey. The only potential conspirators are the assholes laughing in the surrounding crowd. That should be good enough. The Feds need a monetary link to nationalize a problem from a crime-fighting perspective, or Tawanda giving logistical support to Shande ten states away on a premeditated attack in his own city - which means an individual target identified beforehand. Come on.

bagoh20 said...

When I was a young kid, we used to throw rocks at drunken bums sleeping around town. It was sadistic, cruel, and we did it for pure fun, just to get them to chase us, so we could get a rush from the the whole thing. This is not new, or a product of anybody's race. This kind of stuff has always been going on. Young thugs have been mugging the weak forever.

And Troop I grew up in a small PA town that was highly Italian, with lots of Italian friends, and I assure you their culture was not debased nor did it have anything to do with crime. That was your culture in the big city, not the Italian's. Same with the Irish.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Although I am tempted to see how prosecutors would apply conspiracy charges to teens. That would be interesting to see. Gives new meaning to the bullshit "phenomenon" of peer pressure.

Chip S. said...

Ritmo, click on Trooper's link to get the reference.

bagoh20 said...

I agree that the answer starts with people in that community denouncing it, but when you talk about their race as the problem, what are they supposed to do, join you on that?

Would you if they wanted to end white serial killers and they said the problem is with white culture. I don't think that's gonna get your cooperation.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

I saw that movie link but Trooper's references are much richer than mine and I couldn't place it - other than to note that it seemed like an Italian context.

bagoh20 said...

100 comments. The Centurion rises!

Chip S. said...

The clip is from one of the--if not the--original gangster movies, which subsequently inspired a national chain of crappy pizza.

bagoh20 said...

You have to denounce them for being white, and remind us how it's to be expected from that culture.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

It's only possible to get something positive out of stigmatizing it racially if a more respected person of the same group does it on the grounds of the embarrassment they cause - and even that isn't guaranteed to do much.

If someone from another group denounces it in stigmatizing, racial terms, then those kids will just want to do it more - to show him.

Chip S. said...

Why? Blacks are slightly overrepresented among serial killers.

Chip S. said...

I agree w/ that, Ritmo.

I've gone way out on a limb tonight by denouncing white serial killers. Next move is Sharpton's.

Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

The best part of the movie starts at 6:30 when Spike gets exiled from Bensonhurst to Red Hook...

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Damn @12:28. So not only do I learn that there was an original gangster movie, but now have to ask which pizza chain would have been inspired by it.

Chip S. knows way more than me in this regard, too. I didn't even know the sides in the War of the Roses until getting stumped at Chip Silicon, and subsequently became obsessed with this obviously important prelude to understanding Tudor and Elizabethan England.

I used to hate English culture as too stuffy, but a recent visit and a few Russell Brand videos have cured me of that. They're pretty much done with their Victorian period.

But Elizabethan England was the shit. I'm standing by that.

Chip S. said...

I'll do you a Spinelli, Ritmo.

The movie is "Little Caesar".

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

As someone living in one of the rudest urban environments in America, I did find the courtesy of the English to be enthralling.

I'm learning now about how harsh their criminal code used to be. IIRC, even vagrancy used to be punishable by death. Talk about pro-bootstrapping!

Chip S. said...

Here's the IMDb link, Ritmo.

Gotta love that Edward G. Robinson's character is called "Little Caesar--Alias Rico".

So do you suppose "Caesar" was his family name?

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Holy shit! I used to love Little Cesar's in Detroit!

Can't believe he stole the idea from a classic movie about gangsters and then made a mascot out of a cheesy toga-attired twerp. I guess that's the way he made it "family friendly".

I think it was Mike Illitch who owned that joint… same guy who owned one of their sports teams. I later went to a school with a kid whose dad had been in business with him.

Legit business. Just sayn'.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

IIRC, "Cesare" is the modern Italian equivalent, and was David Chase's original last name.

Michael Haz said...

The knockout thing has been going on for years where I live. It wasn't widely reported because the police didn't want to give it publicity.

Young kids - shorties - have to knock someone out with nor punch in order to become junior gang bangers. It has to be witnessed. The perps usually pick someone defenseless, old, weak, etc. to knockout. Easy prey.

