Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Bob Wright/Jim Pinkerton on Bloggingheads

If you're a little bored, you might listen to this. Over at Bloggingheads, Pinkerton is viewed indulgently as the crackpot uncle at Thanksgiving dinner, a lovable lug with a usually negative/alarmist outlook. Here, he foresees an expansionist China based upon their rising economic power.


Trooper York said...

Debbie you have to get a better hobby than listening to "boringheads." Just sayn'

deborah said...

Hey, I said if you're bored!

Leland said...

So Pinkerton doesn't have insurance and Wright is PajamaBoy talking with him over the holidays?

deborah said...

No, Leland. I listened off and on as I was in and out of the room. It's pretty much a hoot, but then again, they're an acquired taste.