Monday, November 4, 2013

Michigan Man Gets 3 Days in Jail for Telling Off the Judge and Prosecutors

"A Bay City man who wrote a vulgarity-laden rant on a jury questionnaire form is heading to jail for the next few days, despite apologizing to the Bay County Circuit Court."
“I just want to apologize to the court and the men in uniform here for the rant that I put on the paper,” Haubenstricker said. “For me to be here right now is really embarrassing. I’ve gotten several calls from family members saying I really took it out of line.
“There are certain things in my life I’m working through right now,” the defendant continued. 
Haubenstricker’s attorney, Paul F. Beggs, asked the judge to be lenient... “Most people saw this as stupid rather than criminal,” Beggs said.

Sheeran (the judge) did not agree.

About a decade ago, Haubenstricker served seven years in prison, Beggs said, though he didn’t specify the nature of his conviction.

“As a convicted felon,” Sheeran continued. “All you had to do was fill out the form properly and you wouldn’t be serving as a juror anyway. You needlessly created a lot of trouble for yourself.”
Michigan Live Cole Waterman


Palladian said...

Talk back to your berobed betters and they'll use their power to punish you, you impudent serf!

This must be that "freedom" that we supposedly have here in America!

Eric the Fruit Bat said...

Some people never grow up.

sakredkow said...

Apparently he hasn't bottomed out yet.

Dust Bunny Queen said...

He is probably sick and tired of getting a jury summons only to have to explain over and over and over and over again that he is not eligible for jury service.

I have a friend who has begged repeatedly to be removed from the jury summons pool. He had a non violent felony about 28 years ago, served his time, learned his lesson and hasn't had so much as a seat belt infraction since.... and every single fucking time he has to send it back with his Federal Inmate number or show up, waste a day or two and prove his excuse. Not only is it annoying it is a constant reminder of his idiocy in his youth and the rest of his rights that have been taken from him and not restored. Just remove him from the pool already.

Aridog said...
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sakredkow said...

Now thanks to an asshole prick of a judge he will go below bottom.

That's one of the problems with being a big dick, isn't it? Sooner or later you run up against someone who's a bigger dick than you.

The injustice.

sakredkow said...

Richie Incognito going to bottom out too, I suppose. These guys seem a lot alike. Which one will most loudly blame someone besides himself?

Aridog said...

phx said...

Richie Incognito going to bottom out too, I suppose...

Oh, please I know you are better than that...some trite reference to an overpaid football player on a loser team. Come on.

I was thinking of bottom outs like Jared Loughner, Eric Harris, and Dylan Klebold.

Individuals who carried their spittle and spite to the ultimate extreme. Perhaps (only perhaps) because they decided no one was listening or just went beyond the pall for attention. Read the jury application of this guy again. Do you think he is not a potential threat for actualized violence?

I occasionally say "fucker" or call federal leaders assholes or worse, emphasis on "occasionally." Now count how many times this guy wrote "PIG" on the forms.

It might not have made a difference in this guys life, however, the law in Michigan allows courts and law enforcement to temporarily place odd actors in custody for evaluation for their own safety as well as the community's. This judge just decided to make a point, for his personal aggrandizement, rather than address a problem for everyone's benefit.

Aridog said...

Waiting for the "Free Speech" argument...

5, 4, 3....

sakredkow said...

Aridog: I think you and I are actually agreeing (I might be wrong). The difference is you're pissed the judge didn't get him to a psych eval, right? You think the guy might be dangerous and he should be evaled and treated. My take was three days in jail sounds about right to me.

Neither one of us thinks this guys is a model citizen though, right? He doesn't deserve to get a pass just because we hate the criminal justice system and jury duty.

For the record I would have been just as content with the eval.

My quarrel is/was with the "free speech" argument, as I gather yours is.

Eric the Fruit Bat said...

I'm going to have to look up this "bottom out" expression.

I haven't heard it since high school when it meant to drive your car too fast for the bumpy road conditions and you bang your muffler or front end or something. Applied to hitting a manhole cover, too, when they're in the middle of resurfacing the road.

Have't heard the expression used since.

Perhaps I need to get out more.

Eric the Fruit Bat said...

Ah, means to hit rock bottom.

Gotta love these here intertubes!

Aridog said...

Phx said ..

For the record I would have been just as content with the eval.

"Just as" is not good enough. The guy had already served a felony prison sentence. Do you really think 3 days in the local hoosegow will solve the problems? The judge served his own interests, not the community's. By Gawd I showed'em you can't act out in mah court! You may publish that!

Figures for a life long prosecutor, with a focus on punishment mainly, appointed by Michigan's least capable governor ever, Jenny the Dim (so bad even Obama didn't want her around), then elected to a full term by the people in the Circuit communities.

Fuck it, maybe they get what they deserve. A man who cites only the parts of state law that suit his purposes. Screw y'all.