Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Why Are Most Brits The Worst Palin-Loathers?


Chip S. said...

Another manifestation of BBSS*, IYKWIMAITYD,

*British Boarding-School Syndrome

Shouting Thomas said...

Britain is sunk in the mentality of the dole.

Once on the dole, the recipient fears letting go of the dole over all things.

Palin represents the antithesis of life on the dole.

She is the enemy.

Chip Ahoy said...

This is what he apologized for. It's all over now. Everything's better. MSNBC has attained equilibrium already, balanced back to its normal self and moved on, attained whatchya call it, homeostasis, Maat, an unrippled state. The degrading apology that would disturb the psyche of a normal person was countered by compensating atta boys and way to gos at the office. He feels good.

Chip Ahoy said...

Bashir didn't have a problem with Biden saying directly to NAACP Republicans want to send them back to chains. Who thinks like that?

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Probably because their leaders are forced to actually answer questions instead of endlessly evading them.



The Dude said...

A cube of stool, who attended a British public school, today said - well, who cares...

Unknown said...

Palin speaks her mind & it isn't regulated by the Borg supercomputer. The Borg hates that.

Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

Martin Bashir finds those passages stimulating.

ricpic said...

Probably because their [England's] leaders are forced to actually answer questions...

Hey, Montana Urban Schmendrik, has Tony Blair ever been asked why Labor, during his Prime Ministership, opened the floodgates to Muslim immigration, effectively ending an English England without so much as a single vote on the matter in the House of Commons being taken? The answer is no. He was never asked such a question by the equally hard left British press, which fully agrees with the plan to END ENGLAND by your insane and murderous equivalents in that country. You're so full of it you don't have to use the toilet in the morning. You just shit out the ears.

chickelit said...

Probably because their leaders are forced to actually answer questions instead of endlessly evading them.

Imagine a President taking unrehearsed questions from Congress. I'd like to see it -- especially -- with the media-shy and thin-skinned POTUS we have now. But it's not gonna happen.

I remember listening to those lively HoC debates on the BBC when I lived I Europe during the Major tenure.

ndspinelli said...

Scratch a feminist and you've got a million dollar lawsuit, buster!

YoungHegelian said...
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YoungHegelian said...

Remember, this is being said on network TV.

Do you really think that only Bashir knew what was coming out of his mouth? Why he wasn't censored by the guys in charge of time-delay? Imagine if you're the producer or director, and Bashir snuck this golden nugget by you, off the script. You'd likely beat him within an inch of his life after the camera was turned off, wouldn't you?

No, the asshats at MSNBC thought they were being kewl by slashing Palin yet again. Fire Bashir, and fire the director and the producers.

Methadras said...

Bashir has been able to mask his loathing hatred behind the veneer of his british accent. Fuckbag.

Methadras said...

YoungHegelian said...

Remember, this is being said on network TV.

Do you really think that only Bashir knew what was coming out of his mouth? Why he wasn't censored by the guys in charge of time-delay? Imagine if you're the producer or director, and Bashir snuck this golden nugget by you, off the script. You'd likely beat him within an inch of his life after the camera was turned off, wouldn't you?

No, the asshats at MSNBC thought they were being kewl by slashing Palin yet again. Fire Bashir, and fire the director and the producers.

Better to ask for forgiveness than permission. There is a clear indicator here that they all knew that they would have to do the mia culpa afterward, but better to smear their scat tracks onto the airwaves instead of saying nothing at all. Winners.

I'm Full of Soup said...

I suspect he apologized only because he realized that someone would clock his ass if they saw him on the street.

Fr Martin Fox said...

The more I think about it, the more it occurs to me that I can't think of anything more repulsive, or more vicious, being said by a "mainstream" broadcaster.

Think about it: a lot of these folks get fired for making an off-color joke. However wrong that may be judged to be, such jokes seldom have any real malice in them.

Recall what's-his-name, the radio guy who got in so much trouble for his joke about the women's basketball team? He was trying to be funny; even if he really did think they were sleazy--as his epithet implied--he surely wasn't wishing on anyone the sort of ugliness Mr. Bashir explicitly wished would happen to Ms. Palin.

It's really breathtaking to think about the sort of violence he actually said she deserved!

Finally, I'm struck by how obscene was the image he created, very carefully, in the mind's eye of the viewer. It's not as if he was already covering a story featuring these obscene details; he dragged it all in, in service of a truly vicious proposal for violence against her.

One wonders if, between this broadcast and his apology, it occurred to him that what he wished for could actually happen? God forbid; but there are some really frightening people out there; and they just got "permission" from someone important on TV. I wouldn't want that on my conscience, I'd like to think he had the same thought.

So, he apologized, good.

But as he said, his words remain "on the public record."

And I say again; I can't think of any comparable situation where a talking-head or public figure said anything so vile.

Trooper York said...

It is pretty funny that when the Jug Eared Jesus is starting to circle the drain that all the talk is about slavery. Movies about it that are praised to the sky.

My only question is if Biden runs will there be a sudden revival of interest in the Irish Potato Famine which was just as big a holocaust as slavery. Or the actual Holocaust that Obama and Kerry want to recreate in the Mideast by letting Iran get nukes?

