Sunday, December 29, 2013

Just A Bite Of April's Apple

April Apple said:
I really don't care about Bill at this point. He's old, gross and over-with and his penis is probably shrived and his libido neutered. Thank GOD. His dog days in the sun raping females without consequence are over. Sure, he still rings them up, but the smart ones know to hang up and shiver *yuck*. 
Clinton was dragged kicking and screaming to enact welfare reform. He never wanted to do it himself. But yeah, I'll give him credit for that. Obama's ego doesn't allow for any such compromise- And thanks to Obama, most of those welfare reforms have been dismantled. 
If Hillary gets in, say hello to permanent ACA and the continued socialization of our healthcare system. If you want an open, competitive, free-market based health care system, it will never happen with Hillary. She is far more rigid than Bill, and single payer will more than likely occur on her watch. Obama just teed it up. 
The one thing I like about Barack Obama is that he has the class to keep his pecker in his pants. It may be the one thing that I appreciate and admire most about the guy. He passes the biggest test of all: Scarlet Johansson threw herself at Obama and he had enough intelligence to say, as a person under the microscope, cut it out. If Scarlet Johansson threw herself at Bill Clinton, there would be a sex tape by now. (yeah – Viagra would be involved...and perhaps a black eye) Sure, Obama is an incompetent socialist, but at least he isn’t making a mockery out of the office of the Presidency with his penis. When you are the leader of the free world, how difficult is it to buck-up and realize such actions are non-becoming of the office? The days of secret Kennedy sex are over. 
yeah - Why doesn't the media ever discuss Juanita Broderick?


Unknown said...

What are you doing to me!? ;) I have the flu. Last night I prayed for death.

Shrived = shriveled.
Tip toe through the typos and poor syntax.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

He Aced it.

The Dude said...

Reggie Love's memoirs of a body man will explain why Obama eschewed miss Scarlet.

deborah said...

"If Hillary gets in, say hello to permanent ACA and the continued socialization of our healthcare system. If you want an open, competitive, free-market based health care system, it will never happen with Hillary. She is far more rigid than Bill, and single payer will more than likely occur on her watch. Obama just teed it up."

Western Civilization contains the seeds of its own destruction. If equality is the highest value mediocrity is the yield.

bagoh20 said...

It's not my style, hell my relationships are longer and more committed than most marriages, but many valuable and great men were adulterous. I don't like dishonesty or betrayal of any kind, but the evidence is pretty clear that it doesn't correlate positive or negative with good leadership ability. I wouldn't marry such a man, but I would choose him for a leader. This is the confusion that leads many women to vote poorly.

bagoh20 said...

Hitler loved animals, and supposedly never cheated on Eva Braun, so there you go.

The Dude said...

And on his wedding night he poisoned her then committed suicide - I mean how romantic can one Fuhrer be, am I right?

bagoh20 said...

April is pretty feisty today, and I really like it. Althouse tried to do that occasionally, but it never quite seemed to escape the gravity of feminist bias and careful PC. April clearly says what she really thinks, and that's pretty damned hot.

Unknown said...

Damned hot. 102-103.

The Dude said...

Chill, baby!

Trooper York said...

You need to get to a doctor kid.

A fever is nothing to screw around with.

Trooper York said...

I seriously doubt that Hillary will be the Democratic nominee. She is a horrible campaigner and has way too much baggage attached to her cankles.

They will come up with a governor who is a fresh face who can sort of run against Obama without trashing him too much.

edutcher said...

Hope you get well, kid, as you are right on the money.

And I agree with Troop about the fever - remember Jim Hoft.

I also agree about the Hildabeast - her only victory was over a guy in over his head.

Unknown said...

Thanks to vitamin I, the fever broke. I love you Advil.

thanks for the thoughts and well wishes.

Amartel said...

From the Department of Lowered Expectations: "but at least he isn't making a mockery out of the office of the Presidency with his penis."
Well, yes, there's that.