Friday, September 23, 2016

"Who Is Behind The Riots? Charlotte Police Says 70% Of Arrested Protesters Had Out Of State IDs"

Todd Walther, spokesman for the Charlotte-Mecklenburg Fraternal Order of Police told CNN's Erin Burnett:

"This is not Charlotte that's out here.  These are outside entities that are coming in and causing these problems. These are not protestors, these are criminals."


"We've got the instigators that are coming in from the outside.  They were coming in on buses from out of state.  If you go back and look at some of the arrests that were made last night.  I can about say probably 70% of those had out-of-state IDs.  They're not coming from Charlotte." (Read more)

Via Drudge:


Amartel said...

What a surprise. North Carolina is in play so all felons on deck.

Methadras said...

They were bussed in Soros disciples.

Amartel said...

Well, where ARE they from? I bet they're most of them from the same county somewhere. I bet they got paid and bussed in by some SJW (Soros Justice Warrior) corporation. (That is "nonprofit" and doesn't pay taxes.) Figure out what entity it is, even if you have to make a deal with a captured rioter, and then prosecute the company for importing their mayhem and destruction and death to Charlotte for political advantage. Stop playing catch and release and Pretend Justice and start treating this like what it is: War. When the prosecution is complete, then bring a civil suit for damages. Class action. Redistribute some Soros wealth.

Olson Johnson is right! said...

I have no idea who/ where Charlotte’s protestors came from.

In Ferguson outside people were coming in from all over. What I saw was 50/50 split betwee a)sincere (if stupid) people and b)those weird Guy Fawes wanna be anarchist types. I did not see any paid protestors at first, but there was a lot of support with churches letting people sleep in the basements and free meals for those involved in the ‘struggle’. It was only later on that the ‘rent-a-mob’ crowds showed up- and those were very easy to pick out since they all had purple union tshirts on.

The problem largely solved itself because the outside groups (like Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton) were in conflict and competition with the local groups for donations and publicity. Local groups won.

Amartel said...

The cops have their identification. They can figure out where the protesters come from. Search their free phones (incident to arrest). Figure out who's communicating their marching orders to them. Figure out where they're staying on their North Carolina vacation. Follow the money. Figure it out!

bagoh20 said...

Damned tourists! If Charlotte had done a better job of advertising the location of the museums and historical attractions and provided good public transit to get to them, this would have never happened.

ndspinelli said...

They're fucking Commies. They started in Ferguson and now ride the Grievance/Commies circuit. It would be a story but the MSM are fucking Commies as well. The Jr. Senator from Wisconsin is from the same area of the state as Joe McCarthy. But, he's pretty passive.

The Dude said...

Tailgunner Joe was correct.

edutcher said...

Many of us knew it all along.

ndspinelli said...

They're fucking Commies. They started in Ferguson and now ride the Grievance/Commies circuit

It's called Rent-A-Mob and it's been a Lefty tradition since the 30s.

The Dude said...

Democrats never change - today's phrase is outside entities, in the '60s it was outside agitators.

You can always count on them being stuck somewhere pre-1965. Way to stick to the program, FOP hack.

Olson Johnson is right! said...

But Charlotte IS a Democratic city !! Ferguson IS a Democratic city!!

Whatever you think about police actions, this is not happening in deep red/ deep republican/ deep rural Texas. This is urban, democratic, liberal, progressive, empowered minorities territory.

We are an orderly society, and if the dem voters of Charlotte wanted to replace/reform/change/vote out, the politicians who hire the police- then they could fix this in one election.

Why does no one understand that?