Sunday, November 24, 2013

Sarah Palin Poo-Poo's Martin Bashir's Potty Mouth Comments

She also comments on ObamaCare and the Senate rule change.



Trooper York said...

If only she would poo poo in his mouth then everybody would be happy.

Trooper York said...

Wait a minute. That's not right.

chickelit said...

Some of those Palin-haters really have no qualms about touching poo.

Dust Bunny Queen said...

Some of those Palin-haters really have no qualms about touching poo.

More like flinging it.

Icepick said...

Is it me or is her hair getting bigger?

The Dude said...

Post a picture of your hair, IP, then we will be able to answer your question.

Icepick said...

Also, I apologize to the Cheeseheads: Flynn looked good today.

ricpic said...

Martin Bashir's small fry. It's Chris Wallace, pushing the leftist lie so smoothly, so respectably, that's the spell that has to be broken.

Icepick said...

That is a picture of me. -->

It's my favorite of the genre.

Icepick said...

Of course, you can't see the hair in that picture. You'll have to trust me, it looks just like Tiquan Underwood's 'do.

Icepick said...

But it hasn't gotten any bigger since the late 1980s. Personally, I like the 1980s/Texas big hair look, so I'm all in favor of Sarah poofing up the 'do. Why not have a President with Farrah hair?

Michael Haz said...

Icepick - Yeah, Flynn looked good while he did.


His arm was worn out by the end of the second half. His throws were either wide or low. His favorite play was roll right, throw out of bounds.

Not a good solution, but the only one the Pack has at this point, short of a miraculous healing of Rodgers' collarbone.

Plus, the Pack's defense was its usual substandard self. Dom Capers should have been fired at the end of last season, and a new O coach brought in.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

New hair do.

Icepick said...

Haz, an incomplete pass is the second best thing a QB can do on a passing play. Look at Stafford's stats vs TB today to see how bad it can get.

Icepick said...

New hair do.

Definitely a hair do. Yeah.

Stuck in the '80s

Chip Ahoy said...

At first I objected to the shrill quality of her voice and that has changed. She's brought it all down a whole register. It seems. Her answers are good too. She is ready to debate. When asked how do you answer 30M covered against 3M offered by Republicans, she agrees, yes, she does have questions. She harbors deep doubts about numbers provided by government, and isn't that another shame that official numbers are not trusted. *ding* Right off, she is ready to advance her argument when presented with axiomatic official figures pulled out of somebody's butt.

Smell those numbers, smell 'em, she says.

And so on with different answers. She flips the Bashir thing. Oddly puts her family between herself and Bashir.

But now I have a different objection. The stuttering is driving me insane. I admit near insanity. My impulse is to smack her out of it. I could go through the whole thing and pick them out but that would mark me a compulsively obsessed crackpot, and I do not want that, I'm not that bad yet. But eye eye eye I wish all of them would just stop that eh eh ehm ehm ehmmediately because now I'm hearing it ah ah ah ahll over the place and eye eye eye I can't stand it aye aye anymore.

rcocean said...

Hairdo? Whatever.

I'm still shocked at the lack of backlash against this Bashir asshole.

Maybe Republicans don't want to play into NBC's hands by attacking them. That's the new Republican strategy. When the Dems and Liberals piss in your mouth - figuratively speaking - you don't "retaliate" or "Push back". The smart thing is to say and do nothing in the hope the country will forget you exist. And that lead to victory.

I guess.

Michael Haz said...

The deal with Sarah Palin's hair and makeup is this: Her daughters do it. One or more of them travel with her (as does her husband). So her hair looks like a teen aged girl did it because one did. Unpretentious.

rcocean said...

Yeah, makeup, hairdos, nails...


I like Obama's haircut. Could be a little longer on top though. What do you guys think?

chickelit said...

Good call, rc.

Icepick said...

Rx, liberals can say anything about conservatives and get no meaningful push back. This has been true for quite some time now. Look at all the open talk of assassination during the Bush II years. They even made a movie about it! If they can openly talk of the violent overthrow of the government and exterminating their political opponents, then what difference Bashir's tripe?

Icepick said...

That should be rc, but my phone changed it. Sorry for not paying attention to that.

Amartel said...

The hair is weird and poofy since she stages herself as a Wasilla housefrau. She has insisted on remaining true to the common sense smalltown perspective in every way. Befuddled by the vulgar and disgusting fantasies of her would-be betters. That person made a planned decision, approved by his bosses, to make this bizarre and hypocritical statement about her. And she can accept an "apology" while pointing out that the apology only serves to increase publicity of the original transgression. Then the bit about how Bashir wouldn't have done it if Todd was around. Cringe-inducing at first but then, yeah, she's right, he wouldn't. Because Bashir is a little pussy. A lot of people relate to the small-town common-sense. Wallace, another would-be better, can barely contain his condescension. That's not how you handle the savages at MSNBC!

Icepick said...

Obama was elected on a combination of his looks and bio. If he had been some pasty looking white dude, he would have been just another Howard Dean wannabe contender.

And I'm sure everyone would be equally enamored of Sarah if she looked like Barbara Mikulski.

Amartel said...

If Barbara Mikulski was a Republican she would be getting the same static as this uppity big-haired snowbilly peasant. There would be a whisper campaign that she's really a lesbian. And a competing whisper campaign that she hates lesbians. And, black people. Just like George Booosh. Please. This isn't rocket science. The Martin Bashirs of this world are legion but they are not bright.

Icepick said...

If Barbara Mikulski was a Republican she would be getting the same static as this uppity big-haired snowbilly peasant.

You misunderstand my meaning, so let me try to be clearer: I don't think Palin would be getting all the positive attention she does from the folks that like her if she looked like Barbara Mikulski.

Looks matter, even with politicians. It's not the sole factor, and not necessarily the most important, but it does play a role. If JFK hadn't been young and (relatively) good looking, not only would the Left not be worshiping him today, he probably would have never been elected President. If Bill Clinton had been so young, he wouldn't have had the appeal he did. If Obama hadn't been half-black (and only half-black), he would have never even gotten on the podium at the Democratic National Convention in 2004.

And Palin attracts a lot of positive attention because she's an attractive woman in the party that still likes their women straight and attractive.

Amartel said...

Sorry to misunderstand but ...
eh (sound of skepticism).
Good looks can help over all. I think there's studies to back you up. But it's not a tie breaker, and good looks can also be used against a person.
As far as this case, beggars can't be choosers and conservatives are beggars at this point; well below the poverty line. If Babs Mikulski suddenly started spouting tea, convincingly and compellingly, (yeah, picture that for a second), she'd suddenly start looking quite attractive. I don't really care what my candidate looks like so long as he or she is not actually a leper. (Yes, I discriminate on that basis. No, it's not fair.)