When they graduate into full- fledge gang bangers they have to shoot someone the gang leaders identify, usually someone from a rival gang.

Michael Haz said...

*one* punch

Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

6:30 through around 10:00...

chickelit said...

When they graduate into full- fledge gang bangers they have to shoot someone the gang leaders identify, usually someone from a rival gang

Or a kill a complete stranger as in OK.

chickelit said...

Rhythm and Balls said...
IIRC, "Cesare" is the modern Italian equivalent, and was David Chase's original last name.

Also, "The Joker's" real first name in the TV series.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Lol - Ernie Borgnine is in there. He looks good there.

I remember when EBL linked to a video of Ernie saying something risqué on morning TV. Troop went wild.

Good times.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

India's kind of hot, in a mousy way. But her fine hair is so close to Spike's that it's kind of confusing.

The eighties.

Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

Most gang members are cowards, they often target the easiest elderly targets. That was probably the motive in the attack of that veteran Delbert Benton in Spokane.

And it is what Moynihan noted, lack of fathers created a generation of male yoots who are without any moral compass.

as they say around 7:00, "this system sucks!

Chip S. said...

Talisa Soto. Not bad in that clip, but a lot better in her next role, as a Bond girl.

Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

Talisa Soto today...

Chip S. said...

Moynihan's fondness for whisky may have been cultural.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Well, I'm done for the night, but apparently won't be checking out Rodney Harvey today...

JAL said...

R&B So if you do want to look at an ethnic component, pretty much the only thing you can do is get someone from that group with some standing to stand up and berate these little bastards for HOW DAMN EMBARRASSING THEY ARE! and hope for the best.

Troop Where is the figure from the community out there denouncing this and not making excuses and calling for understanding the yutes and having a dialogue with them?


The left routinely demonizes conservative black leaders who have much to offer.

They even gave Cosby some heat a while back. Do the left - and lefty blacks - encourge the kids to look up to and read the life stories and accomplishments of Ben Carson? Clarence Thomas? Condoleezza Rice? Thomas Sowell? They know Martin Luther King Jr, but do they know what he said? Anyone explained what it means?

They've got to learn there is no future in killing each other, and yet that message is also being "hushed up."

Black on black violence is the third rail. They talk about it, sure, but the social engineering "solutions" of the left clearly aren't working, (and it's still Bush's fault. Or somebody -- anybody -- else's fault).

The home life influences so much of who a person becomes.

Living sacrificially. Being responsible. Being honest. Self discipline. Making a future.

These things are not being taught or practiced by the adults around them.

It is actually very sad to see these generations lost.

AllenS said...

What happened? Did they cancel all of the midnight basketball games?

Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

Drudge is running with the story, three more knock out attacks in Philly...

Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

Knock out in DC

edutcher said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
edutcher said...

If you'd been paying attention the last few years, you knew this was going on.

Anybody who's been following this for a while knows it's been a major problem in some Midwestern cities, like St Louis and Cincy, for a long time.

Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

30 years a slave...

Someone should do a movie of it.

Oh wait, OT, sorry.

Meade said...

ndspinelli said...
"This is caused by slavery."

Trooper York said...

The Legal Insurrection Blog has just done a post on "The Knockout Game."

Once again proving that it is the best of the legal oriented blogs and deserving of our support.

They don't pull punches or play favorites. Just sayn'

Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

Harry Reid likes his boy flesh...

Others have gone to the dogs...

The Crack Emcee said...

They are all so well-aware of black-on-black violence but, if it's black-on-anyone else, they treat it like it's the end of the world. Black-on-black violence rarely makes the news - not that they actually care or would've noticed before I've mentioned it now - so racists just need a disparaging factoid to throw around, to feel superior, when they know, full-and-well, the number of American white criminals, violent or otherwise, overwhelm all.

But they're just criminals - no racial identification or connection with anyone here, of course. I bear responsibility for what the kids are up to, though - check higher up on the thread. Several people think so.

Oh, how I love you guys! You are so fucked up! It's hilarious! I'm talking ROTFLMAO - tears, the works!

Bagoh, my hat's off to you for trying to elevate this to something beyond a KKK rally. I hope you (and Aridog) are well.

And Lem, how the hell does your nice ass keep getting caught up in this shit? You're too easily led, my friend.

