Idiosyncratic then.
That is what I was thinking all along. Near the end they say outright what I was thinking from the start. Why would they hire a person who does not speak the language to interpret the language and so visibly with so many luminaries and for such a broad audience for so long? It does not make any sense at all.
Of course it does. Nepotism. I know somebody who knows all about that. My cousin. Hire him. Okay.
But what he knows is how he gets by with his brother all his life and that is it. I bet.
Worldnews. The interpreter for deaf was fake at the Mandela memorial.
Interpreted for a protracted series of speakers, including Obama, the elected leader of the most powerful nation of the world, you know *sniff* standing right next to him and watched by millions. The interpreter did not make sense at all to the viewers who tuned in to see. Chief among them, first to remark anyway, not just any ol' schmuck, the first deaf woman elected to South African parliament.
Judging what they describe without watching to avoid being irritated, so not really knowing, but by their complaints I thought throughout something contrary while visualizing the interpreter gesticulating unintelligibly. Not to be contrary, but because similar things happened before.
Chief of British Deaf Association:
"He has no real clue about sign language and has obviously upset the deaf community of South Africa as we have received hundreds of angry messages via Facebook and Twitter,"...board member of the World Federation of the Deaf Youth Section, explains:
"The structure of his hand, facial expressions and the body movements did not follow what the speaker was saying."...interpreter Francois Deysel tweeted during the ceremony that the interpreter was,
"making a mockery of our profession."They are saying he did not use any of their conventions. There are more angry messages there at the link. None of them are supportive. Why would they do that?
It is how things are in a banana republic. Not that South Africa fully is, but this shows an aspect of that, just like America. It doesn't matter there are professional associations that can do that with mind-blowingly good interpreters immediately available all over ready to go, but somebody up high knows somebody who knows... so there you go. It's what you get.
On a boat to Isla Mujeres at the dock waiting, for something, not the fast boat that hydroplanes skidding across whisking tourists to a reef of interest, rather the big old luggy ferry type, the cheap boat for locals that takes workers across more slowly and more crowded and uncomfortably for vendors and such for the day, not so many tourists. Multiple decks, I was not on top, but not on bottom either, sitting kind high up and shaded and looking down on the dock just waiting and observing when I beheld two men below on the dock talking to each other in gestures. In Spanish gestures. The whole time I sat there thinking, goodie, two of my favoritist languages right here, two *snap* two *snap* two favoritist languages in one. I looked hard. Strained to recognize something. Something. Surely something Something logical having to do with the dock, with work, with family. Come on. Come on, I said.
I was quite rude staring that long, but I couldn't help it. It wasn't idle gazing either, I was studying. And learning. Nothing. Not one single thing. Man, I am thick sometimes.
Very frustrating.
But apparently they understood each other just fine. Their private language was complex and contained a lot of delicate one, two, three-finger elements.
Similar thing happened with a French guy. This time with a group. He was exceedingly animated. Father a pilot, mother an actress, I got that much, one French the other German, natural actor, this guy. My friends spoke with him for hours, it seemed. Maybe one hour. Smiling broadly and laughing throughout. At length, and with great frustration and apologetically I turned to a friend and I said, "I don't understand a fucking thing this guy says," the person said back to me, "Me either." Odd, because the American version is based on French.
Too bad. The people who trusted the interpreter at Mandela's memorial looked a bit foolish and the people who tuned in for that were deprived. They could have had somebody who can nail these speeches precisely. There are awesome interpreters available and I imagine some of the speeches are poetic and touching. All of that is missed.
But wait, a mockery of your profession? That is a profession? This whole time I thought people were just being helpful.
Looked fine to me. Maybe he just has a thick accent.
I am hard of hearing, not deaf yet, and I thought that was funny as shit. It's mockery all the way down.
Think of it as interpretive dance. That is makes no sense is the correct translation.
Seems as though (started to write "sounds like" - epic fail) they hired the guy that's been doing the PPACA implementation. Or do different kinds of incomprehensibility exist?
Anybody check if any Chicago gang thugs could read that signing? Yo!
The person who hired the interpreter said that "he was told that [the interpreter] was --- hands down --- the best they had...."
The perfect satire on a week of mawkish overblown Mandela hagiographies.
You're the first I've seen to come out openly and say nepotism out loud.
Of course the "interpreter" is some ANC toadie getting paid extravagant amounts of money for his "services." But I doubt the media wants to talk about the dark underbelly of South African politics today.
Lem now
Mandela Event #fakeinterpreter also not so well known as Original #Obamacare website designer
What?... a bridge too far?
He photo bombed the entire event.
South Africa is slowly circling the drain--just a larger, slower-mo Zimbabwe. As my CPA once said prior to the takeover when we were speculating what would happen in the new black-controlled state: "Hell, they'll just piss all over the computers and things will eventually grind to a halt."
Give it another's a wealthy country that should be hard to screw up...but they're making great progress. Yeah, another decade should suffice..
The rot goes all the way through, but even with a compliant media, they can't cover it up anymore.
When I heard it this morning on the radio I laughed out loud.
Did he really interpret / translate for Obama?
So now we know how you can assassinate a bunch of the world's leaders in a single afternoon. Good work there Secret Service.
@ BagOh -- My other thought also. If they did backgrounds on every breathing person and plant... how did they miss this guy?
Imus hoped he was a Howard Stern listener.
Turn off the sound and just watch the signer, and Obama's speech is wonderful.
Somebody into signs would have a different opinion.
Just as I dislike fake morse code, a system with beautiful rhythms and nuance, obviously not recognized by Walter Winchell.
Occasionally a movie has some actual morse code person on the staff like a radio ham do the morse code scene, and then it's okay, except they don't tell him what to send and it then makes no sense for another reason.
The script writers can't be bothered with what the morse code guy says. After all who will know.
About a thousand people, is all.
The AP (I know, right?) reported this morning that:
"The man accused of faking sign interpretation while standing alongside world leaders like U.S. President Barack Obama at Nelson Mandela's memorial service said Thursday he hallucinated that angels were entering the stadium, suffers from schizophrenia and has been violent in the past."
Well there you go. Too bad no one handed him a panga, just sayin'.
@ Sixty -- When I heard that today I thought "Oh jeeze -- not only was he a fake he was certifiably a mentally ill fake close enough to share DNA with the Prezzie."
Secret Service wets pant.
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