Wednesday, December 11, 2013

"Raul Castro Reaches Out to Obama, but Don’t Call It a Thaw"

"Tuesday’s handshake between Obama and Castro comes after six months of quiet diplomacy between the United States and Cuba—and Castro signaling he’s ready for bigger talks."

The Daily Beast

An Obama Doctrine seems to be emerging.

How many American enemies has Obama had "secret talks" with?

At this point, I wouldn't be surprised if we are in "secret talks" with North Korea and al-Qaida. Don't forget al-Qaida.


Methadras said...

And he bowed to him too. When a guy like Urkel gets to meet all of his political idols, there is none of them he won't stoop to.

Lem Vibe Bandit said...

Obama is @the funeral of a suposed warrior king in the fight against oppression shaking hands with an opressor. Makes you wander how real is all that talk of fighting oppression. (Via phone sorry about spelling)

Known Unknown said...

OT: Boehner can go to hell.

Lem Vibe Bandit said...

If something is good and beneficial why the "secrecy"?

The Dude said...

I have a sign language gesture that applies to this situation.

Okay, it's not real sign language, but it is understood.

KCFleming said...

Another Obama reach-around.

virgil xenophon said...

Every second this man is alive as President the very existence of the Republic is in danger. Does anyone here know he is about to rip an entire squadron of ICBM missile silos out of the ground--TOTALLY destroying any future capability--despite the fact the latest treaty doesn't require it, rather than simply removing and storing the missiles (which the treaty permits) which could be then later replaced if a new threat warrants it?

While EVERY nation on the globe with nuclear wpns is expanding and/or improving their ICBM forces, Obama is busily gutting our deterrent forces unilaterally.

ricpic said...

Hussein LOVES the America haters. But, ya know, he's so likable. So that makes it AWLITE! Like hell it does.

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

I call squirrel. Just a distraction from the Ryan budget cave-in.

You need some liberal bloggers on here to point out these things.

john said...

He's 6'1". Castro is 82 years old, and probably shrinking by the day.

john said...

Lebron James is 6'8". Does Obama bow to Lebron James?

Ans: probably.

Leland said...

Obama's hoping to get advice on how to make healthcare work. As usual, he seeks a government solution rather than consulting the people that actually provide medical care.

rhhardin said...

Watching the sign language interpreter is fun, if you turn the sound off.

Michael Haz said...

He seems to admire dictators. That's doesn't bode well. But it does explain all those Executive Orders.

john said...

Raul Castro is former governor of Arizona. In his 90's now, he recently got arrested at one of our crack US Border Patrol checkpoints, where it seems a recent radiation treatment had left him with a sort of detectable glow. Very embarrassing, as it should be.

I still get those guys mixed up.

edutcher said...

Mommy the Commie would rise from her grave if he missed a chance to kiss up to a genuine Commie murderer.

5 will get you 10 the big talker on Choom's side is ValJar.

JAL said...

Bowing bowing bowing.

What is the matter with this guy?

And I don;t mean the despicable Raoul.