Many of our online associates need challenging, not encouragement, for their wilder "Birth Of A Nation" fantasies - just like teens engaged in The Knockout Game.

But - unlike those teens - I doubt any adult who openly regards black teens as "animals" will eventually mature out of their more repugnant delusions.

Heil Trooper,...

Michael Haz said...

Dagnabbit. These constant interruptions while I'm busily oppressing people are a bother.

Trooper York said...

Keep making excuses. Anybody who points it out is a racist. We get the picture.

Same as it ever was.

Trooper York said...

Anybody who punches an old lady in the head is just an animal no matter what color they are.

Of course Crack won't call them out. That's not his act.

Hey any white kid who bunches and old lady walking down the street carrying her groceries is an animal. See how easy that is?

Trooper York said...

That's the theme of this post. Just ignore it. Nothing to see here. Just cover it up. Don't describe who commits these crimes. Don't identify them. Ever. That would be wrong.

The people who get victimized. No big deal.

Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

Actually Crack I mentioned black on black violence. Which is why Giuliani was better (by far) for black New Yorkers than Dinkins ever was. Because by cracking down on crime you make black neighborhoods safer.

Michael Haz said...

Crack - For a guy who seems to know a lot about racial issues, your comments lack ideas that might help solve the racial issues you list.

Aridog said...

Congresswoman Grace Meng (D-NY) got whopped upside her head in back and on the side, knocked down, then robbed, near her home in Washington DC.

It's chicken-shit season...chicken-shits attacking women that is...

rcocean said...

In Crack's defense he IS black. What's Ritmo's excuse?

rcocean said...

Need to add tag: "Crack bait"

The Dude said...

"In Crack's defense he IS black. What's Ritmo's excuse?"

He's stupid.

rcocean said...

Ritmo is stupid?

I thought he was just a liberal. But I repeat myself.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Senility Grit's excuse is that the illiterate motherfucker didn't even read a single word I wrote. I can take some so-called "conservative" side and he'll still berate what he imagined you said.

His heart is too busy trying to pump oxygen through his sludge-filled coronaries to get anything left to his brain. That's his excuse.

Anyway, I'm back to taking Crack's side. Crackers only care about the crackers who get knocked out. In general, this is understandable, people stick up for their own, and they'd expect black parents to do more to stop black kids from harming each other. But fuck it. At least Crack never made-up bullshit to attribute to me, so allow me to say that Senility Grit is an angry, stupid cracker who's upset that no one ever listens to him, and so is the non-entity (with the equally ignorable name) going by "rcocean" - whatever that means.

Flexibility is a virtue. Just ask Senility Grit's encrusted, hardened and narrowed coronaries. At least they match his temperament and ideological stagnancy.

Trooper, OTOH, is right no matter what he says. Because you know he comes to his positions for reasons other than simply hating the world. Nothing like that can be said for Sixty - or his hermit friend rc.

Sixty should be banged upside the head like Cosby would have done to Theo. That's unfortunately the only way you can get bitter crackers like him to listen.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Reminds me of the some crazy Jews defending Madoff or Pollard against "antisemitic" attacks.

Remind me to never hang out in the neighborhood full of lunatics where you heard this being done.

AND - I bet you never said anything in response, either. It's pretty easy to stand up for things from the comforts of your own armchair. Do you have a little pole on the armrest to hang your banner-du jour off of?

What a lazy-ass!

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Ritmo, are you genetically unable to engage in any conversation without insult, hyperbole and simple outright bullshit?

It depends who's "engaged" in it and how they're starting completely unprompted insults against me. Are you genetically incapable of reading things like this:

"In Crack's defense he IS black. What's Ritmo's excuse?"

He's stupid.

If anyone can make this place like how Althouse's place was, it seems like you're right on track for it. The whole point of the post is NOT hushing things up and CALLING OUT YOUR OWN. I note, for the record, that you'd let the angriest, bitterest, most unthinking conserve-a-toot say whatever he wants, and you'd never call that out. This, despite the fact that for the whole bulk of the thread last night, I took what one would seem to find a more conservative position. That back-and-forth was finely pleasant and allowed a decent, insightful conversation to proceed in both a serious and friendly way.

It's simply remarkable that someone would want to contribute to a blog and have a problem with figuring out how reading works.

