Sunday, December 29, 2013

First Mate Of The Ship Of State

Over at Althouse, somefeller obliquely piqued my interest:
somefeller wrote: Plus, he may become the first First Husband.
This raises a practical question. Should such a man be referred to as "First Husband" given the already extant meaning of "first husband" in the context of divorce? "First Husband" would signal a need to retitle "First Lady" as "First Wife."

"First Gentleman" would better reflect the quaint "First Lady," a title already cemented by tradition. Of course, the GLAAD handers would prefer "First Partner" as battleground preparation and reparation for years of oppression.



Icepick said...

My thought is this: just keep electing straight men with at most one wife so we don't have to think about this issue. It's guaranteed to become a battleground issue of division as women, gays, transgenders and polyamorists get involved.

Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

Seems Bill would be the First Dog, ready to hump any leg at a moments notice.

The powers that be are really trying to pull for Hil on this...

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

I hope we can postpone that eventuality well past Bill Clinton availability as White House host... again.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Wouldn't "first partner" be giving Clinton an honorary first gay president title?... technically? if not biblically.

AllenS said...

First Cigar Handler.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

...just keep electing straight men with at most one wife so we don't have to think about this issue

If Phil could be persuaded to be on the ticket, this issue would be, could be very much front and center.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

A Phil Cruz ticket... or do I have that backwards.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

For what is worth, I think "first husband" would be a GLADD stab in the back... wait, that came out wrong.

john said...

Bill doesn't care what he's called.
He only cares where he stands.

There's still a few stashed boxes of stuff from last time they lived there. (Also, Bill needs one more crack at the National Archives.)

Icepick said...

AllenS, First Cigar Handler is traditionally an intern position.

Unknown said...

Keeping these two dried up old socialists out of the White House again is supremely important. Really - do you want Hillary and Bill lording over you again? I witness the establishment R party wanting Hillary almost as much at the corrupt Ds. Have they lost their minds? Is there another planet I can go to?

Our love affair with "firsts" is troubling. Celebrity "First" infatuation seems to trump sanity.
Hillary has a dried up old vagina - so, you know, First!


*I have the flu so I'm extra grouchy.

bagoh20 said...

First Splooge Stooge.

I mean he really blew it with that one. Imagine Bill as a bachelor President. Now that would have been awesome entertainment. Instead of all that bullshit about the meaning of "is", he could have just said "A gentleman doesn't kiss and tell."

Leland said...

If Bill gets back with the White House interns, he may become the First Husband. And of course, his purpose will have already been served.

chickelit said...

bagoh20 said...
First Splooge Stooge.

I mean he really blew it with that one.

He really blue it with that one. FTFY

bagoh20 said...

I actually have a fondness now for Bill after experiencing mind-dead and totally corrupt leftism in charge. At least he was sane, competent, and able to learn something. Being just a little too frisky would be near salvation by comparison to what we have now.

chickelit said...

I think Bill Clinton enjoys a reputation for promoting a philosophy popular on the left: "What's wrong with a little stimulus with a little bit on the side too?"

Why people think WJC's economic policies would resurge under HRC escapes me.

ricpic said...

I actually have a fondness now for Bill...

Amazing how many think of Mister "Put some ice on that" as a lovable rogue. Understandable though, considering it was just one of the horrific stories about Bill's way with women that the MSM spiked.

Unknown said...

I really don't care about Bill at this point. He's old, gross and over-with and his penis is probably shrived and his libido neutered. Thank GOD. His dog days in the sun raping females without consequence are over. Sure, he still rings them up, but the smart ones know to hang up and shiver *yuck*.
Clinton was dragged kicking and screaming to enact welfare reform. He never wanted to do it himself. But yeah, I'll give him credit for that. Obama's ego doesn't allow for any such compromise- And thanks to Obama, most of those welfare reforms have been dismantled.

If Hillary gets in, say hello to permanent ACA and the continued socialization of our healthcare system. If you want an open, competitive, free-market based health care system, it will never happen with Hillary. She is far more rigid than Bill, and single payer will more than likely occur on her watch. Obama just teed it up.

The one thing I like about Barack Obama is that he has the class to keep his pecker in his pants. It may be the one thing that I appreciate and admire most about the guy. He passes the biggest test of all: Scarlet Johansson threw herself at Obama and he had enough intelligence to say, as a person under the microscope, cut it out. If Scarlet Johansson threw herself at Bill Clinton, there would be a sex tape by now. (yeah – Viagra would be involved...and perhaps a black eye) Sure, Obama is an incompetent socialist, but at least he isn’t making a mockery out of the office of the Presidency with his penis. When you are the leader of the free world, how difficult is it to buck-up and realize such actions are non-becoming of the office? The days of secret Kennedy sex are over.

yeah - Why doesn't the media ever discuss Juanita Broderick?

Unknown said...

I'd have more respect of Bill Clinton if he divorced Hillary and then snagged a hot young 19year-old leggy babe for his arm. That would be awesome.

deborah said...

April @1:53 tell us what you really think! Bill looks like the portrait of Dorian Gray.

I think the designation would be First Gentleman.

Unknown said...

Hillary is all hype. I'm sure you've all seen the latest re-packaging effort by the NYTimes to rehabilitate her with "it really WAS the video" lies.

Ridiculous but not surprising.

Yeah - I'm a bit delirious, Deborah. Even more so than usual.

deborah said...

Feel better :)

bagoh20 said...

"I'd have more respect of Bill Clinton if he divorced Hillary .."

Yea, the same for her. It would be kind of rude for him to do it after what he did, but she sure had ample reason to do it. And, nineteen is too young for Bill, but April, I bet you would have a great time as the arm candy for an ex-President. Just think of the walks on the beach, the candlelight dinners, and the satisfaction that comes from a well-stocked humidor.

Ooh, that comment is gonna get me an ass kicking, if she ever finds me.

Unknown said...

I'm too sick to kick your ass, sugar. As soon as I feel better, look out. I'm coming for you.

I'm not young enough to be arm candy. The celebrity political elite left would never accept me. Plus - I'd knee Bill in the balls. It would be over before it began.

Unknown said...

Deborah - thanks. :)

edutcher said...

The Baghdad Bob of TOP is in full wishful thinking mode.

Willie gets his third term only from any grandchildren.

And his "popularity" is largely the work of the Bushes and a few empty-headed Conservatives with very short memories.

Mitch H. said...

I've always thought the First Lady thing was bullshit, could we just call him nothing at goddamn all, and deep-six the First Lady thing altogether?

And maybe just hire a hostess to handle the social calendar without reference to whomever is legally polishing the President's knob in a given administration.

deborah said...

I vote for the First Geisha.

chickelit said...

And maybe just hire a hostess to handle the social calendar without reference to whomever is legally polishing the President's knob in a given administration.

The problem won't be that easy to lick down the road.