Thursday, September 22, 2016

"Is Hillary In Danger of Pulling a Dukakis?"

Like Dukakis, she not only fancies herself the candidate of careful, deliberate reason, she's quite pleased with herself for it—a prideful trap. If asked how she would react to killers attacking Americans, Clinton will want to contrast herself with her loose-cannon opponent. She will want to show off her mastery of the policy details. She will want to demonstrate her judicious and scrupulous commitment to the legalistic niceties. She will want to detail her experience in dealing with pressing international problems. And along the technocratic way, she may forget to mention, and fail to convey, that terrorism is heinous. (Read the whole thing)

Via instapundit, who, by the way, was temporarily suspended from Twitter, for suggesting people, sitting in their cars, who might be on the verge of being attacked, to defend themselves, using their vehicles.


Rabel said...

I pulled my Dukakis once. Hurt like hell.

Methadras said...

I think she's already surpassed Dukakis by nearly falling on her Dukakis.

Amartel said...

Twitter is ridiculous.
All these media efforts to shape and nudge the narrative are so obvious and familiar to conservatives. The media doesn't seem to realize that all the Bernie voters see it now, too.

Amartel said...

What has been seen cannot be unseen.

Amartel said...

Dukakis was a wonk (or a wank) but he wasn't a crook.
Hillary is in danger of being Nixon.

edutcher said...

She's worse than Nixon.

Watergate didn't get anybody killed.

As for Dukakamimi, she only thinks she's a wonk and her view that she's smarter than Trump may end up like Bucketmouth vs Reagan or, worse, Mondale vs Reagan.

What did in Dukakamimi was his cold-blooded detatchment. That, aside from a swoon, seize, cough, or her eyes crossing, is may well what does her in.

Amartel said...

Do we have an iconic "Dukakis in a tank" or "Kerry in a bunny/clean suit" photo of Clinton? There are so many photos of Clinton in distress, teetering on a verge (or a stair step), or just looking glum but we need an iconic photo to sum up her candidacy. Notice she's not wearing the orange pantsuit a lot lately. Too close to post-election reality, I guess.

ricpic said...

She's already said America has no right to control who enters the country since ALL immigration is some kind of unassailable right. In other words blood curdling jihadists are welcome. And you bigots have no recourse but to accept that you will live-out the rest of your precarious existence amongst head choppers. That's Dukakis squared.

Trump campaign should take off the gloves and show that video of Rodham collapsing within steps of her limo. Ya know, the rear view video of bobble head going down. No mercy. No subtlety. Over and over and over again bang home what a wreck she is.

Trooper York said...

I think that is going to happen at the debate. She can not last through a whole debate without seizing up or having some kind of problem. She has canceled several events this week and is not out on the campaign trail. Because she can't do it.

Gateway Pundit is floating the rumor that she will cancel. I think she is arrogant enough to think she can do this and that the media will cover for her. That is definitely a possibility. They will just lie and say she is fine but Donald Trump is so deplorable and irredeemable that she will not dignify his existence by being on the same stage as him. The press will support that 1000%. Even the so called conservative press.

If it is a choice between taking the hits for not debating or collapsing during a debate I am sure they will choose to hide her as much as they can. As they have done this week.

Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

She is slightly ahead right now in the polls, although Scott Adams thinks the election is already over (in a good way).

I still think this thing turns on the debates, but I hope Adams is right.

Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

Troop, she is supposedly doing debate prep. I hope Trump is doing a head fake, pretending he is not preparing, while actually preparing with Sith Lord Ailes.

Trooper York said...

If you want to be President you have to be able to do both.

She is in the freezer like Ted Williams head. They have to see if they can defrost her in time for the debate.

I'm Full of Soup said...

"Dukakis was a wonk (or a wank) but he wasn't a crook."

Ever notice how they never describe any Repub as a wonk [except maybe Paul Ryan] or an activist. Nah, Rebubs are always reactionary and divisive and their ideas are controversial.

Trooper York said...