You're not cut out for this, are you?

Michael Haz said...

Ha! Not cut out for this? Dude, you waaay oversell your abilities.

Wearing underoos and sitting in your comfy chair doesn't make you at all scary.

rcocean said...

"his hermit friend rc"

On the intertubes, we're all hermits.

Michael Haz said...

...... they'd expect black parents to do more to stop black kids from harming each other. But fuck it.

That's you. All caring and solution-oriented and shit.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Michael, you're not reading again.

But I repeat myself.

There's some context here. Last night, I took a position closer to Trooper's side (while explaining the practical caveats), and a decent conversation ensued.

Today, a straggling dingleberry or two happened to pile on in an ignorant, presumptuous and insulting way - that didn't even read what was said.

But of course, you don't call out your own so it's ok that they did that. It's only not ok that I responded in kind.

The willfully blind don't go very far on the inter tubes. It's what Trooper knows. It's a lesson Althouse keeps coming around to reluctantly learning also (once letting off her summer steam), and even Sullivan. Many, many others, of course, too. It's what the inter tubes are about.

Doesn't mean they're perfect. It just means they all know something you don't.

But I digress. You were trying to find a way to make this all about me. Continue. You obviously don't need me for that. You'll fuel your obsessive ideas about me regardless of what I say about any of it.

Not very good at calling out yourself, either, are you?

You go ahead and keep doing what you do best. You're awesome, everyone else sucks. I get it. Boring.

Trooper York said...

I have already spoken about how I became aware of this happening. A woman who shops in our store had a relative who was attacked. There have been four attacks since October in the Jewish community. I don't know how I am always stuck defending Jews in this way. It really makes me laugh sometimes I have to tell ya.

It is pretty clear that these are out and out bias crimes. There has been a long history of this in Crown Heights and Fort Greene which culminated in the riots during the Dinkins administration.
I think we are heading for another blow out just like that.

The scenario is spinning out for us. When Obama Care blows up the bitter enders will be all over the place blaming racism instead of the incompetence of the Administration. The extremely low information teens will adsorb this and view it as license to take it out on the people they blame for it. The cops will be handcuffed and told to let the people vent. All of the hipsters and douchenozzles that have moved into the city have never experienced this. They are in for a very rude awakening.

I am not worried for me or mine. We can take care of ourselves. It is the poor old woman who is walking home with her groceries who will get punched in the face. It is the homeless Hispanic guy who will be beaten to death. It is the Asian woman walking away from her job as a Congressperson who will be smashed in the eggroll. They are the ones who need to be protected.

Will they be protected? Or are they just unfortunate statistics of troubled yutes who we need to understand and make excuses for because there is nothing to worry about here?

You make the call.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

That's you. All caring and solution-oriented and shit.

RIght. Because being careless and problem-perpetuating is the only way to be. No need to listen to anything else.

Again, boring. You didn't even come up with interesting reasoning or even an anecdote to spice it up. Next!

Michael Haz said...

Here's an interesting incident: One a school bus a group of black kids beat up a white kid.

I expect Ritmo will take fourteen paragraphs to explain something or other about this. And he may resort to CAPS at some point.

Trooper York said...

The covered this on O'Reilly this evening with Laura Ingram guest hosting. It was very illuminating.

The was a civil rights activist who very cogently gave a perfect example of how most of the liberal establishment feels about this issue.

You should check out the late showing tonight if you can. Just sayn'

Michael Haz said...

Michael, you're not reading again.

Ritmo, you're the one who isn't reading. I explained last night that I only skim your comments. Please get with the program.

Trooper York said...

This issue hit critical mass lately. To be featured on Fox, great blogs like Legal Insurrection and Drudge and the Local News means that these incidents are not flying under the radar anymore.

At least for some of us.

Most of the country will not give a shit. They feel that this is business as usual.

Maybe they are right.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Michael: Again - You don't care about my opinion. You only want it brief enough to be able to size it up into "good" or "bad". Oversimplify. It's all about you, Baby.

Trooper and Bag can have this conversation in a much better way without anyone else littering it, and that includes you too, Michael.

Michael Haz said...

You don't care about my opinion Bingo! Ritmo finally gets it.

