Saturday, November 9, 2013

"Accounts Differ to F.B.I. and CBS on Benghazi"

Dylan Davies, a security officer hired to help protect the United States Special Mission in Benghazi, Libya, gave the F.B.I. an account of the night that terrorists attacked the mission on Sept. 11, 2012 that contradicts a version of events he provided in a recently published book and in an interview with the CBS News program “60 Minutes.”
Mr. Davies told the F.B.I. that he was not on the scene until the morning after the attack.
The information he provided in an F.B.I. interview was described Thursday by two senior government officials as completely consistent with an incident report by the Blue Mountain security business, which had been hired to protect United States interests in Benghazi. The officials who spoke said they had been briefed on the government investigation.
Mr. Davies, who worked for Blue Mountain, has disavowed the incident report, saying in an interview last week with the online magazine The Daily Beast that he did not write it and had never even seen it, and was not responsible for the account of events it contained.
Instapundit, otherwise known as professor Glenn Reynolds, believes sinister forces are afoot, attempting to discredit the whileblower, Mr. Davies, so as to aid then Secretary of State and current hopeful presidential candidate, Hillary Clinton.
NYTimes, Instapundit


Shouting Thomas said...

Who can say, and maybe that's the point.

The lefty press is reporting this story as absolving the Obama admin on Benghazi.

The rule of Lemnity said...

Could an FBI report be concocted out of thin air?

Izza should get off his butt and put people under oath.

My recollection is that shortly after the attack, in the midst of the presidential campaign, the administration line was, we cant talk about it because there is an investigation going on.

Investigations take time and so do cover ups.

Shouting Thomas said...

It would take a press committed to pursuing this story to create the political climate necessary for a Congressional investigation that would be effective.

So, forget it.

Hagar said...

Mr. Davies is on record and video.
Then let us also see the record of the FBI interview and the names and faces of the "senior government officials" and hear their statements.

Hagar said...

Let's get them under oath on camera if we can.

Unknown said...

Queen Hillary Benghazi will never be president.

chickelit said...

Let me get this right: the venerable CBS is willing to roll over and say they were lied to and retract their story?

The rule of Lemnity said...

Rush to retractment.

The rule of Lemnity said...

No offer of polygraph, no reinterview nothing?

Unknown said...

Notice the democrat protection racket media doesn't mention the official administration "Benghazi was the reaction to a youtube video" lie. At all. Another total lie memory-holed.

An entire book pulled for the glory for the Clintons and backed by a whole news (er "news") organization?

You betcha.

The Clintons are owed a lot of favors and have a lot of corporate power and money.
The Clintons are a 2-man mob.

Reminder from Insty:
GAMEPLAN FOR 2016: Hillary Clinton “will use Goldman Sachs money to convince the country that her opponent will hand the government over to Goldman Sachs.”

The rule of Lemnity said...

Its like the fast food manager in the movie Compliance. Please watch that everybody.

edutcher said...

Benghazi is the work of Atkisson and Logan (probably the only 2 real men at Black Rock) and the metrosexuals there want to do anything they can to help mitigate the damage to the Demos.

And what Insta said.

El Pollo Raylan said...

Let me get this right: the venerable CBS is willing to roll over and say they were lied to and retract their story

Didn't CNN?

The rule of Lemnity said...

April lets be fair. They lied that one time, they learned their lesson ;)

The rule of Lemnity said...

I should say CBS is ACTING like the fast food manager in Compliance... clarification.

Unknown said...

The Path to 9/11

Funny how free speech becomes a nuisance for the Clintons.

Nobody stops Michael Moore, and He DOES lie

The rule of Lemnity said...

Its on Netflix

Unknown said...

Is it? I suppose Disney removed all the parts that even for a micro-second made the viewer feel as if the Clintons perhaps fucked up a bit.

The real Benghazi story will come out when it ceases to hurt the Clintons.

bagoh20 said...

Undisputed facts:

1) The embassy people including the embassador notified the State Dept. of the threat which State were already well aware of, and they requested better security.

2) Those threats and requests were ignored and denied.

3) The embassy was destroyed and four brave heros killed.

4) The State Dept. didn't lift a finger except in service to a lie about the cause.

5) Nobody showed up at the scene for weeks.

6) Nothing has been done since.

7) The witnesses have been prevented from telling the truth.

Isn't that all enough? The idea that the person in charge of that should ever be given important responsibilities again is just foul.

chickelit said...

The real Benghazi story will come out when it ceases to hurt the Clintons.

I refuse to get sucked into a battle over 2016 before 2014 happens.

chickelit said...

But by all means let the Clintons continue to ally themselves 100% with BHO until after the midterms.

ricpic said...

"I don't need any Benghazis in my closet, it's so stuffed with Blahniks."

That's what Benghazi will mean to Hillary's millions strong identity voting yenta army in 2016.

Aridog said...

Benghazi? John Brennan. Oh, wait, they promoted him and the Senate concurred. Opps. You will never get the truth.

There is a reason I nicknamed Brennan "Jackhammer John" in memory of "Blowtorch Bob" Komer of the LBJ White House. Look it up. Magnificent idiot cluster fucks both.

Hillary is a mere putz who had to lie because she knew nothing and no matter what she said it would be a lie, so she went with the one she thought served her and the administration best.