Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Note to Self

Self, when making krumkake do not touch the base of the krumkake iron with your bare fingers.

What I was making:


3 eggs, beaten
1/2 cup sugar
1/2 cup butter
1 tsp vanilla, or almond, or lemon, or cardamom
1/2 cup flour

Do the usual stuff with the butter and sugar, flour and eggs, and flavoring.
Cook a teaspoon at a time on a krumkake iron over low-ish heat until they are golden.  Roll onto a tapered dowel while hot.  Slide off the dowel.  Sprinkle with powdered sugar if you must.


Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Posting it works too. Just this one time.

Dust Bunny Queen said...


Trooper York said...


Palladian said...

If you burn your fingers enough, they no longer present a problem in the kitchen.

Looks delicious, Synova. I've never made krumkake before but the recipe sounds a bit like my recipe for ladyfingers... which, of course, I never burn, nor would I ever serve topped with aloe (is that aloe?).

Synova said...

Yes. That is aloe wrapped under the band aid. We always rubbed some of the slimy stuff on burns when I was a kid and it works. But the last few times I've wrapped it up in the bandage, which looks super silly, but I'd swear the burns heal almost overnight. We'll see. One is a pretty good blister.

Also, yes... these are very tasty. They're fragile and are a mess to eat, though. But fun and traditional. Unfortunately for everyone else in the family, I took off with the iron.

AllenS said...

That's why a man never should cook naked.

AllenS said...

OH! And Merry Christmas everyone!

Unknown said...

Those look delicious - very delicate.

I lived next to an Italian family growing up and they always made piles and piles of Pizzelles. (made with the traditional subtle anise flavor.)

Merry Christmas... to all!

Unknown said...

I hope your fingers are okay. What are those green things?

Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

They look like cannoli shells.

Merry Christmas

deborah said...

*virtual kisses for Synova's owies. Burns are the worst.

That recipe looks delish, very rich.

Great idea with the aloe and band-aids. Must get plant for my kitchen.

AllenS said...

Those green things look like the backstrap off of the rare Green Mountain Salamander from Northeastern Borneo. But, what do I know?