Thursday, September 29, 2016

Cascade Mall shooter and illegal voter?

Federal sources confirm to KING 5 that Cetin was not a U.S. citizen, meaning legally he cannot vote. However, state records show Cetin registered to vote in 2014 and participated in three election cycles, including the May presidential primary.

Cetin, who immigrated to the United States from Turkey as a child, is considered a permanent resident or green card holder. While a permanent resident can apply for U.S. citizenship after a certain period of time, sources tell KING his status had not changed from green card holder to U.S. citizen.

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Lem Vibe Banditory said...

This is a very serious matter.

Voting is where I draw the line.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

I'm seeing a news report about a train derailment in Hoboken NJ. One confirmed dead.

Methadras said...

Voting Lives Matter.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

More state election databases have been hacked than previously thought, law enforcement sources say:

edutcher said...

We knew this 4 years ago when the Columbus Post-Dispatch reported 20% of the names on OH voter rolls were bogus.

Moreover, as of '14, there were nearly 7 million multiple voters in 28 states.

This is why Pissy and Frumpty love all the aliens.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

this is why it's over. forget it.

Obama has been flooding the system with these types of "voters" - and who pray-tel do you think they are going to vote for?

I'm Full of Soup said...

Foreigners and illegals must laugh at Ameria - we are nothing but chumps.

I'm Full of Soup said...

Lem- why should we believe anything the FBI or HHS or the Obama admin tells us re hacking or anything else for that matter?

edutcher said...


And keep in mind, nothing is over, Colorado Boobird notwithstanding, since a lot of Democrats are coming over for Trump.

Or haven't we noticed even MN is tied up these days?

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

I submit Obama's win against Romney was mostly due to fraud.

edutcher said...

I was saying that the '12 election was stolen 4 years ago.

Nice to see everybody catching up.

PS Trump is even leading in CO.

The Dude said...

Let me check my calendar - yep, right on schedule...

Amartel said...

I wouldn't be at all surprised. The Will to Power and Money is strong on the left. The Will to Appease Power and Money is strong on the right.
Voting is a fundamental right but the only time you ever hear about threats to this fundamental right are the phony pretend threat of identification requirements (hysterically likened to a poll tax and/or "racism") or both sides' efforts to gerrymander voting districts. Most disputes over election results (with the big early and never repeated exception of Bush v. Gore) end up being won by the Democrat, even in the face of obvious shenanigans. The left has shown over and over and over again that it will cheat, lie, and steal to win. In 2004, the election for governor in Washington state was strongly contested and the Republican won by a few hundred votes. Several recounts were held and every time votes were recounted, King County (Seattle) kept coming up with thousands of new votes. For the Democrat, of course. This was found to be "troubling" but nonetheless the election passed muster and the Dem was anointed Governor. Somehow the establishment powers-that-be on both sides of the aisle never actually get around to DOING anything about voting irregularities, even simple stuff like wiping the dead off the voter rolls. BTW, mass illegal immigration is a massive voting fraud effort by the left. The only reason the Reps go along with it because big business donors like the cheap labor.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Amartel - Exactly right. If it's close, the Dems win the coin toss every time. New piles and forgotten boxes of votes appear - it's amazing. Only for the dem. wow.

If Trump is ahead by one point, don't get too excited. Trump needs to beat her handily in order to win. Hewitt said it years ago - "If it's not close, they can't cheat."

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Stop being so negative. This is great news.


Amartel said...

Congressional Republicans are petulantly failing to support Cruz's efforts to override Obama's move to hand over the internet to an international dictatorship. In a totally unrelated development, internet voting will be (one of) the next big things pushed by the left. Because shut-ins and People Too Fat to Leave the House are Democrats. It will be called Verified Voting. It will be neither. Also, of course, watch for censorship and taxation of the internet as control passes from the U.S. to faceless, unaccountable World Bureaucrats.

Thanks toothless crybaby GOP and Dembots.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

We are supposed to hate Ted Cruz. No matter what. So - stop thinking.

edutcher said...

Cruz made his bed a long time ago showboating to snow the gullibles that he was a Conservative.

This is what would be happening in the election.

Oh, and Ned Silver goes by all the network polls that show Frumpty won the debate.

But then he kept saying The Donald would never get the nomination.

And somehow, all that glee comes as no surprise.

Amartel said...

Still nursing old grievances, inaccurately casting aspersions, and petulantly pouting because ... politics is personal, man. Actually preventing real imminent disasters? WHATEVER.

edutcher said...

Hardly, but you have to understand what's happening. This is what his lousy record in the Senate gets him.

The One True Ted is even polling poorly in TX. People don't like him.

Hey, for once he's on the side of the angels, and The Donald gave him props for it, but you reap what you sow.

If anyone's pouting, it's the people who think he would have made a good nominee. Or that going over all the old ground of Ozark scandals will change anything. Surber is right on that; the people who are wound up on that (I can think of an exception) are already going to vote for Trump. Cruz would be beating the same old drum and going nowhere.

And, if you buy that nonsense of Ned Silver's that the race has swung 18 points in 2 days, you are going to want the Hillary upgrade of Ocare.

Amartel said...

So consumed with dishonestly justifying bizarre personal vendettas that the fact that a preventable disaster for the American people, one that cannot be undone, is about to occur simply does not register. Deaf ears, closed minds.

Amartel said...

This is an issue that actually matters to people. They don't know it yet, but they will.
The internet will no longer be free.
A smart candidate would get out in front of this right now.

Amartel said...

More importantly, this is an issue that matters to people that Trump needs, desperately, to win over.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

So consumed with dishonestly justifying bizarre personal vendettas that the fact that a preventable disaster for the American people, one that cannot be undone, is about to occur simply does not register. Deaf ears, closed minds.

Sing it.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Amartel - We were promised by Trump's fan boyz that Donny would destroy Hillary in the debates.mmmm Koolaid.

Duped. Fucking. Morons. and Suber - he's the biggest delusional asswipe of them all.

edutcher said...

He did destroy her.

Just look at all the polls. Even the Lefty polls showed him winning. But who cares about them?

Some people wanted him screaming at her about Vince Foster and Kathleen Willey. So did the Demos because that would have vindicated the image they tried to create of him.

But he kept his cool and people liked what they saw. Reagan did the same thing in '80.

Amartel said...

More importantly, this is an issue that matters to people that Trump needs, desperately, to win over.

I agree it's important, but it's not on people's radar.

Terror, the economy, immigration, and crime are what are on people's minds now.

Most of them, if they even understood it, wouldn't really get it anyway. As long as they can get on Facebook, it won't register with them.

This is why your boy lost.

edutcher said...

No, I said for weeks all Trump had to do was show up and act reasonable.

He did. He won.

And, if I'm not allowed to acknowledge your presence, keep your filthy mouth away from mine.

Lem, I think I'm within my rights asking this.

The Dude said...


That is all.