Keep me out of your nonsense.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Ritmo, you're the one who isn't reading. I explained last night that I only skim your comments. Please get with the program.

You have no right to criticize what you fail to read, dunce-cunt. Your reasons for staying ignorant of what you criticize don't matter - just that you choose to not know anything about what you're saying.

Everyone else can read this and make up their own mind about the supposed virtues of choosing to rant about things one willfully decides to remain ignorant of.

Trooper York said...

I think everyone should join in the discussion.

Just think of the insults as sort of a spice to liven up the soup.

Like cumin or something.

Since I can't have salt I am always jonesing for some spice.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Keep me out of your nonsense.

Keep your unread nonsense out of my sensible comments, idiot. Thank you.

Trooper York said...

I have been using a lot of Middle Eastern spices lately. This Iranian dude who owns a tea shop has been giving me some great tips.

Oregano and cumin and dill are your friends.

Sage advice so to speak.

Trooper York said...

You know when you get punched in the face you can draw out the bruise with a piece of cold meat just like in the movies.

Just don't put any spices on it.

That shit hurts.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Michael's whole point is that he prefers to not know what he's talking about though, Trooper. He's outright admitted that.

Trooper York said...

I hear that Aaron Rodgers likes to put meat on his injuries.

Trooper York said...

Ryan Braun's meat.

Just sayn'

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

And Michael, I'll remember where your invitations to hug me originate from next time.

Is that what you tell all your lovers? You want them to shut up, and just be hugged. You don't care what they have to say, they just need you to hug them.

You must be a real hoot on a date, man.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

What do you do when the hugging ends, Michael?

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

It's one of those great unanswered questions in life.

Trooper York said...

I wouldn't take it personal Ritmo. Most people don't care what other people have to say. I am sure I annoy a whole shitpot of people with my opinions. It goes with the program when you comment on the Internets. It is hard to change peoples mind. I really respect bags but he is totally off base on this issue. At least in my opinion.

When you take it personal you get all pissed off to the point where the only thing you can do where people won't yell at you is post photo's of other people's dogs genitals.

Who would want to be that guy?

Michael Haz said...

You have no right to criticize what you fail to read

I have every right to criticize what I fail to read.

You do the same thing.

But hey, bless your heart. And good luck with your temper issues.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

I think Michael needs a hug.

If there's enough contact with a hug, it could be meat-like. But sometimes you just want the meatiness, without much spice. You know, just the raw flavor in your nostrils of someone else's body.

If he wants a margarita after all the hugging then maybe you can help decide the right spice for that one, Troop.

Lol. I'm outta. I was last night, but Michael had to get in some sloppy seconds, I guess.

And some hugging.


Michael Haz said...

You must be a real hoot on a date, man

Full proof that you don't read what is posted here.

Michael Haz said...

In summary.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

I have every right to criticize what I fail to read.

You do the same thing.

Lol. How would you know? ;-) You didn't even read me. Hahaha.

But hey, bless your heart.

Oh Michael, Michael, Michael. Where would passive aggressiveness be without your need to make it sound all Christian and everything? You're too much.

And good luck with your temper issues.

I'm sure you'd feel better if that applied. I'll not let your ridiculousness get under my skin, Hugger Guy!

Michael Haz said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Michael Haz said...

I'll not let your ridiculousness get under my skin

Which is why you simply cannot stop posting?

ndspinelli said...

Quick fry sage leaves in olive oil as a garnish for meat, poultry or fish entrees. A little garnish for the red meat on this thread,

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Trooper, listening to what someone says and taking them seriously enough to believe they'd take what their own ideas seriously is a sign of respect. It's a decent way to conduct a debate. You're plenty capable of that, I do my best to do it, too. And whether you and Bags agreed this time, it's another reason for why two intelligent people like you can respect each other. And being intelligent only makes the humor better. Attention-getting dog genitals or not.

Sure, wackiness helps, though. There's nothing wrong with dog genitals.

Just keep Michael's hugging arms away from them. Sometimes he squeezes too tight. ;-)

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Which is why you simply cannot stop posting?

Sure, Michael - willful ignorance is annoying, and it destroys the country, but I can get over the fact that you can't say anything seriously and still want your opinions listened to. It makes you funny.

BTW, you're still (trying to) read my posts. Hypocrite!

