You ain't no lady.
Well spotted, Sir. I can see you are a fan of the anatomical sciences too.
The American gangster rap phenomenom does not fit exactly the British chav template but that cannot prevent crossover like this. Something is not lost in translation either, rather, I think something very funny is gained. I find this incredibly funny all the way through.
Another cartoon I noticed was front-paged quite a while ago depicted a young guy walking along a London street speaking like an American gangster rapper something along the lines of, "I'm gonna pop a cap in your can." The final panel he flips a Burberry hat into a bin marked "hat collection."
This has become a series. Sort of similar to how South Park started, a similar thing where a small group of animators most likely in school has a group of fans who bug them about making more of the same thing so they oblige.
Right funny, it was.
Straight gangsta mack!
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