Or is that not important because it happened to white people?

Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

Potato Famine

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Starting with Sullivan. I think you have swerved onto something pollo.

YoungHegelian said...
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YoungHegelian said...

@Fr. Martin,

Do you remember that in the Little Flowers of St. Francis, chapter XXIX, that when the Devil appears to Brother Ruffino in the form of Christ & tells him stop all the piety, because Brother Ruffino is not among the elect & it's all for nothing? When St. Francis reproaches Ruffino and tells him the vision is the Devil, he tells Ruffino the next time he sees the vision of Christ to tell it "Open your mouth, so that I may shit in it". Needless to say, the demon reverts to his demonic form on hearing this insult & bolts out in a rage, starting an avalanche. Here's a censored version, which you can tell is censored because it makes no sense ("Open your mouth!"). But, the verb in the original Italian means "shit"

Could Bashir have possibly got the notion from "The Little Flowers"? That seems to make it all the more evil to me...

Fr Martin Fox said...

Sorry, I am not familiar with that work. I guess it's possible, however.

chickelit said...

But, the verb in the original Italian means "shit"

Can you provide a link, preferably in Italian, please?

Amartel said...

Class anxiety even worse there than here. Conform or be cast out! Here at least people have confidence that they can rise in fortune and still stay true to aspects of their roots. Like holding onto your accent (Palin) or exaggerating it to make the anxiously classist squirm (Bush). Nucular. Heheh. Suck it, rubes.

Amartel said...

This bonsai-ed deep-fried pervert-baiter has a violent streak and thinks a lot about poop.

The More You Know

YoungHegelian said...

@El Pollo Raylan,

The original Italian instruction is E subitamente frate Ruffino risponde: “Apri la bocca; mo' vi ti caco”.

The whole schmeer in Italian is here on page 33.

Sydney said...

So this is what political commentary has come to. Shame.

YoungHegelian said...


Why, when the horrors of slavery are discussed, is it always black slaves in a white world?

And even what you discussed is but a small part of the history of slavery. The ugly, ugly, truth is that until recent history slavery has been an integral part of human societies. The Greco-Roman world, for example, is unimaginable without slavery. It would actually be a comfort to think that the horrors of the New World African slave trade was an aberration in history.

This is but another example of a very selective use of history, history not as a window on the past, but as a political stick with which to beat those in the present. It has been an integral part of the Left since the creation of the modern Left in the French Revolution.

William said...

I understand that sometime around the 6th century, slavery was abolished in Western Europe. There seems to be something about slavery that is antithetical to Christian teachings.......In the Koran there are many verses about the proper treatment of slaves. Bernard Lewis has written that in the Muslim world slaves were treated much better than in the western colonies. But it should be noted that those same verses gave God's imprimatur to the institution of slavery. Mullahs felt that it would be irreligious to abolish slavery.......One can also note in passing that it never occurred to Napoleon, whilst he was spreading the ideals of the French Revolution, to free the slaves in the French West Indies or Egypt or the serfs in Russia. It was Wellington who, during the Congress of Vienna, insisted on freedom for slaves in the West Indies........,As a general rule the human race is pretty rotten. Those who think that their religion, ethnicity, or ideology makes them less rotten than others have not transcended rottenness but hidden it, mostly from themselves. Martin Bashir is a huge lump of fecal matter, too big for anyone to swallow.

YoungHegelian said...


There seems to be something about slavery that is antithetical to Christian teachings..

I think that's true, but historical Christianity, Eastern or Western, didn't seem to have much problem with serfdom, which was one small step above slavery. The lord didn't outright "own" the serf, but the serf was bound to the land, & couldn't do anything without the lord's permission.

And no New World slave owner ever got away with wholesale murder of his slaves like occurred when feudal lords put down peasant/serf rebellions.

chickelit said...

Lem said...
Starting with Sullivan. I think you have swerved onto something pollo.

Sullivan, Bashir, Piers Morgan are the public face of British ex-pats in America. No doubt they all cheered this commentary.

rcocean said...

Lefty Brits are even more hate-filled and lefty than the American kind. Sully, for example, was some kind of "conservative" over in Jolly Old England.

Not only that, but "Populism" is almost unknown. Thatcher was sneered at, for entire career, as being *gasp* a Grocer's daughter.

In any case, Bashir's hatred is obvious. When he heard Palin's slavery comment, he thought "at last! Now I can express my hatred of Palin in the vilest and excuse it as being so gosh,darn upset over slavery".

I'm glad Palin didn't get elected because you know there's some left-wing loner freak out there
who'll try to become a martyr by shooting her.

rcocean said...

Seriously if she had gotten elected some Sully/Titus type would have turned suicide bomber.

chickelit said...

They also all despise the Tea Party in general. They probably would have hated the original one too.

chickelit said...

That is one cultural gap I cannot (and refuse to) bridge.

chickelit said...

@YH: Thanks for that link!

chickelit said...

Hitchens probably could have criticized Palin on this in his clever inimitable style and without the palpable venom -- and gotten away with it.