Friday, September 16, 2016

"Miami residents rather be bitten than exposed to chemicals sprayed from planes... "

No assurances from health officials would calm some 200 people packing a Miami Beach City Commission meeting Wednesday. They cursed elected officials and the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention for mixed messages about aerial spraying over South Beach and refusing to detail all locations where adult mosquitoes have been isolated with the virus.

"At first they said they couldn't do aerial spraying, but then they said yes," said Sadie Kaplan, a fitness trainer who fled her home twice to avoid the spraying. "Pick a side. Don't flip-flop."

Some argued the mild flu-like illness that Zika causes in most people doesn't warrant aggressive pesticide use, even booing a doctor presenting evidence of Zika-related birth defects to city commissioners.

"I don't want to be sprayed with pesticides for what I believe is a hoax," said Kiro Ace, a graphic designer who was shirtless but wore a gas mask as he joined protesters chanting, "If you're going to spray, we want a say!"
'I'd rather take my chances with Zika'


edutcher said...

Well, Lefties all say they believe in Darwin.

Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

Good luck with that. I would rather move north.

bagoh20 said...

The human species has peaked, some time ago.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

By the way... today will be the last day I may have to worry about this Zika business.

My brother in law is driving me back up north to New Jersey.

That means I wont be able to post for awhile, unless we stop at a place with free Wi-Fi.

I've already emailed the other contributors. Hopefully they can continue posting while I cannot.


Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

Lem, will you vote in New Jersey or Florida?

Amartel said...

These people are pre-organized and pre-enraged about "toxic chemicals" so they have a leg up on all the pregnant ladies and everyone else who would prefer to avoid the Zika virus.