Got some work done, it is only 92 degrees now and it will cool off nicely this evening. While posting a picture I noticed a picture I took on January 17th - how quickly we forget.
That snapshot made me think to take another one right now from the same vantage point:
What a difference five months makes.
Damn, I really hate to say this, but the days are getting shorter. It somehow, does not seem fair.
Mavis' CD "One True Vine" is superb.
Until I just checked I didn't know the Staples sisters grew up in Chicago. I always assumed they were from the South, perhaps because of the influence of their Mississippi father.
Mavis sings about Mississippi being her home, but like me, she was born elsewhere. I'm tellin' ya your roots grow deep in that rich Delta soil.
Nick, I'm stretching for this one, but I seem to recall that post-war black population was greater in Cook County, Illinois than in all of Mississippi.
The Illinois Central, or the IC as we called it, ran right through Greenwood. I would lie awake in the night, there was no A/C and count the cars on any given passing train. Those were also the days before welded rail so every time each axle hit the joint it would make the characteristic clickity-clack sound and allow one to count the number of cars on the train. Some of them were over 100 cars long.
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