Lol. ;-)

Trooper York said...

A little bit of dog genitals is fine but not every other post man.

And you and Mike are two of my favorite commenters. Youse guys just have different styles.

Plus you have to cut Haz some slack. His beloved Packers have turned genitals.
Just sayn'

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

I like Mike, too. I know he's a nice guy. That's why I wish(ed) he'd have done the right thing. But whatever - no biggie. It's easier to get over that way.

Whether he gets over the Packers fortunes, OTOH is a different story of course.

Michael Haz said...

Ritmo - You come in here and throw insults around and then your underwear in a knot if someone throws back at you.

Why not just make your points without resorting to insults? You're a bright guy, you can write well without the gratuitous insults.

I was being absurd to demonstrate the absurdity of how you act. And you can be absurd, and at other times pretty insightful.

More insightful and less absurd would be good.

Trooper York said...

I have to put a post to cheer up the Packers fans.

Michael Haz said...

Packer fans are beyond cheer this month. And next month. And January.

Michael Haz said...

And I'm out of here. Better go find Lem and see if he's still watching that ship go in circles.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

I appreciate that Mike, but my fuse can be short when I see a provoking reason to pounce. It can burn out quickly, but I do pounce too quickly when it seems like someone's taking a quick/cheap shot. I know I should work on it and do sometimes try.

Or they could take more costly shots. ;-)

bagoh20 said...

What gets my respect is when a man can hug me and hold on until I've had enough. Who wants some respect?

bagoh20 said...

" I really respect bags but he is totally off base on this issue."

My points are tangential to what most people are saying here. I'm saying the racial aspect, even when obvious, can't be addressed to any good ends with accusatory angry rhetoric from people outside that group. It just creates a circling of the wagons, and if you really want it improved, you need those people talking it out with you not at you.

The left won't talk about in a way that helps, because 1) they think Blacks are too stupid to fix it, and 2) are more valuable as victims to them.

The conservative approach should be to work with those like Allen West and Clarence Thomas who expect more from people. The vast majority of Blacks want this to stop even more than Whites do. It makes them embarrassed, and it's bad for them and their future in every possible way. They want a solution too. But they won't listen to people blaming their skin color, or blaming them just for having that same skin. You would react the same way. We've been doing this shit a long time, and it's not making things better. You find someone interested in changing it, and you work with them.

I think the exposure this is finally getting now is way overdue, and exactly what's needed, but will only help if it's handled right. The left will do what they always do. I'm hoping the right continues to have a slightly better record of learning from the past.

chickelit said...

Bagoh20 rhetorically destroys the college man...

Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

Johnny Walker Blends...

The Dude said...

Yep, Rit Mo is still stuck on stupid.

deborah said...

Crack can't be bothered to answer questions from whitey. It's only hit and run comments.

Suddenly, after years of logic, he goes emotional.

bagoh20 said...

Chickie, I just moved you to the top of my huggable list.

Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

The Knockout Game

Methadras said...

The Crack Emcee said...

They are all so well-aware of black-on-black violence but, if it's black-on-anyone else, they treat it like it's the end of the world. Black-on-black violence rarely makes the news - not that they actually care or would've noticed before I've mentioned it now - so racists just need a disparaging factoid to throw around, to feel superior, when they know, full-and-well, the number of American white criminals, violent or otherwise, overwhelm all.

But they're just criminals - no racial identification or connection with anyone here, of course. I bear responsibility for what the kids are up to, though - check higher up on the thread. Several people think so.

Oh, how I love you guys! You are so fucked up! It's hilarious! I'm talking ROTFLMAO - tears, the works!

Bagoh, my hat's off to you for trying to elevate this to something beyond a KKK rally. I hope you (and Aridog) are well.

And Lem, how the hell does your nice ass keep getting caught up in this shit? You're too easily led, my friend.

Many of our online associates need challenging, not encouragement, for their wilder "Birth Of A Nation" fantasies - just like teens engaged in The Knockout Game.

But - unlike those teens - I doubt any adult who openly regards black teens as "animals" will eventually mature out of their more repugnant delusions.

Heil Trooper,...

So crack, tell me again how any of this justifies black teens trolling the streets looking for an opportunity to score a KO? You've become a mockery of yourself.

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