I think the debate prep is bullshit because she blew off a fund raiser not a rally. I can understand not doing a big rally or what passes as a big rally for around 100 people. But blowing off a fund raiser with her rabid partisans who would cover up for her if she was off means there is something really wrong with her.

The Clinton's never miss a chance to get free money. Ever.

The Dude said...

That is one nutty, sick, old, fat, drugged up broad, but she is a criminal.

bagoh20 said...

They should ask what she would do if her daughter was raped like Juanita Broaddrick.


What she would do if she was a cop and a big guy like Michael Brown pushed her into her squad car, punched her, and tried to take her gun, then charged at her like a raging bull.

Just wondering what her intelligent, reasoned strategy would be.

Olson Johnson is right! said...

Does Trump have a history of pushing peoples buttons? I’ve never seen his reality shows or really watched how he works. Does he have any skills in making the other guy lose his cool?

edutcher said...

Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

She is slightly ahead right now in the polls, although Scott Adams thinks the election is already over (in a good way).

If it's over, it ended on 9/11. When she went down like that, the whole world saw it.

Trooper York said...

The Clinton's never miss a chance to get free money. Ever.

You nailed it right there.

ndspinelli said...

I would love to see her stroke out on stage. But, I think the odds on a meltdown during the debate are less than 10%. That said, what makes me think she may have MS instead of Parkinson's is that MS ebb and flows. There are extended periods of few symptoms and then a flare up w/ substantial problems. She seems to be going through a flare up right now. Parkinson's is a slowly progressive disease.

windbag said...

Do we have an iconic "Dukakis in a tank" or "Kerry in a bunny/clean suit" photo of Clinton?

That's funny. I was going to ask the same question. Dems lose the election because they are out of touch with normal people. Most of our friends--Dems, Repubs, Libertarians, Independents--are normal people. We differ on a few things, but most of our friends and neighbors are normal people.

The higher up you go in either party, the more out of touch they are with normal people, and thus, the more likely they are to embrace bizarre and stupid policies (partial-birth abortion or a third Bush Presidency). Hillary has hidden from the light for months now, and the few times she's poked her head out, the polls react against her. The debates will be devastating for her. The MSM will bait Trump, but he'll throw it back at them. She'll get the royal treatment and still come across as the vapid leech that normal people know she is.

For laughs, here's Dukakis in the tank.

And, Kerry in his blue suit.

Dems are particularly out of touch with normal people, which is why Dukakis and Kerry look so ridiculous. Another good example is watching Bush II versus the jug-eared Jesus throwing out the first pitch at a baseball game. W has a natural throw, while the One looks like my sister, only drunk.

This picture might sum up Hillary. Giddily drunk, unprofessional, reckless, and un-Presidential.

windbag said...

I would love to see her stroke out on stage.

This could cause it, and if it happened, I'd donate $1,000 to Trump's campaign: During the debate, Donald responds to Hillary with this comment, "In the words of former President Bill Clinton, 'Blow me, bitch.'"

The Dude said...

One thing for certain, we won't see a picture of her windsurfing.


edutcher said...

All Trump ahs to do is act reasonable, same as Reagan in '80.

Amartel said...

Do we have an iconic "Dukakis in a tank" or "Kerry in a bunny/clean suit" photo of Clinton?

Well, there are stills of her seizing at the convention, but, for my money, the one in the housecoat at Cher's is the one.

ndspinelli said...

I would love to see her stroke out on stage. But, I think the odds on a meltdown during the debate are less than 10%. That said, what makes me think she may have MS instead of Parkinson's is that MS ebb and flows. There are extended periods of few symptoms and then a flare up w/ substantial problems. She seems to be going through a flare up right now. Parkinson's is a slowly progressive disease.

No Parkinson's, CVST, according to Huma.

If she strokes out onstage, it'll probably be the Big Casino.

windbag said...

Trump should offer a trigger warning in his opening remarks. That would be snort worthy.

Trooper York said...

I don't think she will stroke out. But she might have that weird eye movement spasm thing that you have all seen in a video. Or she might faint from standing up too long. They are only releasing pre-recorded interviews this week.

I think in the end they will decide that they don't want to risk it and will take the hit for not showing up.