Thursday, November 7, 2013

"Obama personally apologizes for Americans losing health coverage"

"President Obama said Thursday that he is "sorry" that some Americans are losing their current health insurance plans as a result of the Affordable Care Act, despite his promise that no one would have to give up a health plan they liked."
"I am sorry that they are finding themselves in this situation based on assurances they got from me," he told NBC News in an exclusive interview at the White House.
"We've got to work hard to make sure that they know we hear them and we are going to do everything we can to deal with folks who find themselves in a tough position as a consequence of this."
Obama’s comments come 10 days after NBC News’ Lisa Myers reported that the administration has known since the summer of 2010 that millions of Americans could lose their insurance under the law.


Revenant said...

This sort of thing is why I laugh when people claim Obama is a brilliant -- or even competent -- politician.

He had a golden opportunity a month ago to delay Obamacare until after the 2014 elections AND extract concessions from Republicans at the same time. He could even have moaned about how the Republicans were keeping people from acquiring the wonderful new Obamacare coverage, and the lapdog media would have taken that message and run with it.

What did he do instead? He threw a temper tantrum for a couple weeks, then made some minor concessions to the Republicans but kept Obamacare "on schedule".

... on schedule to be a total train wreck a few weeks later. He knew -- or would have known, were he even slightly competent -- that the Obamacare rollout was going to be incredibly painful. But out of pure ego he stuck with it, doing immense harm to both himself, his party, and (oh yeah) the voting public in the process. Democrats in purple states are well and truly fucked for November of 2014.

chickelit said...

He wants to be golden again but I think he's been down graded to silver, on his way to a bronze.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

The Olympic... brilliant

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Althouse has an Obama stumbles tag. she may have to make up a new one.

john said...

He will laugh about this on the golf course tomorrow. Let the dust up go on for another few weeks, then its old news, and his friends at NYT/WAPO/LAT/NBC etc and all the editorial writers will make sure of it. It will be a "At this point, what difference does it make" story.

That'll take care of the 2014 midterms.

When the second Obamacare shoe drops after the midterms, well, that will be up to Hillary to deal with.

It's a good life, being prez.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

"I'm sorry you didn't trust Americans with the truth."

test said...

We've got to work hard to make sure that they know we hear them and we are going to do everything we can to deal with folks who find themselves in a tough position as a consequence of this.

He had three years to do everything he could, and instead he whined and played politics.

deborah said...

Played golf.

You're right, Rev, that was stupid.

Revenant said...

It will be a "At this point, what difference does it make" story.

Why do people think the news media has a big influence on voting? If that was true the Democrats would have had unanimous control of all state and local governments for eighty years. Left-wing domination of the news media isn't new.

Obamacare's problems are terrible and will be getting worse over the next year. When your friend's premiums are skyrocketing and your cousin's insurance has been cancelled, you don't need a journalist to tell you what that says about Obamacare.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

The truth is Obama is sorry he got caught.

He is not used to that.

This time, the magnitude of the lie was such that his surrogates, a vast faithful cadre, that always made sure to lift him up in their hands, so that he would not strike his foot against a stone, could not paper over this whopper.

Everything has a limit, even lying.

Leland said...

I'm still waiting for the interview where he comes out and says it; "you fucked up, you trusted us!"

ampersand said...
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ampersand said...
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Lem Vibe Banditory said...

James Taranto ‏@jamestaranto 9m

You know who else said he was sorry?

bagoh20 said...

This is equivalent to a guy apologizing at a sentencing hearing. He can't undo the damage, so he's just trying to reduce the penalty. If he really gave a damn about people, he never would have done it in the first place.

bagoh20 said...

Ah Lem, you were telepathing direct to my brain.

bagoh20 said...

For the faithful sycophants this will make it all better, like it never happened, because they don't really give a damn about people or their freedoms either.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

If he were really sorry he would make restitution.

He would say, you know what? I'm going to reach out to people who told me this plan was bad and I'm going to work with them to fix it.

Get me Paul Ryan on the phone.

chickelit said...

Lem, if the MSM were really interested letting go of all the damned-up lies they held back over the years, the flood would be overpowering. Better to let them drip drip drip.

Michael Haz said...

Exactly nothing will change. The cancelled plans will not be restored. The MSM will receive talking points overnight that will further blame insurance companies.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

They waited until after the election... again, to be told in no uncertain terms, what they could and could not get away with.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

The Virginia Election

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Dana Loesch ‏@DLoesch

How are we “in this together” when you called us racists, terrorists, anarchists, etc for saying what happened would happen?

Pretty Sharp cookie Dana.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Charles Krauthammer ‏@krauthammer 1m ago.

Obamacare: I’m not surprised Obama tells untruths. I am surprised he chooses such obvious ones. Reality does intrude.

First Twitter ad I'm spotting @ 9 o'clock

Rabel said...

Digging the hole deeper must be that "shovel ready job" he promised us.

Eric the Fruit Bat said...

Obama looks pretty good for a guy who's had nothing but sleepless nights for three years.

AllenS said...

"I'm sorry you people aren't as stupid as you used to be."

edutcher said...

You mean, he's just like... US?

He can't be wro..., ron..., mistook.

He's the Messiah.

bagoh20 said...

Then he really did "myzzled" us.

Known Unknown said...

Has any politician used the fucking word FOLKS more than this CHUMP?

Unknown said...

He and Hillary are sorry for Hillarycare. The destruction must occur first. Sorry. We are going to take things away from you for he common good.

Unknown said...

If Obama were really sorry - he'd be the first to hail the "you can keep your insurance if you like it" Act.

Icepick said...

If he was really sorry he'd go all out on the apology.

Icepick said...

If he was really sorry he'd go all out on the apology.

Methadras said...

You can see the pain in his face for even saying the words. What a scumbag. He doesn't care, he got what he wanted. It's implementation is irrelevant and now he will just skate until he leaves. He knows if he can pull off Amnesty before then, it's just icing on the cake. 2014 to get back the senate can't come fast enough. I hope the GOP can pull it off. They will keep and gain seats in the house I imagine unless something stupid happens and the tide shifts again.