Monday, December 16, 2013

"Before the Web, Hearts Grew Silent"

This morning, while looking for something to post, I came across a 'Modern Love' NYT essay/story of a guy recalling a chance meeting with a woman before the time of the web.
In the summer of 1991, without social networks to tether us, I felt such heart-bursting longing for a woman I loved that I traveled across two countries and an ocean to make sure she would not wander out of my life. It was only in her absence, in a total vacuum away from her, that I was able to appreciate the depth of love I felt.
We met in March while I was still in college. She had recently graduated and was knocking around Peoria, Ill., her hometown, figuring out her next step. After two chance meetings, we began going out. Before long, we were rarely apart.
This was the old-fashioned way of falling in love: all of our attentions were on each other. We spent less time with our friends, who could not track the electronic footprints of our relationship. We didn’t have cellphones buzzing every five minutes, distracting us with nonessential chatter. Neither of us was tap-tap-tapping away, eyes downward, communicating with other people during meals.
A chance meeting, which would have been altered, perhaps less romantically so, had it not been for the fact that the encounter took place before the invention of web.

Last night, Bags made this little announcement...
A very rare cosmic event will be happening soon: bagoh20 will have a date. Yes, of course it's a woman, smart ass. Anyway, it's a hiking-with-our-dogs date. So today I went into the mountains to scope out a good spot. Great mountains, with cascading mountain streams, waterfalls, beautiful woodlands and meadows. The dogs love that stuff. They start getting all crazy miles before we get there, when they can smell the woods.
Bags goes on to describe deteriorated trails with garbage and human waste. Deterioration I partly blame on the world wide web.


bagoh20 said...

Yes, it is old school. No internet involved. I'm very delicate, and you can't trust the internet to affairs of the heart.

Chip Ahoy said...

The title "devils on horseback" and the photograph caused me to ask myself silently inside my head where dumb questions are safe, "where is the pepper?" My versions of those things all lack pepper, and that is where the name comes from. Ingredients: cayenne AHA! I win. If this were a crossword puzzle that spot would have been filled in confidently by title alone before any of the rest of the clues came in.

But where does that come from? Deviled eggs. Paprika. It's the spiciest thing those people got. I know, right? But it's the hottest thing they have so they call everything red and vaguely hot "devil."

Lem the artificially intelligent said...

I've figured it would be very difficult to text and hike at the same time.

Smart man.

Lem the artificially intelligent said...

BTW, thanks for sharing that.

Lem the artificially intelligent said...

Horseback riding, there's an idea for a date.

bagoh20 said...

Some very nice comments directed my way on that other thread. I really appreciate that. Such hospitality and sentiments are great to hear this time of year.

And don't fret Palladian, remember: in the woods nobody can hear me scream.

bagoh20 said...

Actually, horseback riding is on the agenda... with real horses too. Usually I'd just go with the coin operated one in front of the supermarket, but I've saved up some money this time.

Lem the artificially intelligent said...


ricpic said...

Back to bagoh romanticism! But don't forget to tell her whose world it is while you're wooing her, bags. "It's a man's world and it always will be" according to Camille Paglia, in a Time Magazine article highlighted at Drudge.

bagoh20 said...

"Back to bagoh romanticism!"

Yea, but it's running about 100:1 talk to action over here. I'm quite pathetic. One of those quiet, shy types, but I'm trying to rise above it.

bagoh20 said...

Aren't any of you guys like me: virtually unable to ask a girl out? I can't be the only one. I'm fine once I know them. I can be fun and engaging, but to me an unknown woman is like a bottle of nitroglycerine, balancing on a live tortoise.

Speaking of tortugas, I'm halfway though season 3 of Breaking Bad. Freaking awesome show!

AllenS said...

Skip the horse, and ride her.

bagoh20 said...

Thanks Allen, I don't know which a real woman prefers, so I'll ask her before we go.

YoungHegelian said...


Aren't any of you guys like me: virtually unable to ask a girl out?

Remember, bagoh, chicks like confidence in a man. And humor.

So, be confident, dude, because you've got one of the better senses of humor around here. Just show her the same sense of humor you show us, and you'll be set.

Christy said...

Seriously, Bag? You shy? Who'd a thunk it?

Freeman Hunt said...

YH's advice is good.

Freeman Hunt said...

And have a wonderful date. Exciting!

bagoh20 said...

Yes, very!
